All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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lol, assholes. You scared me when I was reading about changes in eye color, although I'm not using bimatoprost.


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finfighter said:
smitysmity said:
Do you still have some of this?Been having problems trying to get this.

Dude WTF? Please don't be so naive, someone will send you baking soda!

'' A man that doubts nothing, knows nothing''.
lol, maybe he's actually talking about baking soda?? Help the poor guy out if he wants to bake buns or whatever :p


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big3nme said:
Almost done with week one of application. My eyes have gone from light blue to dark brown. Hair is growing everywhere, out of my ears, lips, and even on my tongue. I've decided to continue this experiment for science...even if it turns me into a werewolf.

jk. nothing to report yet. headed to bathroom to check my eyes though.

lol, almost had me going about the eye color thing.

I honestly doubt there will be any eye color changes if it is being applied to the scalp. I worry more about the scalp turning darker.


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Enden said:
lol, assholes. You scared me when I was reading about changes in eye color, although I'm not using bimatoprost.

lol, my ***. You're lucky man, this is real. I'm not even finfighting? Everyone, check your eyes immediately.


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What the hell. From 1 mg a day?? Lower the dose immediately!! It's permanent! On the bright side, you've just proven that it's bimatoprost, and that whatever vehicle you're using is effective. What's your vehicle?

Based on Rabid's experience, I recommend that you don't use anymore than 500 mcg a day!!

Edit: 50% PG and 50% ethanol.


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Rabid said:
Enden said:
lol, assholes. You scared me when I was reading about changes in eye color, although I'm not using bimatoprost.

lol, my ***. You're lucky man, this is real. I'm not even finfighting? Everyone, check your eyes immediately.

So to be clear:

Rabid, are you stating that your eyes are changing color from one week of bimatoprost?


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JohnNYC said:
Rabid isn't joking, or finfighting, as he put it :p This is serious guys and gals...
It's a known, but rare side effect of the drug, and it's permanent - probably more likely to occur if you overdose.


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finfighter said:
I know that it's a reported side effect when you put it in your eyeballs but it seems unlikely when applied to another part of the body, think about it, a lot of things might alter your eye color if you put them in your eyeball! But systematically, I'm not so sure, it could be psychosomatic.
Don't... We're experimenting with a drug which is known to change the eye color in some cases. He stated that his eye color is changing to brown, which is exactly what happens! We're experimenting with a very high dose, compared to the amount of latanoprost that they used on the monkeys in that study we've been talking about, and they experienced significant regrowth. It doesn't matter if you apply a drug on your scalp. You will get systemic side effects if you overdose - which means that it'll affect all parts of your body which is receptive to this drug!


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Everyone, been frantically calling major drug overdose centers. Only one way to stop this rapid, permanent change in eye color. Flush your eyes for five min. with water and baking soda, 99% pure, .1% concentration, immediately.


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Well, if he's, then he's a f*****g idiot. Excuse my language. Experimenting with a chemical is potentially hazardous, and we account for other peoples experience - so take your retarded "acting like you're serious" jokes elsewhere.


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No, I really did not think this through too well at all. Enden is quite right that at this dosage, the effects on the iris could occur in someone extremely susceptible to the drug's effects. Moreover, a whole bunch of other unforeseen side effects could occur as well. Thus, even though it was natural instinct to assume I was joking making such a wild claim out of the blue (no pun intended), the possibility is actually very real, and Enden acted accordingly. And he's not even taking this damn drug!

So if anything good can come out of this, it's that everyone remember we are dealing with powerful chemicals that have not been tested at all in humans at the doses we are using. And of course, don't do something so stupid as to prank us that you're suddenly stricken with some bizarre side effect. Only the person who created the thread is allowed to do this prank, and only once every seven months. :woot:


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Yeah, so if you actually do experience severe side effects no one will believe you :p



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I am certainly very aware of amd concerned side effects to topical application and from this, would not dismiss the possibility of such from topical application, as I experienced with both minoxidil and finesteride applied topically.

Given this, I am on guard for possible side effects due to topical bimatoprost, but its obviously too early to experience such.

A more important concern right now: are confident the stuff from OC is genuine?
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