All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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Nope. It contains 3 ml and 300 mcg/ml. People here are using 1 mg a day, which is more than one of those bottles.


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soo no one is selling any that isnt baking soda lol

maybe il wait til another group buy happens or wait for results.


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JohnNYC said:
A more important concern right now: are confident the stuff from OC is genuine?

Weren't you the one saying not to be so paranoid a few days ago? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Lol, I'm actually concerned that no one's getting sides. Someone's got to be noticing something by now. If not, we need to figure out why not. :woot:

I'll throw out everything I think I may be observing after two weeks, but keep in mind I'm on a lot of medications so it's impossible to be know for sure what's what. More importantly, this could all be placebo affect, and most likely is, so don't take anything here seriously. :) The only goal is to try and somehow figure out if we're doing this right.

Possible side effects- Ears warm and red, slightly faster heart rate, slight drooping of eyelides, slightly sunken eyes, very subtle pigmentation here and there on scalp, more eyebrow and stray facial hairs, longer lashes.

Again, I do believe I'm experiencing these, but placebo affect plus what I mentioned earlier make it much less likely to be a real side effect of this stuff.


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I think we have not been using it long enough to notice any side effects. I started only two weeks ago.

OTOH, I can say that my regrowth is continuing and I have noticed some darkening in the crown area, but its hard to seperate which product is most responsible.

Could be due to bimatoprost, but could also be a continuation of the effects from the other products in my regimen.


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Rabid said:
JohnNYC said:
A more important concern right now: are confident the stuff from OC is genuine?

Weren't you the one saying not to be so paranoid a few days ago?

Still having a concern is not being paranoid, especially since I am not yet going to make a big order myself. I plan on 200 additional mgs to complete the first round of my experiment.

I hope by then we will learn more for trials. I am also hoping that bimatoprost will be the kind of agent applied for a fixed duration to spur regrowth that is maintained by other agents, primarily and AI.


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NTW, regarding Iris side effects, I have medium blue eyes, very blue and it will be easy for me to notice darkening.

I would hate to have it happen, but I would trade blue eyes for a full head of hair.


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JohnNYC said:
NTW, regarding Iris side effects, I have medium blue eyes, very blue and it will be easy for me to notice darkening.

I would hate to have it happen, but I would trade blue eyes for a full head of hair.

I'm trying to decide about that myself. I have very striking green eyes, I think I'd probably prefer them to hair but it is hard to decide.


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powersam said:
JohnNYC said:
NTW, regarding Iris side effects, I have medium blue eyes, very blue and it will be easy for me to notice darkening.

I would hate to have it happen, but I would trade blue eyes for a full head of hair.

I'm trying to decide about that myself. I have very striking green eyes, I think I'd probably prefer them to hair but it is hard to decide.

It is a tough choice. My eyes are so blue I regularly get asked if I wear colored contacts. But for me, here is some good news: ... es&f=false

Latanoprost is worse than bimatoprost regarding iris color change and;

"Purely blue eyes are rarely affected... fully dark brown eyes show no visibly detectable change... it is hazel and green eyes that can become noticeably browner."


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dopey said:
Just don't put it in your eyes???

There still can be side effects from topicals and to think that anything applied topically is without sides effects is dangerous.


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dopey said:
Just don't put it in your eyes???
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Why does no one want to be brown-eyed? Does this finally prove blue eyes are superior?
JohnNYC said:
I think we have not been using it long enough to notice any side effects. I started only two weeks ago.

So you think 2 weeks still isn't long enough? Surely you've heard of sides showing up within the first few applications of a topical? True, chances greatly increase with time, but the fact that no one's got any complaints so far is very encouraging. OTOH, it sounds like about three people are using it... :whistle:

JohnNYC said:
I hope by then we will learn more for trials. I am also hoping that bimatoprost will be the kind of agent applied for a fixed duration to spur regrowth that is maintained by other agents, primarily and AI.

That's a pretty tall order. Is that just a hope or do you have reason to believe that is possible?


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Due to reports that eyelash growth, either intentional or as a side effect, remains even months afer session.

In theory, once regrowth is attained, all that is needed is a fully effective AI to retain the regrowth.


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Yeah it would be nice, but hypertrichosis is one side effect that never seems to be permanent, unfortunately. Unless your loss is from Telogen Effluvium or something unusual, any hair growth due to bim would be considered hypertrichotic, and would eventually die after treatment is stopped. Perhaps longer lashes stick around longer simply because body hair and eyelashes cycle slower than scalp hair, but in time all the excess hair would be gone.


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Its true.

Once you stop BIM you will lose your results. These prostaglandin analogues have much longer lasting effects on the hair follcle than minoxidil does, so the effects will stay around a little longer once someone continues. But dont expect AI's to maintain BIM induced regrowth.

I have been using since April 17th. 1mg per day. No sides I can tell as of yet.


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Rabid said:
Yeah it would be nice, but hypertrichosis is one side effect that never seems to be permanent, unfortunately. Unless your loss is from Telogen Effluvium or something unusual, any hair growth due to bim would be considered hypertrichotic, and would eventually die after treatment is stopped. Perhaps longer lashes stick around longer simply because body hair and eyelashes cycle slower than scalp hair, but in time all the excess hair would be gone.

I am not yet convinced of this regarding male pattern baldness, on the presumption of a continued use of an AI.


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Wish all you guys that are trying this out success, and I hope for all our sakes that this works!


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I think the brown eye side affect thing for me personally is no problem at all. Right now i have green eyes, but if they went brown, well.. if my hairloss stopped, brown for green eyes would be a fair trade. brown eyes are quite nice anyway lol?? :p


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teenhandmodel said:
smitysmity i have 200mg that i have decided not to use. I'm not sure if I want to risk sending it to you however. I have no idea of the consequences.

You should also know that the powder is kind of chunky and some of it is caked in the lid of the vial OC sent it in.

I'll take it. Sent you a PM.
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