All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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smitysmity said:
No wonder why RU and Bima are increasing in price. Everyone is buying them.
When more people are buying something which is easy to supply, the price should go down.


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Ted Stryker said:
As I have a bottle of DMI, I was thinking of adding it to my ethanol/pg vehicle. Yay or nay?

Nay. If you're already using PG, no real need for DMI, unless you want to increase risk of systemic absorption. Now If you're Ok with the absorption risks, might as well throw out the PG entirely and just use DMI as an experimental vehicle, but start off at a low dose to be safe.


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blaze said:
are you doubting the vehicle your currently using rabid?

or thinking along the lines of possible systemic absorption?

Yeah, it depends on why they used the ophthamlc vehicle, if it does in fact waste a lot of Bim on the skin? That would be nice to know. Maybe PG isn't a good choice for some reason pertaining to absorption or something else.


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Enden, has your hampster arrived yet? Can run tests on him with some of the Bim powder you salvaged from the accident? Just shaving a few circles in him and testing different carrier formulations out to see what gets the quickest growth.


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No, I'm holding back, besides, the hamster test will only work with anti-androgens - as far as I know.



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I would really like to purchase some BIMATOPROST. Who else is interested in another group purchase. 10 people purchasing 100mg each or so.

However, being a scientist, I do think that solution should be made up very similar if not exactly as the lumigan in order to expect the same or similar results. Different chemicals dissolve in different solutions and pH value can affect the effectiveness of a chemical. The ingredients of lumigan are:

ACTIVES: bimatoprost 0.3 mg/mL.
PRESERVATIVE: Benzalkonium chloride 0.05 mg/mL.
INACTIVES: Sodium chloride; sodium phosphate, dibasic; citric acid; and purified water.
The inactive is PBS (phosphate buffer saline). A solution used to maintain pH. Normal saline solution from the local pharmacy will serve the same purpose

All of the ingredients can be bought easily online ( well aside from bimat) and this recipie can be followed

Judging from that document, I gather that the solubility of bimat directly in PBS or saline is 300mcg/ml (0.03g/ml) the same concentration as Lumigan.
However to get a higher concentration you first have to dissolve it in Ethanol or DMSO at a concentration of 25mg/ml or 100mg/4ml and then dilute with PBS or saline to desired concentration and then add the preservative.. (I prefer DMSO to ethanol as I use it in the lab).

so basically you can get DMSO from ... 2eb46ffcb3
and then the preservative from ... 4QodIBsEqg
and saline from your local pharmacy.

If I can get my hands on 100mg of bimat. I would make up 1mg/ml (over 3 times the concetration of lumigan). to do this I will

1) Dissolve 100mg of bimat in 4ml of DMSO
2) 10ml of 50% Benzalkonium chloride
3) 2ml of PG to enhance penetration (this is not part of the original lumigan ingredient list)
3) Top up 84ml of saline or PBS
TOTAL VOLUME = 100ml at the conectration of 1mg/ml. TEST PH and make sure it ranges from 6.8 - 7.3
and there you have your very own lumigan. To be on the safe side, you can use half or quater of the everything to get the same concentration of 1mg/ml.

I hope I have not given everyone brain freeze lol. I hope this helps anyone thinking of formulating their own solution. I already have dmso, PBS buffer. PG and Benzalkonium chloride ready all I need now is some bimat.

So come on peeps let us get another group purchase

NB: I will be more than happy to sell (for a very small fee) a batch of each ingredients as well as instructions. Measuring devices like pippetes can be easily obtained from ebay


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Just realised a lil mistake on my calculations . There is the revised formula

) Dissolve 100mg of bimat in 4ml of DMSO
2) 1ml of 50% Benzalkonium chloride
3) 2ml of PG to enhance penetration (this is not part of the original lumigan ingredient list)
3) Top up 93ml of saline or PBS
TOTAL VOLUME = 100ml at the conectration of 1mg/ml. TEST PH and make sure it ranges from 6.8 - 7.3


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Interesting, but I suggest you find another person who's serious about bimatoprost, and that you order custom synthesis at OC (1 gram), and split the order. 500 mg would probably cost you around $800. 100 mg will cost you $400 - $500...


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Summerlily said:
I would really like to purchase some BIMATOPROST. Who else is interested in another group purchase. 10 people purchasing 100mg each or so.

I am interested. I would purchase 100 mg for 100 days.

Ted Stryker

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Thanks Rabid. I only have a 0.52 oz bottle of DMI so I'll stick to a vehicle of ethanol and PG. What percentage of each have you and others been using?

Rabid said:
Ted Stryker said:
As I have a bottle of DMI, I was thinking of adding it to my ethanol/pg vehicle. Yay or nay?

Nay. If you're already using PG, no real need for DMI, unless you want to increase risk of systemic absorption. Now If you're Ok with the absorption risks, might as well throw out the PG entirely and just use DMI as an experimental vehicle, but start off at a low dose to be safe.


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Summerlily said:
However, being a scientist, I do think that solution should be made up very similar if not exactly as the lumigan in order to expect the same or similar results. Different chemicals dissolve in different solutions and pH value can affect the effectiveness of a chemical. The ingredients of lumigan are:

ACTIVES: bimatoprost 0.3 mg/mL.
PRESERVATIVE: Benzalkonium chloride 0.05 mg/mL.
INACTIVES: Sodium chloride; sodium phosphate, dibasic; citric acid; and purified water.
The inactive is PBS (phosphate buffer saline). A solution used to maintain pH. Normal saline solution from the local pharmacy will serve the same purpose

All of the ingredients can be bought easily online ( well aside from bimat) and this recipie can be followed

Judging from that document, I gather that the solubility of bimat directly in PBS or saline is 300mcg/ml (0.03g/ml) the same concentration as Lumigan.
However to get a higher concentration you first have to dissolve it in Ethanol or DMSO at a concentration of 25mg/ml or 100mg/4ml and then dilute with PBS or saline to desired concentration and then add the preservative.. (I prefer DMSO to ethanol as I use it in the lab).

so basically you can get DMSO from ... 2eb46ffcb3
and then the preservative from ... 4QodIBsEqg
and saline from your local pharmacy.

If I can get my hands on 100mg of bimat. I would make up 1mg/ml (over 3 times the concetration of lumigan). to do this I will

1) Dissolve 100mg of bimat in 4ml of DMSO
2) 10ml of 50% Benzalkonium chloride
3) 2ml of PG to enhance penetration (this is not part of the original lumigan ingredient list)
3) Top up 84ml of saline or PBS
TOTAL VOLUME = 100ml at the conectration of 1mg/ml. TEST PH and make sure it ranges from 6.8 - 7.3
and there you have your very own lumigan. To be on the safe side, you can use half or quater of the everything to get the same concentration of 1mg/ml.

I hope I have not given everyone brain freeze lol. I hope this helps anyone thinking of formulating their own solution. I already have dmso, PBS buffer. PG and Benzalkonium chloride ready all I need now is some bimat.

So come on peeps let us get another group purchase

NB: I will be more than happy to sell (for a very small fee) a batch of each ingredients as well as instructions. Measuring devices like pippetes can be easily obtained from ebay

You've hit on the key issue at the moment. Essentially, you're recommending using the original lumagin vehicle (but more concentrated) plus PG? That makes sense. The monkey study could have simply ommitted that PG was added to the solution as a way to enable scalp penetration. I'm going to try this, as in the worst case, it probably couldn't hurt.

To fill you in, most of us have been using a simple solution of bim dissolved in ethanol/PG. Are you familiar with other hair loss topicals like spironalactone, RU58841, minoxidil, etc.? These all are commonly used in a simple ethanol/PG vehicle. What is it about Bim that requires the more specialized solution, or are you sticking with the ingredients to remain consistent with the most common formulation or the cayman chemical data sheet guidelines?


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Ted Stryker said:
Thanks Rabid. I only have a 0.52 oz bottle of DMI so I'll stick to a vehicle of ethanol and PG. What percentage of each have you and others been using?

I've been using 50/50.


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Enden said:
No, I'm holding back, besides, the hamster test will only work with anti-androgens - as far as I know.


Looks like he's already got minoxidil bloat!


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smitysmity said:
Can it be mixed with Minoxidil? If so, can it as well be mixed with RU/CB?

My understanding was Bimatoprost won't work with Minoxidil due to them targeting the same thing.

By far, the most widely used of RU/CB/Bim is RU. A lot of people mix this into their minoxidil. Until the CB purchase goes down, there is very little CB use on these boards. We're the first Bim users. I agree with everyone before me, that mixing this with minoxidil would make it impossible to tell what the results are from, so I also would recommend against doing this.
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