All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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Ted Stryker

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I was also considering a cream mixture. I used to use Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream. That worked really well for me. I rubbed it into my scalp and it dissolved without a mess of any kind.


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KeepTheHair said:
What about this

Or something like it? How much would be needed, how often?

Anyone know where I can buy this stuff?

Ontario Chemicals. The more we buy, the cheaper the price will be for us. They are currently out of stock. Try in a week.

The kind you are looking at right now is 0.03% and for the eyes. It's been proven you need at least 0.05% for the hair. 0.03% likely won't do anything.


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Rabid said:
Nah, not crazy, just dopey! :mrgreen:

I'd like to cut down on PG. Bim is lipophilic, but it's also large. Perhaps emu or polysorbate could indeed get it done, with no irritation. :punk: Go for it Dopey. Report back. I think I'll try it.

Ha! I still need to get my supply...


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Ted Stryker said:
I was also considering a cream mixture. I used to use Dr. Lee's 5% spironolactone cream. That worked really well for me. I rubbed it into my scalp and it dissolved without a mess of any kind.

Best ones now seem to be

1). spironolactone 5% (HairLossTalk sells this)
2). Keto 2%
3). Miconzole Nitrate 4%

I tried spironolactone for the first time this week. Such a basic and simple good smelling product. No complaints. Not sure if it works though but I plan to use it a couple times a week so I am at absorbing the substance if it does help.

Keto cream I ordered as well. Only problem is that it doesn't arrive for 2 more weeks. Plan to use that with spironolactone a couple times a week.

Miconzole is a recommended topical solution for up to 1 to 3 times a week. Don't go over that amount.


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Hi guys,

I've read the majority of this thread but missed the last bit. Could someone please clarify the current situation by answering a few questions? If so, that would be much appreciated. :)

1) How long would 100mg last?

2) How much does 100mg cost from OC (shipped to the UK) and can you buy 100mg at a time or is there a larger minimum order?

3) What is a simple vehicle that works... could it be mixed with Minoxidil Foam some how?

4) I know it's early days but is it likely to be effective on the hairline?




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Anyone else noticed the before and afters in that video are __exactly the same__ and they deliberately fly past them in the video or pan straight to the after.

Not that I'm saying it doesn't work, I guess that that guy probably isn't an ideal candidate cos he's so bald, in the same way minoxidil works best on thinners who still have most of their hair.


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I don't think that guy had been on it for long, seemed like only a month or two? Plus, like you said, he's not an ideal candidate. I don't think there's any intentional deception in the video, it's a news clip, not an ad.


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dopey said:
Anyone having any results yet? I know it's only 4-6 weeks for some.

Dopey, you're too much man! Or course it works, been working since third week! What are you still pissing around for?

Just snag a bottle or two off Snow White and get started!


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Rabid said:
dopey said:
Anyone having any results yet? I know it's only 4-6 weeks for some.

Dopey, you're too much man! Or course it works, been working since third week! What are you still pissing around for?

Just snag a bottle or two off Snow White and get started!

I've been hanging out with Sleepy and Grumpy. It's tough to get those guys moving! :stupid:


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Damn obv Im a little too late... OC answered me and told me they are not shipping to private persons. Any idea where I caould get that stuff anywhere else?? BTW anyone ordered from europe yet???

Mens Rea

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Anyone heard this?

Radio interview with an Alan Bauman, M.D. speaking about this stuff.

I haven't listened to it yet but apparently he says that all evidence tells us it is not much more use than minoxidil.



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Even if it's not more effective, it appears as a safer drug than minoxidil - when it comes to side effects. I think I read that minoxidil has been tested on eye lashes as well, but it wasn't nearly as effective as bimatoprost.


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The Doctor compared the effect of bimatoprost to regular strength minoxidil (2%).


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Enden said:
The Doctor compared the effect of bimatoprost to regular strength minoxidil (2%).

But do we think it acts via a different mechanism? If so then the combination bim+min will be "twice" as good, no?

I suspect we wont know for sure but my experiment should help determine that. I have been using minoxidil for around 17 months now and after Id say 8-10 months I stopped seeing any change because of the minoxidil. I'm on week 5 of Bim, took pictures last night to compare, trying to find the one's most similar to baseline to upload here.. will have them up some point today.


Here is my new thread with progress pictures on BIM+RU



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fellows....what about results.....this this already the 7 weeks since you started to use the BIM......anyone experinced initial shed??????????


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moshe123 said:
fellows....what about results.....this this already the 7 weeks since you started to use the BIM......anyone experinced initial shed??????????

I have no experienced any initial shedding and i've been on Bim for 5 weeks.
Here is my results thread if you missed it: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=65902
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