All we need to know about Bimatoprost for regrowth

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I tend to disagree with the notion that Allergan would not want to compete against Minoxidil. This is a billion dollar market, and if they have a better product, they have a tremendous incentive.

However, I do see an issue in that their first product will probably be at a concentration that will not be particularly effective for aggressive male pattern baldness, just as Minoxidil was first released in only a 2% concentration. Of course this would not prevent some from boosting the concentration via evaporation, like many did with 2% Minoxidil.

Certainly Bimatoprost's side effects profile seems less than Minoxidil. Only time will tell if it is more effective. Even if only equally effective, I would prefer it over Minoxidil.

I just want something to come to the open market ASAP...


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Ted Stryker said:
Last year I bought 4 bottles of generic bimatoprost for myself and 2 more for my gf from India. I personally didn't notice anything positive while using it. I'm reasonably sure the liquid didn't absorb into my scalp at all as it was akin to using water. On the other hand my gf's lashes grew quite a bit.

How long did you use it for? and did you just concentrate on one area or try to make it spread all over?

Ted Stryker

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My hairloss is rather diffuse so I applied the generic Latisse to the top & vertex of my head. The bottles are pretty small so I probably finished the 4 bottles in a month or two.

[/quote]How long did you use it for? and did you just concentrate on one area or try to make it spread all over?[/quote]


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ozadam said:
If I could buy some powder I would, where could I get it and how much?

I think its worth having a go with the eyedrops, hair is hair some girls are saying there lashes are growing after only two weeks so spending a few hundred and trying this for a month is worth a shot, it may thicken existing small hairs on my temples.

Hair is hair
I have had some women tell me before that they use some of there partners minoxidil on there eyebrows to thicken them up. If you spill minoxidil on your back constantly it will grow more hair there.

Bimatoprost Pure
200mg = $650

This does not factor in the solution and 200mg lasts you anywhere between 40 to 200 days depending on how you use it. If you require 2ML a day, it's going to cost you a couple grand a year.

You could try use latisse alone at the 0.03% but I have doubts that latisse will ever be stronger than 5% to 15% Minoxidil in terms of effectiveness. Combining the two minoxidil + Bimatoprost could interact with each other in a negative way but it's extremely doubtful but instead you can double up on it. Mixing minoxidil + Latisse though together won't work because of the inactive ingredients in Latisse. I suppose if I was in your position, I'd apply Minoxidil first, wait 3 or 4 hours, and then apply Latisse. However, I would never want to be in a position where I am using 0.03% for my hair personally. Also, you MUST have an anti androgen if you want to keep your hair.

Example of an anti androgen is propecia, avodart, ru58841, cb0301, asj, spironolactone, etc.


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finfighter said:
Hey guys, who all is involved in this experiment? How many of you are actually using Bimatoprost?

I need everyone who is using to Identify themselves because Rabid wants to have the Bimatoprost tested by a chemist, and everyone will need to chip in a few dollars, in the future for the testing.

I also have some information on vehicles that you may be interested in

I am using 0.05% to 0.09% Bimatoprost with Rogaine Vehicle right now. I am easing in though right now so it will be 4 to 12 weeks before I see any major changes.


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finfighter said:
smitysmity said:
Allergen is never going to launch a competitive product to Minoxidil.

Dude what are you talking about, allergan has submitted Bimatoprost to the FDA for approval as a treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia, through clinical trials, this process can cost hundreds of millions, and you think they don't plan on launching it????? :dunno:

It's currently in phase I clinical trials for alopecia!

Really? I didn't know that.

I know the FDA is expensive however I thought the only current trial FDA product was CB0301?


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JohnNYC said:
I tend to disagree with the notion that Allergan would not want to compete against Minoxidil. This is a billion dollar market, and if they have a better product, they have a tremendous incentive.

However, I do see an issue in that their first product will probably be at a concentration that will not be particularly effective for aggressive male pattern baldness, just as Minoxidil was first released in only a 2% concentration. Of course this would not prevent some from boosting the concentration via evaporation, like many did with 2% Minoxidil.

Certainly Bimatoprost's side effects profile seems less than Minoxidil. Only time will tell if it is more effective. Even if only equally effective, I would prefer it over Minoxidil.

I just want something to come to the open market ASAP...

Minoxidil can also be used on the eyes but yes Bimatoprost does seem like the more effective product but we won't know for sure for a few years.


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timallen45 said:
Smith im sure Bimat does something positive and may not have to be as effective as minoxidil to be a billion dollar product. There is a sig amount of people who can't take minoxidil (like me) who would buy it even if it just slowed things down.

Never said it didn't. It's a good addition of the many you need to keep your hair. All in all, you need a good shampoo, good spray, good anti androgen, good growth stimulant, good diet/supplement(s) to balance your hair to fight alopecia.


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finfighter said:
smitysmity said:
I am using 0.05% to 0.09% Bimatoprost with Rogaine Vehicle right now. I am easing in though right now so it will be 4 to 12 weeks before I see any major changes.

You need to see the Bimatoprost thread, in the new forum!



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I'm currently using 1mg of BIM per day. Part of the first group order that was sent out.

Would love to have some of this batch tested and im happy to contribute $$ to testing.

My thoughts on the effectivness compared to minoxidil - i think one of the main things is that it is dose dependant and it will take some experimentation to find out the optimal dose. However where it could get interesting is if the systematic side effects are overall very low - we can use a higher dose safely which may be the deciding factor in its overall effectiveness - even if its 'pound for pound' effectiveness is similar to minoxidil (Of course im hoping its much better)

So far i haven't had one side effect from the BIM. Assuming its real BIM - this differs from minoxidil when the few times i have used it - i have gotten a bitter taste in my mouth, as well as getting light headed, headaches etc.


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I have some Bimatoprost that I would love to have tested. As i have said before, I don't care so much about the money but time lost on a bogus product.

Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days. In the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing a major shed. I don't know if its good or bad. Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days.

Keep in when I began Bimatoprost, I was also tapering off minoxidil due to side effects. I had gotten great results in 9 months with topical Dutasteride plus keto plus minoxidil, but needed to stop the minoxidil.

I hope the shed is just temporary as I would me major league depressed if the shed is permanent, since I cannot go back to minoxidil.


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JohnNYC said:
I have some Bimatoprost that I would love to have tested. As i have said before, I don't care so much about the money but time lost on a bogus product.

Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days. In the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing a major shed. I don't know if its good or bad. Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days.

Keep in when I began Bimatoprost, I was also tapering off minoxidil due to side effects. I had gotten great results in 9 months with topical Dutasteride plus keto plus minoxidil, but needed to stop the minoxidil.

I hope the shed is just temporary as I would me major league depressed if the shed is permanent, since I cannot go back to minoxidil.

I'm assuming by your time-frame that this is not from the OC group buy. You should still have the option of testing it. But it's proving difficult even to get the stuff tested from the OC group buy.

We really need to find or help establish some sort of testing service where anyone could send in an individual test sample hassle-free, for a reasonable fee.

90 days out seems like a long time though for it to be purely a minoxidil stoppage shed.


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My Bimatoprost is from OC. I started it in the beginning of April.

Regarding the shed, it could be due to several factors:

Dutasteride-Azole regimen is coming upon a year...

The minoxidil taper and cession...

Shed due to Bimatoprost...

I just hope its not permanent as, like I said, going back to minoxidil is not an option. :sobbing:


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How can you say you have been on BIM for 90 days if you claim you started at the beginning of April? At most that is 50 odds days. Where are the other 40 days coming from? We are only in May.

It can take 3-4 months for minoxidil grown hair to shed once you stop using minoxidil. So it could be a minoxidil shed. If the BIM is real it should grow it back IMO.

** Also finfighter, I will also be willing to chip in for BIM testing.


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smitysmity said:
blaze said:
where you getting your BIm from smitty?

some other poster said OC werent selling it anymore or something of nature.

OC but I'm not sure if they are taking new orders.

smitty, if you can remember when the first group bought BIM we noticed that the powder was somewhat "cakey" or "clumpy" and some thought it may be a bit damp. The powder kind of stuck to the bottle a bit and in order to get all the powder out you needed to rinse the bottle out with ethanol to dissolve it.

What did your powder look like?


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blaze said:
smitysmity said:
blaze said:
where you getting your BIm from smitty?

some other poster said OC werent selling it anymore or something of nature.

OC but I'm not sure if they are taking new orders.

smitty, if you can remember when the first group bought BIM we noticed that the powder was somewhat "cakey" or "clumpy" and some thought it may be a bit damp. The powder kind of stuck to the bottle a bit and in order to get all the powder out you needed to rinse the bottle out with ethanol to dissolve it.

What did your powder look like?

That's exactly what mine was like. It took me a while to get it out of the bottle. Finally when it did come out, only a chunk came out which ended up being 0.07mg so that was the amount I used for the solution.


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My order was the same and I added alcohol to the vial to assure I got all the Bimatoprost.


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JohnNYC said:
Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days. In the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing a major shed. I don't know if its good or bad. Been on Bimatoprost for 90 days.
JohnNYC said:
I started it in the beginning of April.
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