I'd say she's a solid 7, but yeah, she passes the 'would f***' line and that's what's important. Honestly, people need to wise up and realise that attraction isn't a linear phenomenon, at least not below a certain rating, it's binary. For the vast majority of people, this girl will make the grade looks-wise. Those 5's on the other hand are borderline. Charm and make-up might push them above it, but it's going to be a struggle for them. When you're a 4 or below, good personality, crisp dress sense, it all does nothing. The value of going from a 4 to a 5 is scant, from a 3 to a 4 non-existent. It's a cruel asymmetry that the different between a 6 and an 8 is, in terms of the effect it'll have on your dating life, 100x greater than the one between a 1 and a 3. It's like a strange, inverted parody of diminishing returns.Standards vary from region and country but no way she would be a 6, she's the ideal average which leads to a perfect easy life and on online dating she would very popular, easily an 8. The rating is skewed either way, average would be 5 but that's considered a troll like and bellow that are fat, ugly, pig/witch/man face, etc.
On a related note, found this today - swap the fat dude for a bald guy and you've got it about right