Darolutamide (odm-201), A Better Topical Than Enzalutamide?


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Anyone else loathes getting their hair cut? Sometimes when growing the hair out your combover can cope you into thinking that you're situation is improving or at least maintaining, but when the hair gets cut again the nasty truth is always revealed...

Today I was under no illusion about my situation but still blew to have reality on full display :mad:


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Anyone else loathes getting their hair cut? Sometimes when growing the hair out your combover can cope you into thinking that you're situation is improving or at least maintaining, but when the hair gets cut again the nasty truth is always revealed...

Today I was under no illusion about my situation but still blew to have reality on full display :mad:

Lol I avoid it as much as I can but when it used to get so damn thin sometimes cutting it made it look less horrendous. It's when the hair gets so thin that it just hangs like straw. Thankfully it's not as bad nowadays so I just keep it at around 22-26 mm.


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Lol I avoid it as much as I can but when it used to get so damn thin sometimes cutting it made it look less horrendous. It's when the hair gets so thin that it just hangs like straw. Thankfully it's not as bad nowadays so I just keep it at around 22-26 mm.

Straw hair crew checking in.

It's true the hair quality is better hidden at shorter lengths.. but that god awful hairline gets EXPOSED.

No matter what you lose. Such is the life of a Norwooder.

But yeah, judging from your pics you seem to be all good brah.


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Straw hair crew checking in.

It's true the hair quality is better hidden at shorter lengths.. but that god awful hairline gets EXPOSED.

No matter what you lose. Such is the life of a Norwooder.

But yeah, judging from your pics you seem to be all good brah.

Pics are outdated, it's somewhat worse at the moment. BTW I have side thinning too, in my case it's from hypothyroidism. Have you checked your thyroid gland? If your TSH is higher than 2 I have bad news.


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Pics are outdated, it's somewhat worse at the moment. BTW I have side thinning too, in my case it's from hypothyroidism. Have you checked your thyroid gland? If your TSH is higher than 2 I have bad news.

No, I have never had any tests done. Don't know that I could ever convince a doctor to do it in this tax-payer funded health care country.

So hypothyroidism can cause thinning of side hair? I don't really think I have other of the symptoms from it (judging from my 1 min glance at the wiki page ha)


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It can cause a whole lot of sh*t but yeah when my thyroid took a nose dive my sides went from bear hair to something that only looks a little bit better than what you have.

The tests are fairly cheap, I can get all of them for about 30-40 USD or something like that, you could just get them on your own.


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Just checked, i started 5 dec, so 2,5 months ago.

Month 1: shedding or hairloss increased
Month 2: shedding increased even more
Month 2,5: Losing so many hairs and my hair looks like sh*t. I can see bald spots and can't style my hair. There are around 75 hairs in the sink after i leave the shower and dry my hair above the sink. Before starting treatment it was about 10.

I feel like sh*t since i am non responding to about everything. I feel like its speeding up my hairloss with no sign it will help. It may be Telogen Effluvium? I don;t know. Hope you guys are in more luck.

Will update month 3 mark.


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Hey guys, just a thought... have we have this stuff tested for legitimacy? I know that ideal and @peewee have had some success, but have we ever had confirmation that it’s actual daro? I hate to be the one to sounds like a sceptic, but I just wondered...


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Hey guys, just a thought... have we have this stuff tested for legitimacy? I know that ideal and @peewee have had some success, but have we ever had confirmation that it’s actual daro? I hate to be the one to sounds like a sceptic, but I just wondered...
I think Ideal got it tested at some point, but cannot fully remember. Maybe someone can confirm this?


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I tested it.

The results state It appears structurally related to Darolutamide, but with a molar mass of 466-467. This seems closer to Enzalutamide, however I don't remember itch reduction when I did it.

Will do further testing.

Still, get it tested to help confirm this.
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I tested it.

The results state It appears structurally related to Darolutamide, but with a molar mass of 466-467. This seems closer to Enzalutamide, however I don't remember itch reduction when I did it.

Will do further testing.

Still, get it tested to help confirm this.
Thanks mate


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Also my 3rd day trying 2mg/ml, 4-5th week altogether using daro. Shedding was down to 50s for 3 days, now back into the 70-80 range.
Much disappointed.
Many devastated.


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Something I’ve noticed.
I shed a lot all the time. Even my “low” sheds are 60-90. Anything below that is miraculous. Anyhoo, a few of you might be aware that I have a weird synchronised hair growth “side effect” if you will taking minoxidil oral and topical. During this process, I’ll grow a lot of thick, terminal hairs around the hairline and some density on the back and sides for about three months, then my hair stops growing, kind of like the minoxidil effect switches off and those regrown hairs will fall out and miniturise over a period of numerous months.. anywhere between 7-12 months so far, then the regrowth cycle reoccurs for 3 months, and so on and so forth.

This is the part I wish to note. My hairline has been in the recession process since November 2017. I began avodart once a week, building up the dose each week until I began taking it every day in early-ish December. I’ve now also been using daro for 4-5 weeks increasing the dose each week to now using 2mg/ml. So, because my hairline has been receding and should be miniturising, any new hairs that I’m regrowing around my hairline should be vellus, and they have been because the longer ones that have been growing for 3 odd months are almost colourless.. or long, thin and blond.
You know the drill.
Today I noticed that the tiny small hairs regrowing from those recently lost around my hairline are actually brown. Not quite like thick terminal hair, but definitely no colourless vellus hairs. Somewhere in between. I’m not getting my hopes up at this point because my rule is “terminal or no ball”, but this is new and different. For whatever reason too, even though I’ve lost quite a lot of eyebrow and eyelash hair recently.. they are probably the best they have looked since my hairloss started. Actually they look great. I’ve only been apply daro to my eyebrows for a few days so it can’t be the daro there.

It may be the combo of avodart + daro/niacinamide/carnitine/minoxidil + oral minoxidil + stemoxydine (and a bunch of vitamins) that is causing this minor change. As I say, I hold little hope, because it protects me from having my heart broken once again. I’m still shedding and my hair overall is still getting thinner, but it’s something to note. Also, a have a lot of short hairs regrowing on my centre part. I’m not sure how good the quality of those hairs are, but they are there. Annoyingly, my part/tonsure is still getting wider/thinner too. Sometimes I feel like my hair feels thicker at the roots, but again, I don’t want to say anything for sure until I can see my part getting denser, and my hairline growing normally again.

Gonna keep an eye on it.


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Hey guys, just a thought... have we have this stuff tested for legitimacy? I know that ideal and @peewee have had some success, but have we ever had confirmation that it’s actual daro? I hate to be the one to sounds like a sceptic, but I just wondered...

Yeah only Ideal had it tested. From what I can tell, however, everyone has reported similar side effects, powder consistency and dissolving times for the powder as Ideal did.

In a perfect world we'd all get it tested but not feasible really. Rolling that dice for hair gainz (It's not looking promising in that department though).


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Yeah only Ideal had it tested. From what I can tell, however, everyone has reported similar side effects, powder consistency and dissolving times for the powder as Ideal did.

In a perfect world we'd all get it tested but not feasible really. Rolling that dice for hair gainz (It's not looking promising in that department though).
In a perfect world we’d all have hair and all the instagram model wannabes getting their tits, *** and abs out 25/7 would be bald af :)