Darolutamide (odm-201), A Better Topical Than Enzalutamide?


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I'd stop taking because of the half life of several days.

When people did Enza, some of them did this for a few days a week because of that.
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I'd stop taking because of the half life of several days.

When people did Enza, some of them did this for a few days a week because of that.
Lol I don’t even care anymore. I have 3 full bottles of spironolactone and a f*****g crate of benzos, opioids, antipsychotics and antidepressants that I’ve been saving for the day I crack. That day I’m sensing is around the corner.


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You got to be kidding me. Enza, really?
@Georgie my batch from LUO looks like that. I will contact him and asks what he has to say.

Besides that we should test one of our batches from LUO. @whatevr case is different, what are the chances we both get scammed by to different persons with stuff that looks the the same.

I am willing to contribute 50USD to get it it tested. I used Janoshik before with the Kane seti. Don't have time though to get it done.

Who is willing to contribute to get LUO batch tested?


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Lol I don’t even care anymore. I have 3 full bottles of spironolactone and a f*****g crate of benzos, opioids, antipsychotics and antidepressants that I’ve been saving for the day I crack. That day I’m sensing is around the corner.
I am out of options myself after this..


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What’s your batch number? Maybe if some of ours are the same we can take out some more of the ambiguity and call total bullshit. I’ll attach a photo of the info on my packet.

Earlier batch number here:

It came out as very hard tiny white crystals. Dissolved in K&B without needing heat, but it definitely took a while (few hours).

If we were scammed and this stuff is Enza, it's surprising because I'm NOT getting the anxiety side effect from this, but DID get it very strongly from Dutasteride.

Wikipedia says Enza's half-life is 5.8 days (range 2.8–10.2 days), so in theory we should get the same hair effect when taking it every few days. Anyone with the itch able to give that a try?


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Earlier batch number here:
View attachment 80218

It came out as very hard tiny white crystals. Dissolved in K&B without needing heat, but it definitely took a while (few hours).

If we were scammed and this stuff is Enza, it's surprising because I'm NOT getting the anxiety side effect from this, but DID get it very strongly from Dutasteride.

Wikipedia says Enza's half-life is 5.8 days (range 2.8–10.2 days), so in theory we should get the same hair effect when taking it every few days. Anyone with the itch able to give that a try?
Interesting. Any other sides that you are aware of? Mine is like like white rocks/chunks with some powder. Takes at least overnight to dissolves in minoxidil.

I’m starting to get headaches.


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Actually, after looking at Wikipedia some more:

I do take low dose benzos regularly, for anxiety. Even still, you'd think there would be SOME increase in anxiety from Enza. Maybe the dose is too low? I started at 1mg topically every day and noticed exactly no increase in anxiety.
Using 2mg/ml. Could all be in my head but basically I wake up wanting to kill myself.


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Interesting. Any other sides that you are aware of? Mine is like like white rocks/chunks with some powder. Takes at least overnight to dissolves in minoxidil.

I’m starting to get headaches.

Yeah, white rocks/chunks sounds like what I got too.

I switched from RU 7.5% so can only compare against that, but the only things I noticed were:
- Faster vellus growth at the hairline
- Less dryness in the lips/hands
- Possible pressure in nipple area, but could be placebo. I'm also on finasteride.

No headaches, eye dryness, or any change in the the GABA related stuff like anxiety or insomnia.
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Yeah, white rocks/chunks sounds like what I got too.

I switched from RU 7.5% so can only compare against that, but the only things I noticed were:
- Faster vellus growth at the hairline
- Less dryness in the lips/hands
- Possible pressure in nipple area, but could be placebo. I'm also on finasteride.

No headaches, eye dryness, or any change in the the GABA related stuff like anxiety or insomnia.
I think I have noticed faster growth of vellus hairs for me too, which is useless.
Checked the hairs growing out my centre and side parts and all the new hair from literally days ago to a few months are vellus or not quite terminal, so sh*t isn’t working, I know that much.

Are you still using “daro”?


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Are you still using “daro”?

Yeah, 0.1% (1mg) every 36 hours (day and a half). I'm pretty clearly getting RU-like results but been hesitant to talk about it because of all the cynicism here.

Now if we find out this sh*t isn't Daro or maybe even isn't Enza, I'm gonna get cynical too. What exactly is this mystery Chinese hair growth drug actually doing to our bodies??
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Yeah, 0.01% (1mg) every 36 hours (day and a half). I'm pretty clearly getting results but been hesitant to talk about it because of all the cynicism here.

Now if we find out this sh*t isn't Daro or maybe even isn't Enza, I'm gonna get cynical too. What exactly is this mystery Chinese hair growth drug actually doing to our bodies??
What else are you using, and what have your results thus far been?

That’s the burning question isn’t it? What the actual f*** are we rubbing onto our scalps?


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What else are you using, and what have your results thus far been?

Exact regimen is this:
- 1mg finasteride 1x/day
- minoxidil foam 2x/day (unknown dose, I just kind of get the scalp wet)
- microneedling 1.5mm 1x/week with Derminator
- "darolutamide" 0.1% 1ml (1mg) in K&B solution every day and a half
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To pin this on ideal is not fair. He doesn't owe us answers or anything. I'm grateful he came here And shared his story, I had no other options but go bald and I'm doing good now. I would like him to be here and we talk but if you grew your hair and felt great, would you hang here? He even told us not to use it on multiple occasions.
I believe Luo is not a scammer and I will contact him and see what he say.


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To pin this on ideal is not fair. He doesn't owe us answers or anything. I'm grateful he came here And shared his story, I had no other options but go bald and I'm doing good now. I would like him to be here and we talk but if you grew your hair and felt great, would you hang here? He even told us not to use it on multiple occasions.
I believe Luo is not a scammer and I will contact him and see what he say.

I agree, there is really no reason to go at ideal. Since he still logs on it would be nice of him to reply though.

I also second that Luo dosen't come off as a scammer at all. That being said, the best scammers don't seem like scammers eh. We don't have much knowledge to go by.

Looking at the enza thread it appears no one reported eye related side effects? Pretty much everyone here have gotten them no?


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I realize more and more I can't really handle anti-androgens whatsoever, probably because I don't have enough of them as is (yet I'm still balding).

I was doing so damn good this week just improving my health with various things, felt so focused, assertive, was much more positive and energetic, really felt that androgenic edge mentally, did so great socially and at work, even almost started pursuing a girl.

Today I used RU 75 mg and I felt like a cucked beta b**ch all day. Brain fogged, couldn't concentrate for sh*t, ZERO libido, didn't really have any drive or interest for anything or anyone and only felt like speaking when explicitly necessary and was otherwise really introverted.

f*****g estrogen kills my libido as well but at least THAT sh*t doesn't give me brain fog and I can sort of function albeit I tend to be moody and my behavior is subdued. Not to mention I can maintain on that 3x weekly whereas even daily RU can barely hold the hair loss in place.

I really wish I didn't have to f*** with my hormones at ALL because I have other health issues which if I ever hope to resolve I should not be damaging my health even further, but f*****g hair loss makes me choose between my health and well-being in every aspect, and this shitty tuft of barely passable NW2.5 I still have on my head.

Can we get some non-hormonal f*****g maintenance in 2018 already? Why god why?


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I agree, there is really no reason to go at ideal. Since he still logs on it would be nice of him to reply though.

I also second that Luo dosen't come off as a scammer at all. That being said, the best scammers don't seem like scammers eh. We don't have much knowledge to go by.

Looking at the enza thread it appears no one reported eye related side effects? Pretty much everyone here have gotten them no?
I think we need to sort out exactly what we are using though. Some say it seems like enza, others say it’s not as similar to enza sides-wise. Honestly it could anything, but I’m less and less convinced that it’s actual daro.


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My Enza didnt dissolve in ethanol at all.
It does dissolve in DMSO.
If you guys have 'Daro', it should dissolve in ethanol.
Enza barely dissolves in ethanol. (it does dissolve a little little bit, the amount is findable in the Enza thread)
That could be a possible test.
Besides that, if someone of you guys is willing to send me the smallest possible sample of your Daro.
I could go to the university, which tested my Enza, to also test the Daro sample.
It was free last time so I hope they want to do it again, I can't promise anything.
But if anybody is up for this plan, I live in Belgium.
Send me a PM and we'll try to arrange things.
Again, not promising anything here but I'm willing to try and help out.
A few tiny crystals should be sufficient for them to check.
If it seems that it is not Daro, they won't try to find out what it is.
That was their policy because it would take them too much time.
They want to focus on their actual research projects of course...
With what I have, if I find up to 50-55mg/40ml it will dissolve, but anything after I have to use something to crush the rocks up even after a day of letting it sit.


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Exact regimen is this:
- 1mg finasteride 1x/day
- minoxidil foam 2x/day (unknown dose, I just kind of get the scalp wet)
- microneedling 1.5mm 1x/week with Derminator
- "darolutamide" 0.01% 1ml (1mg) in K&B solution every day and a half
And results? When did you actually start using it and when did you notice your results?’sorry for the billion questions, I’m hust trying to make sense of all of this. Pm me if you prefer.
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Been reading about how enza only dissolves in ethanol at about 1mg/ml. I’ve been mixing this stuff in minoxidil liquid and didn’t have a whole lot of trouble dissolving it at that concentration, but have had some serious issues dissolving it above that. As far as I know with daro this shouldn’t be the case st all. Apart from the fact that this probably isn’t even daro, this is annoying because from what I’ve read, doses as low as 1-2mg/ml are way too low for enza anyway, so not only am I wasting my time, but I’m wasting minoxidil and “daro” whilst I’m trying to figure all this sh*t out. What is the recommended “dose” for enza/ml? I’m going to see if I can’t dissolve some in dsmo and maybe add some water after it dissolves, if it dissolves. I think if it is easily dissolved to full clarity in dmso at high concentration then I can call bullshit.


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Been reading about how enza only dissolves in ethanol at about 1mg/ml. I’ve been mixing this stuff in minoxidil liquid and didn’t have a whole lot of trouble dissolving it at that concentration, but have had some serious issues dissolving it above that. As far as I know with daro this shouldn’t be the case st all. Apart from the fact that this probably isn’t even daro, this is annoying because from what I’ve read, doses as low as 1-2mg/ml are way too low for enza anyway, so not only am I wasting my time, but I’m wasting minoxidil and “daro” whilst I’m trying to figure all this sh*t out. What is the recommended “dose” for enza/ml? I’m going to see if I can’t dissolve some in dsmo and maybe add some water after it dissolves, if it dissolves. I think if it is easily dissolved to full clarity in dmso at high concentration then I can call bullshit.

No surprise, that's about what I made, even less, 6-7 mg at 10 mL and it dissolved fine though took a while. Legit daro should go up to 38 mg/mL warmed and at least 20 mg/mL in ethanol unwarmed is my guess. If you can't dissolve at least 15 mg / mL in 96% ethanol then I have bad news and you don't have Darolutamide.