Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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because hemihydrate is better for sublingual/ buccal use. The valerate pills are designed for swallowing, which causes more conversion to estrone.

I did use estradiol valerate, 6mg sublingually, and it worked, my estradiol level was something like 200pg/ml


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Hey Bridgey,
Just wanted to give a visual at what 3 months of estrogel on temples and 6 months of finasteride has done to my temples. This is about a solid half inch of recession. :( Of course I can't say for sure that the drugs caused the temple loss, but it has seemed to go really fast!
thanks but this doesn't tell me much without a before pic. On the bright side, the hair which you do have looks thick to me :)

but maybe thats your problem. youre trying to regrow mostly temple. and temples always require the most extreme regimens. I did notice temple improvement fairly quickly, but i had to observe very closely. It took a long time to get anything cosmetically significant. It is the hair overall on top which responds easier. This is me before and about 3 months after:

Screenshot_20180107-082304.jpg --> P_20170924_213425_vHDR_Auto.jpg

in that thicker pic I still looked like this from the front:
which was better but still a ways to go.. and further than where I am now

BTW, I feel like I owe you a consulting fee. Seriously :)
hahahaha! I do feel like Im a doctor writing prescriptions sometimes.. I spend too much time here even though I don't get paid


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I read progesterone increases pregnenolone and dhea and then dht ... and it can be bad for hair. And it's better to wait 8 to 12 months before adding it to a mtf regimen.
Your libido is nonexistant ?

I do not believe this is true. Progesterone is a precursor for the production of testosterone and a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor. Supplementing with progesterone cream should help restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone to DHT conversion. DISCLAIMER - I have not used progesterone cream, however I am tempted to try. If anyone has a good brand and/or application tips, please let us know.


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I did use estradiol valerate, 6mg sublingually, and it worked, my estradiol level was something like 200pg/ml
200 aint' good enough! pregnancy is like 2000!! >)


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I'm back to using progesterone which never hurt hairline ever.

@bridgeburn May I ask your thoughts on Progesterone for male hair loss?

I really don't know what to think about progesterone, pregnenolone, dhea, .... I read some conflicting articles about it. But if it's a precursor for the production of testosterone, it can increase dht, if it's not a strong 5alpha reductase inhibitor. Maybe its effect on testosterone in male is low, that's why it can be effective. I read some stories about women having hair issues (hair loss or hirsutism) because of it. And others having regrowth and better hair thanks to it.
The enzymes for these conversions into T will mostly be in the Testicles. Which for us with deactivated gonads shouldn't have the same effect. Plus the Progesterone receptor activation has anti-gonadotrophin effect.

I think progesterone is generally good for hair.. and at least won't hurt. Also, I know that Estrogen upregulates progesterone receptors (at least in the breasts and brain). So there could be some synergy there:

"The association of ER and growth factor receptors including their second messengers has been widely accepted. Just a few important genes regulated by ERs, which also are recognized for their involvement in hair growth control, are listed here as examples: progesterone receptor, EGFR, several growth factors like IGF-I, TGF-α and TGF-β, cathepsin D, and several protooncogenes (e.g., c-fos, c-myc, and c-jun), as well as an array of heat shock proteins (295–297)."

"About one third of the genes in humans that are regulated by ERs do not contain ERE-like sequences (262). Candidates of estrogen target genes with relevance to pilosebaceous biology that are activated without ERE promoter include IGF-I, collagenase, EGF, EGFR, and cyclin D1 (261, 263). Instead, progesterone receptor, prolactin, and lactoferrin are examples of relevant target genes in the pilosebaceous unit with consensus EREs (263–265)."

Jonny Craig

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I do not believe this is true. Progesterone is a precursor for the production of testosterone and a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor. Supplementing with progesterone cream should help restore normal inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, thus preventing testosterone to DHT conversion. DISCLAIMER - I have not used progesterone cream, however I am tempted to try. If anyone has a good brand and/or application tips, please let us know.

I would not use a cream if using topically..

healthnatura dot com is pure oil in dropper, very easy to apply.

There is another site, search for '
Ona's Natural Progesterone 10% Oral Vit. E Oil - 2 oz Eye Dropper, VERY high potency though. This is a great value in comparison to the other one.. 1 drop is 50mg prog... the other one is 3mg prog.. depends what you want.

Jonny Craig

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The enzymes for these conversions into T will mostly be in the Testicles. Which for us with deactivated gonads shouldn't have the same effect. Plus the Progesterone receptor activation has anti-gonadotrophin effect.

I think progesterone is generally good for hair.. and at least won't hurt. Also, I know that Estrogen upregulates progesterone receptors (at least in the breasts and brain). So there could be some synergy there:

"The association of ER and growth factor receptors including their second messengers has been widely accepted. Just a few important genes regulated by ERs, which also are recognized for their involvement in hair growth control, are listed here as examples: progesterone receptor, EGFR, several growth factors like IGF-I, TGF-α and TGF-β, cathepsin D, and several protooncogenes (e.g., c-fos, c-myc, and c-jun), as well as an array of heat shock proteins (295–297)."

"About one third of the genes in humans that are regulated by ERs do not contain ERE-like sequences (262). Candidates of estrogen target genes with relevance to pilosebaceous biology that are activated without ERE promoter include IGF-I, collagenase, EGF, EGFR, and cyclin D1 (261, 263). Instead, progesterone receptor, prolactin, and lactoferrin are examples of relevant target genes in the pilosebaceous unit with consensus EREs (263–265)."

I just had the thought, even before reading this post...

Why not use Progesterone and Estrogen together?

Both of these skyrocket during pregnancy, when women claim their hair is at it's best.

After menopause and as ovulation ceases, progesterone levels drop hard, along with estrogen.

I am considering adding back bi-estrocream, in conjunction with prog this time..

"After the third trimester, the placenta takes on full responsibility of making progesterone. As pregnancy progresses, progesterone and estrogen levels continue to rise, spiking in the last trimester. Together, these two hormones stimulate the growth of breast tissue and milk glands, preparing the body for lactation. Estrogen also increases the number of progesterone receptors in breast tissue, making the breasts more sensitive to its effects." Like you were saying.

"Very low progesterone blood levels in men are linked to obesity, a higher BMI and waist circumference. Low levels of the male sex hormone DHEA-S were directly linked to low progesterone in this study. In obese men, low progesterone may be a result of an underactive adrenal cortex"

"Once scientists realized that female animals improve better than the males after brain injuries, they started wondering how female sex hormones might play a role in brain protection. In brain cells exposed to LPS (the toxin that often sneaks into the blood of people with leaky gut), progesterone reduced key inflammatory markers (NF-kB, TNF-alpha, COX-2, iNOS).

Progesterone has a strong anti-inflammatory epigenetic effect, reducing the activity of genes that trigger inflammation and hinder the healing of damaged brain tissue (NF-κB and MAPK)

In animal studies, progesterone enhanced the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. Combined with its anti-inflammatory action, it may help heal a damaged, “leaky”, blood-brain barrier.

One metabolite of progesterone (allopregnanolone) increased the production of the insulating myelin in brain cells, which may prevent Alzheimer’s disease worsening.

Only natural progesterone is neuroprotective while synthetic progestins (like medroxyprogesterone acetate) sometimes used in hormonal therapy are not."

"Progesterone and other sex hormones shape the brain and increase its plasticity throughout the lifetime. Progesterone is especially important for mental health in women. Receptors for this hormone are located all along the areas of the brain involved in cognition, memory, and emotional processing (hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala).

In women, both estrogen and progesterone are crucial for brain cells to make new connections, branch out, and maintain their myelin insulation — key processes for cognition and brain health.

Progesterone increased serotonin activity in the brain in animals, which helps improve mood

"In a skin-tissue study, natural progesterone blocked the enzyme that causes a buildup of male sex hormones and contributes to unwanted hair growth in women (5-alpha reductase). Blocking this enzyme can lower high testosterone levels. A commonly used synthetic progestin (medroxyprogesterone acetate) had no effect on this enzyme." There are many studies indicating that Progesterone is indeed a 5-ar inhibitor. I can tell you from personal experience, using it long term.. it's not exactly androgenic, considering how poorly I performed in sports while on it, lol.

Jonny Craig

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I really don't know what to think about progesterone, pregnenolone, dhea, .... I read some conflicting articles about it. But if it's a precursor for the production of testosterone, it can increase dht, if it's not a strong 5alpha reductase inhibitor. Maybe its effect on testosterone in male is low, that's why it can be effective. I read some stories about women having hair issues (hair loss or hirsutism) because of it. And others having regrowth and better hair thanks to it.
Lot of mtf use progesterone to increase their libido and their breasts (even if progesterone has some anti-oestrogenic effects).
You can try progestogel (no prescription needed, in France at least, maybe it's the same everywhere). Or try to find one on iherb, but it might not be as effective, no ?

I tried progesterone, but I was afraid to use it because it can have have androgenic effects, and that's the last thing I want ... :'(

"Approximately 30 mg of progesterone is secreted from the ovaries per day in women, while the adrenal glands produce about 1 mg of progesterone per day." ... for those who use AA + estradiol should maybe take 30mg of progesterone each day ?

That's like saying you won't touch cholesterol because it makes androgens.. lol

hint: cholesterol is basically the main building block for synthesis of all steroid hormones.

We've also read stories of guys using finasteride/dutasteride and have accelerated hair loss..

Progesterone is the main starting building block of finasteride, btw.

From using Prog on/off for years, I can definitely say I do not feel androgenic while on it.. to be honest, I felt more 'androgenic' on 2mg estriol/0.50mg estradiol (I actually felt fantastic on this and felt like working out and powering through workouts).

What I haven't thought about before... using just straight estrogen and nothing else.. is the ramping up of DHT by the body to attempt to balance itself, damnit...

"High levels of estrogen are attempted to be balanced by the body by and increase in DHT. DHT protects against the negative side effects of estrogen."


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Hey Everyone, A little announcement;

I've had this idea planned in my head for several months now.. For long term health safety and because this is alot of stuff and hard to keep up with re-ordering, cost money, might look bad to customs to order too much at once or too frequent, I will use this regimen for only maybe 3 months? possibly a little bit longer.. but I'm curious to try my Super Bomb!! To give me a extra boost >)

If you don't want to read my complex scientific reasoning then scroll to the bold part at the bottom.


Ok, so I will continue taking .5m dutasteride everyday, and also the 6mg estrofem everyday (2mg 3 times spread out per day). However, I'm restarting Estrogel.
I don't like using estrogel in the winter so much cause its cold on my skin. But now its March 1st, and is getting a little better.. And I missed using the gel. I believe that the gel combined with pills have some synergy because they combine different absorption methods. The gel absorbs into fat under the skin and leeches out giving more consistent levels. While the pills cause higher initial spike, hits faster leaves faster. Basically, taking an E pill buccally is like taking a shot and smearing the gel is like drinking a beer. So, I will take shots then drink some beer to maintain a buzz.. I will combine 1.5mg estradiol from oestrogel (2.5g gel contains 1.5g) everyday with the 6mg estrofem.

Androgen Receptor Blockers

I'm starting up cypro again. I have used cypro on and off for a couple of lengthy cycles during my treatment time since starting July 2017, taking it for several months then a few months break.. I am honestly afraid of its high prolactin increase and risks to take too long at a time (more than 6 months or so). however, there was one time I was consistently using 50mg per day for months and combined with my gradual increasing estradiol doses and my 1 Diane pill per week. I had been told that is dangerous.. which is probably true, especially combined with high E : /
But since then I have had a long cypro break now and tried spironolactone. When I used spironolactone I used 200mg a day, when I used cypro I used 50mg per day. I want to lower my previous cypro dose, which I know is fine but just in case I want to ensure enough receptors are blocked. So I will meet in the middle and try 25mg cypro per day with 100mg spironolactone.. (splitting the burden between liver and kidneys).


Also, I am trying progesterone. 2 reasons, one is to boost neurosteriods, ie. Allopregnanolone. Derived from progesterone metabolites from 5ar.. This is the reason many are skeptical of long term safety of dutasteride, and to a lesser extant finasteride, and why insomnia is declared a side effect of dutasteride. Although .5mg dutasteride inhibits 94% of 5ar, the dose dependence curve cannot ever quite make it 100%. Estradiol, inhibits 5ar slightly. but through a different mechanism, (still unclear but speculated by researches to be indirect androgen metabolism). The few percent of 5ar in my body I will try to reduce with some progesterone by turning it into neurosteriods thereby making dutasteride a little safer. This mechanism is what causes progesterone to enhance sleep, Allo is an inhibitory type neurosteriod. I believe that to get maximum 5ar inhibition, dutasteride plus Estradiol plus Progesterone should be taken and this is synergetic cause they all reduce 5ar by different mechanisms of action. Since Progesterone can convert to many things and many MTFs cycle it, I will also cycle it and will be taking 100mg Progesterone orally, the first 10 nights of the month. Today is March 1st, so I will take it soon tonight.


Also, I will be increasing my frequency of One Diane 35 pill per week, to 2 pills per week. Both E and EE both have pros and cons, so I am trying to synergize them. In one study Estradiol was shown to inhibit 5ar while EE didn't however we know that EE is more powerful at receptor activation. EE is harder on liver, but it increases SHBG much more than natural E.. I think a little bit higher SHBG can help to gobble it any small minuscule amount of androgens that may happen to form in me from adrenals, but too much SHBG could make the natural E less bio-available but luckily SHBG has greater preferential affinity toward Androgens and greater affinity towards DHT than T, and EE unlike E doesn't bind to SHBG.. With all this considered, I'm not sure how much one small birth control pill once a week is doing, I think spreading 2 pills through the week will give me just the right consistency for a small boost while staying in the overall beneficial range. I will take 1 Diane pill on Monday and 1 on Friday, today is Friday so I took 1 already.


I will continue using 10mg oral minoxidil every other day. However I will start using topical 6%minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo every other day on the alternating days which I don't use oral. Its the Essengen-6 product from MinoxidilMax. Maybe its irrelevant to add finasteride when I already take dutasteride Afaik it is unknown if adding finasteride when already taking .5mg dutasteride everyday will lower more DHT, but I'm sure it won't hurt. Also, it's nice to know I can apply a 5ar inhibitor locally, and I know of no topical min with dutasteride combo which are sold. And now I will seriously be having; finasteride, dutasteride, progesterone and estradiol all in my system which All inhibit 5ar to some extant!


I will be applying Dexa topically from an eye drop medication named containing .1% Dexamethasone. I had trouble finding many topicals containing it,, I'm not sure if .1% is alot for dex, but the name of the eyedrops is Maxidex so that seems like a good sign hahaha.. I'm using dexa because there is some cross-talk between the Glucocorticosteriod pathway and the estrogen signaling pathways, in one study, dex was shown to increase dermal aromatase 9x while also downregulating ERa, which in theory should preferentiate the estrogen response to ER beta, which for hair is what we want. However, I know that topical corticosteriods can cause skin atrophy with long term use. I will be applying the eye drops 3 days per week. On Monday Wednesday and Friday. I have already applied it today..


OK! To wrap this post up here is my Balls Bomb! :cool::


Overkill is better than possibly underestimating and underkilling. I strive for maximizing chemical castration. I don't want even a single molecule of DHT to form!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I hate male pattern bullshit and I will not let it be a part of me anymore.

Ok, so here's my synergy regimen starting today:

100mg spironolactone
25mg Cyproterone Acetate
6mg Estrofem (2mg 3x per day)
1.5mg Oestrogel
.5mg dutasteride

Every Other Day:
10mg Oral minoxidil
Topical 6% minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo (on alternate days)

10 Days Per Month:
100mg Progesterone (Progestan) (First 10 Nights of the Month)

3 Days Per Week:
Topical .1% Dexamethasone (MaxiDex) (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

2 Days Per Week:
Diane-35 (Monday, Friday)

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Do you think easing in to your routine by just adding 100mg spironolactone would be a good idea? i take 0.5mg dutasteride, 10mg oral minoxidil at night and topical minoxidil at night with light dermarolling, i also heavily wound every week. Cheapest source i have found for spironolactone is united pharmacies but i have had bad experiences with them in the past, my card being used etc im looking at getting a top up card or something for using them so they don't clean out my bank account lol


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I just had the thought, even before reading this post...

Why not use Progesterone and Estrogen together?

Both of these skyrocket during pregnancy, when women claim their hair is at it's best.

After menopause and as ovulation ceases, progesterone levels drop hard, along with estrogen.

I am considering adding back bi-estrocream, in conjunction with prog this time..

"After the third trimester, the placenta takes on full responsibility of making progesterone. As pregnancy progresses, progesterone and estrogen levels continue to rise, spiking in the last trimester. Together, these two hormones stimulate the growth of breast tissue and milk glands, preparing the body for lactation. Estrogen also increases the number of progesterone receptors in breast tissue, making the breasts more sensitive to its effects." Like you were saying.

"Very low progesterone blood levels in men are linked to obesity, a higher BMI and waist circumference. Low levels of the male sex hormone DHEA-S were directly linked to low progesterone in this study. In obese men, low progesterone may be a result of an underactive adrenal cortex"

"Once scientists realized that female animals improve better than the males after brain injuries, they started wondering how female sex hormones might play a role in brain protection. In brain cells exposed to LPS (the toxin that often sneaks into the blood of people with leaky gut), progesterone reduced key inflammatory markers (NF-kB, TNF-alpha, COX-2, iNOS).

Progesterone has a strong anti-inflammatory epigenetic effect, reducing the activity of genes that trigger inflammation and hinder the healing of damaged brain tissue (NF-κB and MAPK)

In animal studies, progesterone enhanced the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. Combined with its anti-inflammatory action, it may help heal a damaged, “leaky”, blood-brain barrier.

One metabolite of progesterone (allopregnanolone) increased the production of the insulating myelin in brain cells, which may prevent Alzheimer’s disease worsening.

Only natural progesterone is neuroprotective while synthetic progestins (like medroxyprogesterone acetate) sometimes used in hormonal therapy are not."

"Progesterone and other sex hormones shape the brain and increase its plasticity throughout the lifetime. Progesterone is especially important for mental health in women. Receptors for this hormone are located all along the areas of the brain involved in cognition, memory, and emotional processing (hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala).

In women, both estrogen and progesterone are crucial for brain cells to make new connections, branch out, and maintain their myelin insulation — key processes for cognition and brain health.

Progesterone increased serotonin activity in the brain in animals, which helps improve mood

"In a skin-tissue study, natural progesterone blocked the enzyme that causes a buildup of male sex hormones and contributes to unwanted hair growth in women (5-alpha reductase). Blocking this enzyme can lower high testosterone levels. A commonly used synthetic progestin (medroxyprogesterone acetate) had no effect on this enzyme." There are many studies indicating that Progesterone is indeed a 5-ar inhibitor. I can tell you from personal experience, using it long term.. it's not exactly androgenic, considering how poorly I performed in sports while on it, lol.
thanks for this! I think about these things too

I just had the thought, even before reading this post...

Why not use Progesterone and Estrogen together?
see my new post :)


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I wish I had the courage to do all the things you're doing along this way. I have been reading this thread from the sidelines, deep down I feel that if everything else fails I will end up following this route. One of the things that scares me the most (besides certain strong side effects, although I wouldn't mind having some others, like accentuating certain feminine traits) is the absolute dependence and total submission to so many medications during maybe the rest of my existence. It is not that I have problems taking so many pills but the question is if my organism would be able to bear it for many years.

Jonny Craig

Established Member
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thanks for this! I think about these things too

see my new post :)

One note..

Not sure why MTFs would cycle progesterone, as they are not menstruating (or maybe they are lol)

Women who are peri/post menopausal, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, etc, with no cycle (menstruation), should not need to cycle progesterone, they can use daily.

Men can definitely use daily, and twice a day may be better, TOPICALLY.. may be best as well, considering all the skin studies confirmation of 5-ar inhibition. Not all the blood serum prog studies show as much value in 5-ar inhibition. Just something to think about. I did personally use both methods. To be honest, you're probably best using BOTH topical and oral, especially considering 100mg oral (without vit E for increase bio availability) should only yield about 10mg of that 100mg, and that's 10mg going into the body, serum level, not directly at the root of the issue (pun intended).

Also, if you're using it for brain protection, which is a very good idea, using it topically on scalp/hairline can only help in that regard. WIN-WIN

I only bring this up because I would be very surprised for you to see any benefits using prog 10 days a month..

EDIT: Currently, as of 2 days ago, I am doing topical prog on scalp (oil) 2x/day, and a progesterone cream on testicles before bed (20mg). The adrenal glands and testes in males produce progesterone, so covering my bases by applying on testicles, also very high absorption rate of course.
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Hey Everyone, A little announcement;

I've had this idea planned in my head for several months now.. For long term health safety and because this is alot of stuff and hard to keep up with re-ordering, cost money, might look bad to customs to order too much at once or too frequent, I will use this regimen for only maybe 3 months? possibly a little bit longer.. but I'm curious to try my Super Bomb!! To give me a extra boost >)

If you don't want to read my complex scientific reasoning then scroll to the bold part at the bottom.


Ok, so I will continue taking .5m dutasteride everyday, and also the 6mg estrofem everyday (2mg 3 times spread out per day). However, I'm restarting Estrogel.
I don't like using estrogel in the winter so much cause its cold on my skin. But now its March 1st, and is getting a little better.. And I missed using the gel. I believe that the gel combined with pills have some synergy because they combine different absorption methods. The gel absorbs into fat under the skin and leeches out giving more consistent levels. While the pills cause higher initial spike, hits faster leaves faster. Basically, taking an E pill buccally is like taking a shot and smearing the gel is like drinking a beer. So, I will take shots then drink some beer to maintain a buzz.. I will combine 1.5mg estradiol from oestrogel (2.5g gel contains 1.5g) everyday with the 6mg estrofem.

Androgen Receptor Blockers

I'm starting up cypro again. I have used cypro on and off for a couple of lengthy cycles during my treatment time since starting July 2017, taking it for several months then a few months break.. I am honestly afraid of its high prolactin increase and risks to take too long at a time (more than 6 months or so). however, there was one time I was consistently using 50mg per day for months and combined with my gradual increasing estradiol doses and my 1 Diane pill per week. I had been told that is dangerous.. which is probably true, especially combined with high E : /
But since then I have had a long cypro break now and tried spironolactone. When I used spironolactone I used 200mg a day, when I used cypro I used 50mg per day. I want to lower my previous cypro dose, which I know is fine but just in case I want to ensure enough receptors are blocked. So I will meet in the middle and try 25mg cypro per day with 100mg spironolactone.. (splitting the burden between liver and kidneys).


Also, I am trying progesterone. 2 reasons, one is to boost neurosteriods, ie. Allopregnanolone. Derived from progesterone metabolites from 5ar.. This is the reason many are skeptical of long term safety of dutasteride, and to a lesser extant finasteride, and why insomnia is declared a side effect of dutasteride. Although .5mg dutasteride inhibits 94% of 5ar, the dose dependence curve cannot ever quite make it 100%. Estradiol, inhibits 5ar slightly. but through a different mechanism, (still unclear but speculated by researches to be indirect androgen metabolism). The few percent of 5ar in my body I will try to reduce with some progesterone by turning it into neurosteriods thereby making dutasteride a little safer. This mechanism is what causes progesterone to enhance sleep, Allo is an inhibitory type neurosteriod. I believe that to get maximum 5ar inhibition, dutasteride plus Estradiol plus Progesterone should be taken and this is synergetic cause they all reduce 5ar by different mechanisms of action. Since Progesterone can convert to many things and many MTFs cycle it, I will also cycle it and will be taking 100mg Progesterone orally, the first 10 nights of the month. Today is March 1st, so I will take it soon tonight.


Also, I will be increasing my frequency of One Diane 35 pill per week, to 2 pills per week. Both E and EE both have pros and cons, so I am trying to synergize them. In one study Estradiol was shown to inhibit 5ar while EE didn't however we know that EE is more powerful at receptor activation. EE is harder on liver, but it increases SHBG much more than natural E.. I think a little bit higher SHBG can help to gobble it any small minuscule amount of androgens that may happen to form in me from adrenals, but too much SHBG could make the natural E less bio-available but luckily SHBG has greater preferential affinity toward Androgens and greater affinity towards DHT than T, and EE unlike E doesn't bind to SHBG.. With all this considered, I'm not sure how much one small birth control pill once a week is doing, I think spreading 2 pills through the week will give me just the right consistency for a small boost while staying in the overall beneficial range. I will take 1 Diane pill on Monday and 1 on Friday, today is Friday so I took 1 already.


I will continue using 10mg oral minoxidil every other day. However I will start using topical 6%minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo every other day on the alternating days which I don't use oral. Its the Essengen-6 product from MinoxidilMax. Maybe its irrelevant to add finasteride when I already take dutasteride Afaik it is unknown if adding finasteride when already taking .5mg dutasteride everyday will lower more DHT, but I'm sure it won't hurt. Also, it's nice to know I can apply a 5ar inhibitor locally, and I know of no topical min with dutasteride combo which are sold. And now I will seriously be having; finasteride, dutasteride, progesterone and estradiol all in my system which All inhibit 5ar to some extant!


I will be applying Dexa topically from an eye drop medication named containing .1% Dexamethasone. I had trouble finding many topicals containing it,, I'm not sure if .1% is alot for dex, but the name of the eyedrops is Maxidex so that seems like a good sign hahaha.. I'm using dexa because there is some cross-talk between the Glucocorticosteriod pathway and the estrogen signaling pathways, in one study, dex was shown to increase dermal aromatase 9x while also downregulating ERa, which in theory should preferentiate the estrogen response to ER beta, which for hair is what we want. However, I know that topical corticosteriods can cause skin atrophy with long term use. I will be applying the eye drops 3 days per week. On Monday Wednesday and Friday. I have already applied it today..


OK! To wrap this post up here is my Balls Bomb! :cool::

View attachment 113828

Overkill is better than possibly underestimating and underkilling. I strive for maximizing chemical castration. I don't want even a single molecule of DHT to form!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I hate male pattern bullshit and I will not let it be a part of me anymore.

Ok, so here's my synergy regimen starting today:

100mg spironolactone
25mg Cyproterone Acetate
6mg Estrofem (2mg 3x per day)
1.5mg Oestrogel
.5mg dutasteride

Every Other Day:
10mg Oral minoxidil
Topical 6% minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo (on alternate days)

10 Days Per Month:
100mg Progesterone (Progestan) (First 10 Nights of the Month)

3 Days Per Week:
Topical .1% Dexamethasone (MaxiDex) (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

2 Days Per Week:
Diane-35 (Monday, Friday)
where did you buy all of it?


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Hey Everyone, A little announcement;

I've had this idea planned in my head for several months now.. For long term health safety and because this is alot of stuff and hard to keep up with re-ordering, cost money, might look bad to customs to order too much at once or too frequent, I will use this regimen for only maybe 3 months? possibly a little bit longer.. but I'm curious to try my Super Bomb!! To give me a extra boost >)

If you don't want to read my complex scientific reasoning then scroll to the bold part at the bottom.


Ok, so I will continue taking .5m dutasteride everyday, and also the 6mg estrofem everyday (2mg 3 times spread out per day). However, I'm restarting Estrogel.
I don't like using estrogel in the winter so much cause its cold on my skin. But now its March 1st, and is getting a little better.. And I missed using the gel. I believe that the gel combined with pills have some synergy because they combine different absorption methods. The gel absorbs into fat under the skin and leeches out giving more consistent levels. While the pills cause higher initial spike, hits faster leaves faster. Basically, taking an E pill buccally is like taking a shot and smearing the gel is like drinking a beer. So, I will take shots then drink some beer to maintain a buzz.. I will combine 1.5mg estradiol from oestrogel (2.5g gel contains 1.5g) everyday with the 6mg estrofem.

Androgen Receptor Blockers

I'm starting up cypro again. I have used cypro on and off for a couple of lengthy cycles during my treatment time since starting July 2017, taking it for several months then a few months break.. I am honestly afraid of its high prolactin increase and risks to take too long at a time (more than 6 months or so). however, there was one time I was consistently using 50mg per day for months and combined with my gradual increasing estradiol doses and my 1 Diane pill per week. I had been told that is dangerous.. which is probably true, especially combined with high E : /
But since then I have had a long cypro break now and tried spironolactone. When I used spironolactone I used 200mg a day, when I used cypro I used 50mg per day. I want to lower my previous cypro dose, which I know is fine but just in case I want to ensure enough receptors are blocked. So I will meet in the middle and try 25mg cypro per day with 100mg spironolactone.. (splitting the burden between liver and kidneys).


Also, I am trying progesterone. 2 reasons, one is to boost neurosteriods, ie. Allopregnanolone. Derived from progesterone metabolites from 5ar.. This is the reason many are skeptical of long term safety of dutasteride, and to a lesser extant finasteride, and why insomnia is declared a side effect of dutasteride. Although .5mg dutasteride inhibits 94% of 5ar, the dose dependence curve cannot ever quite make it 100%. Estradiol, inhibits 5ar slightly. but through a different mechanism, (still unclear but speculated by researches to be indirect androgen metabolism). The few percent of 5ar in my body I will try to reduce with some progesterone by turning it into neurosteriods thereby making dutasteride a little safer. This mechanism is what causes progesterone to enhance sleep, Allo is an inhibitory type neurosteriod. I believe that to get maximum 5ar inhibition, dutasteride plus Estradiol plus Progesterone should be taken and this is synergetic cause they all reduce 5ar by different mechanisms of action. Since Progesterone can convert to many things and many MTFs cycle it, I will also cycle it and will be taking 100mg Progesterone orally, the first 10 nights of the month. Today is March 1st, so I will take it soon tonight.


Also, I will be increasing my frequency of One Diane 35 pill per week, to 2 pills per week. Both E and EE both have pros and cons, so I am trying to synergize them. In one study Estradiol was shown to inhibit 5ar while EE didn't however we know that EE is more powerful at receptor activation. EE is harder on liver, but it increases SHBG much more than natural E.. I think a little bit higher SHBG can help to gobble it any small minuscule amount of androgens that may happen to form in me from adrenals, but too much SHBG could make the natural E less bio-available but luckily SHBG has greater preferential affinity toward Androgens and greater affinity towards DHT than T, and EE unlike E doesn't bind to SHBG.. With all this considered, I'm not sure how much one small birth control pill once a week is doing, I think spreading 2 pills through the week will give me just the right consistency for a small boost while staying in the overall beneficial range. I will take 1 Diane pill on Monday and 1 on Friday, today is Friday so I took 1 already.


I will continue using 10mg oral minoxidil every other day. However I will start using topical 6%minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo every other day on the alternating days which I don't use oral. Its the Essengen-6 product from MinoxidilMax. Maybe its irrelevant to add finasteride when I already take dutasteride Afaik it is unknown if adding finasteride when already taking .5mg dutasteride everyday will lower more DHT, but I'm sure it won't hurt. Also, it's nice to know I can apply a 5ar inhibitor locally, and I know of no topical min with dutasteride combo which are sold. And now I will seriously be having; finasteride, dutasteride, progesterone and estradiol all in my system which All inhibit 5ar to some extant!


I will be applying Dexa topically from an eye drop medication named containing .1% Dexamethasone. I had trouble finding many topicals containing it,, I'm not sure if .1% is alot for dex, but the name of the eyedrops is Maxidex so that seems like a good sign hahaha.. I'm using dexa because there is some cross-talk between the Glucocorticosteriod pathway and the estrogen signaling pathways, in one study, dex was shown to increase dermal aromatase 9x while also downregulating ERa, which in theory should preferentiate the estrogen response to ER beta, which for hair is what we want. However, I know that topical corticosteriods can cause skin atrophy with long term use. I will be applying the eye drops 3 days per week. On Monday Wednesday and Friday. I have already applied it today..


OK! To wrap this post up here is my Balls Bomb! :cool::

View attachment 113828

Overkill is better than possibly underestimating and underkilling. I strive for maximizing chemical castration. I don't want even a single molecule of DHT to form!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I hate male pattern bullshit and I will not let it be a part of me anymore.

Ok, so here's my synergy regimen starting today:

100mg spironolactone
25mg Cyproterone Acetate
6mg Estrofem (2mg 3x per day)
1.5mg Oestrogel
.5mg dutasteride

Every Other Day:
10mg Oral minoxidil
Topical 6% minoxidil / .05% finasteride combo (on alternate days)

10 Days Per Month:
100mg Progesterone (Progestan) (First 10 Nights of the Month)

3 Days Per Week:
Topical .1% Dexamethasone (MaxiDex) (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)

2 Days Per Week:
Diane-35 (Monday, Friday)
Damn Bridgey, You're my hero


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this blows my mind, I got gyno in the first few weeks and I'm very lean..
In the first few weeks when you got gyno did your dick stop working too? One of my questions was if the dick is lost 90-95% percent of it's normal capacity, even on low dose, does that mean you still have to wait for gyno before any expected hair regrowth?
I think even if I increased cypro x 2 or 3 fold that may get the extra 5-10% dick function left, but the trade off isn't worth it.


Experienced Member
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In the first few weeks when you got gyno did your dick stop working too? One of my questions was if the dick is lost 90-95% percent of it's normal capacity, even on low dose, does that mean you still have to wait for gyno before any expected hair regrowth?
I think even if I increased cypro x 2 or 3 fold that may get the extra 5-10% dick function left, but the trade off isn't worth it.
I'm not the expert here but I think gyno propensity is very individualistic and probably has a lot to do with estrogen receptor density in the breast area. That's why in studies using spironolactone in men, all men don't get gyno...Even at high dose. There may be similar studies with cypro but I haven't looked for them. I think looking at your blood chemistry both pre and during treatment would be the best indicator of whether the hormonal profile has shifted to a state that supports regrowth. Happy to be corrected though...


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What do you think if you take estriol separately, it will not turn into estrone? estriol is better for hair.