Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I used to have the exact same symptoms but then it went back to normal. It's probably because I went from taking cypro everyday to every other day but my hair is still improving.

I shed for the first 4 months or so and then it stopped.

I'm not sure how gyno surgery is covered here I'll ask my doctor next time I see him.
Last time I went off cypro things came back to normal in 2-3 weeks, yet my hair was still improving overall. This time I've added E x 2 bucally, in addition to the already E gel topically x 3 a week. The experiment will be will my dick come back in 2-3 weeks again off cypro with the extra E.
Out of the available arsenal there is no doubt cypro is by far the most potent. But I hate it cause of what it does to me down there, plus I've said before it seems to affect my sleep - this will also be confirmed when I go off it and I'm sleeping better again.


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My body hair has thinned out especially on my chest. It takes me forever to grow a beard now, it it was a little patchy before but now its really patchy so I don't bother even trying to grow it out any more. Even my sideburns take a long time to grow now. If your starting point with your beard is really good I bet you could still keep a decent one on this stuff. Yeah my face has feminized, my face is slightly rounder. the biggest change is in the eyes and the lips. My eyes seem to pop out more, I believe this is because female hormones make your eyelids retract making them appear larger and thus more feminine. My lips are fuller and slightly changed shape. But to be clear I don't look like a girl just younger and more boyish. I started noticing these changes after just a couple months. Its subtle enough that no one really notices because it changes so slowly. Ive had comments that my face looks fuller but that's it. It helps that I am young if your older the changes will be more dramatic so more people might notice.

It's a dream for me to completely get rid of my facial hair; I have gone through a dozen of laser hair removal treatments for my facial hair and it has reduced the hair by around 70%, which is drastic. But I do believe that spironolactone and estradiol will additionally reduce my facial hair growth, which is inordinately desirable for me.

How much of an increase of scalp hair have you noticed? And what Norwood would you say you are now? (And what were you previously).


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I used to have the exact same symptoms but then it went back to normal. It's probably because I went from taking cypro everyday to every other day but my hair is still improving.

I shed for the first 4 months or so and then it stopped.

I'm not sure how gyno surgery is covered here I'll ask my doctor next time I see him.
I'm using Egel too and have raloxifene on hand. I know you mentioned that you used it temporarily but then stopped. I'd like to take it preventatively but there seems to be some talk around here that it may harm hair, even though its supposed to be breast specific. Maybe using 30 mg (half a pill) EOD could be the way to go?

nWo Wolfpac

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I'm using Egel too and have raloxifene on hand. I know you mentioned that you used it temporarily but then stopped. I'd like to take it preventatively but there seems to be some talk around here that it may harm hair, even though its supposed to be breast specific. Maybe using 30 mg (half a pill) EOD could be the way to go?

Well what I've learned about raloxefene is that for most guys that take it to reduce gyno it has no bad effects on hair at all. Most guys report no shedding but most of these accounts are from guys who are using them because they are on steroids and aren't worried about their hair. Ive noticed people prone to hairloss like us are the ones who have shedding. Raloxefine doesn't just effect breast tissue it effects skin as well. I can't remember the science behind it bridge burn could probably explain it but the point is ralox has an effect on collegen which effects the hair and can be negative. An attempt to take it preventativly might work I have considered doing that myself but I guess by nature I am a pessimist and I didn't want to lose any progress I've made. Your hair is probably not near as bad as mine was when I started so maybe the risk isn't as great for you. Honestly I hope you try this and report back here if your getting regrowth or not. It's something I will probably attempt in a couple months.

nWo Wolfpac

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It's a dream for me to completely get rid of my facial hair; I have gone through a dozen of laser hair removal treatments for my facial hair and it has reduced the hair by around 70%, which is drastic. But I do believe that spironolactone and estradiol will additionally reduce my facial hair growth, which is inordinately desirable for me.

How much of an increase of scalp hair have you noticed? And what Norwood would you say you are now? (And what were you previously).

I have far more hair now than when I started. It went from looking like crap to looking good. My temples used to only grow tiny little peach fuzz hair and now its grown a few inches long my temples have filled back in. I'm a norwood one but my hairloss was diffuse so my hairline was always good. My temples were really starting to dissapear though.

I think you will be disappointed with the effects to your facial hair. I take it you want to get rid of your 5 o clock shadow but that will not happen. Even though I can't grow a decent beard anymore I still have a shadow. Even after I shave If I look close I can still see tiny black dots around my chin that never go away. It's genetic some guys can never get rid of it because the hair root is too dark. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think you will get what you want from this.

nWo Wolfpac

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Last time I went off cypro things came back to normal in 2-3 weeks, yet my hair was still improving overall. This time I've added E x 2 bucally, in addition to the already E gel topically x 3 a week. The experiment will be will my dick come back in 2-3 weeks again off cypro with the extra E.
Out of the available arsenal there is no doubt cypro is by far the most potent. But I hate it cause of what it does to me down there, plus I've said before it seems to affect my sleep - this will also be confirmed when I go off it and I'm sleeping better again.

Keep in mind shedding can be a delayed effect. I spent 2 full weeks in February with no e no cypro or anything and I only started shedding again a few days after resuming my drugs.

I wish I slept as well as I used too. I've realized that it's mostly the estrogen that make me feel tired and ruins my sleep. I've gone a couple days without it now but while still taking cypro and spironolactone and had the best sleep I've had in a long time.


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Well what I've learned about raloxefene is that for most guys that take it to reduce gyno it has no bad effects on hair at all. Most guys report no shedding but most of these accounts are from guys who are using them because they are on steroids and aren't worried about their hair. Ive noticed people prone to hairloss like us are the ones who have shedding. Raloxefine doesn't just effect breast tissue it effects skin as well. I can't remember the science behind it bridge burn could probably explain it but the point is ralox has an effect on collegen which effects the hair and can be negative. An attempt to take it preventativly might work I have considered doing that myself but I guess by nature I am a pessimist and I didn't want to lose any progress I've made. Your hair is probably not near as bad as mine was when I started so maybe the risk isn't as great for you. Honestly I hope you try this and report back here if your getting regrowth or not. It's something I will probably attempt in a couple months.
The pharmacist just called me in a panic..."I see you just picked up raloxifene, but you cannot take it while using estrogen. The two cannot be used together." Me: "Oh, yes of course not. I just stopped using estrogen. No problem at all." Uggg...the ignorance :(


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nWo Wolfpac

try taking less estrogen. for example 0.5 mg. I, too, was bad from large doses. you accept 12.5 CYPRO. do you think you have testosterone?


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Say please
What do you think about bicalutamide? Is he better than cypro? What dose is effective? It does not reduce TST. It only reduces the sensitivity of the receptors. Will it interfere with the action of estradiol? What do you think is good or bad bicalutamide? And what is better than CYPRO or BICA?


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I have far more hair now than when I started. It went from looking like crap to looking good. My temples used to only grow tiny little peach fuzz hair and now its grown a few inches long my temples have filled back in. I'm a norwood one but my hairloss was diffuse so my hairline was always good. My temples were really starting to dissapear though.

I think you will be disappointed with the effects to your facial hair. I take it you want to get rid of your 5 o clock shadow but that will not happen. Even though I can't grow a decent beard anymore I still have a shadow. Even after I shave If I look close I can still see tiny black dots around my chin that never go away. It's genetic some guys can never get rid of it because the hair root is too dark. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think you will get what you want from this.

My main goal with the combination is to get myself back to an NW0 or at least an NW0.5, and hopefully I can reach this goal. Currently, I have vellus hairs around my hair line which resembles my previous NW0 hair line and I desperately want these hairs to become normal hairs. I'm currently an NW1.5.

Luckily, I don't have a 5 o'clock shadow anymore! Laser hair removal has worked magic. Even if the combination doesn't lessen my facial hair further, as long as my skin and hair improves, that's all what matters to me.

nWo Wolfpac

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nWo Wolfpac

try taking less estrogen. for example 0.5 mg. I, too, was bad from large doses. you accept 12.5 CYPRO. do you think you have testosterone?
That's a good idea. I've been thinking about doing that lately. Has your hair improved on that small of a dose? I just took 2.25 mg of e and I feel really sleepy right now.

I think I still have testosterone because I still have a libido and still get acne from time to time.

Jonny Craig

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Has everyone seen this study?

The amount of testosterone required to maintain lean mass, fat mass, strength, and sexual function varied widely in men. Androgen deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength; estrogen deficiency primarily accounted for increases in body fat; and both contributed to the decline in sexual function. Our findings support changes in the approach to evaluation and management of hypogonadism in men.



Now, with that said...

It's been a few days since I stopped taking bi-estrocare, and started back on progesterone topical on scalp. (I thought bi-estro was possibly hurting hairline, but after carefully video, perhaps it was in my head only)

I feel like crap in comparison, off bi-estro.

So many benefits... skin looked fantastic (face), zero acne, felt very sharp mentally, I had more motivation to workout, I was more muscular and had big muscle pumps, INCREDIBLE SLEEP, but I think I noticed I also needed a bit more sleep than usual perhaps.

My buddy who is using bi-estrocare for 2 months+ now, has just reported this to me:

"Still hardly shedding and hairline seems to be getting thicker. I honestly am still so blown away by how much this has reduced my shedding man. I also seem to be putting on quite a bit of muscle. My fiancé has been commenting on how much bigger my arms look. I also feel stronger. My libido was crazy high yesterday. Me and my fiancé had sex 4 times yesterday and I came each time and I could’ve went a couple more times. I felt like a teenager again lol also my erections are so big and full."

Anyone besides @whatevr use bi-estrocare? Can you report results?

I am strongly tempted to go back on it. Perhaps do Progesterone+biestro at the same.

BTW, there is a 15% save off all Life-flo products at iherb, for the next 17hrs..


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[QUOTE = "LEXUS, post: 1776950, miembro: 139951"] bridgeburn
Di por favor
¿Qué opinas sobre bicalutamide? ¿Es mejor que cypro? ¿Qué dosis es efectiva? No reduce TST. Solo reduce la sensibilidad de los receptores. ¿Interferirá con la acción del estradiol? ¿Qué crees que es bicalutamide bueno o malo? ¿Y qué es mejor que CYPRO o BICA? [/ QUOTE]

hello friend I use flutamide that is very peer ... I tell you the truth that I do not see much result until this worse my hair compared to last year is thinner ... this I do not know if it was because it was miniaturizing the hair or because the drug has that effect ... according to transsexuals in forums they say that it has that effect of refining the hair and a doctor who resets the trh to transsexuals told me that the trh refines the texture of the hair .... if you find out something contame ... I believe that I will abandon the regime and only use dutasteride and finasteride


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Has everyone seen this study?

The amount of testosterone required to maintain lean mass, fat mass, strength, and sexual function varied widely in men. Androgen deficiency accounted for decreases in lean mass, muscle size, and strength; estrogen deficiency primarily accounted for increases in body fat; and both contributed to the decline in sexual function. Our findings support changes in the approach to evaluation and management of hypogonadism in men.



Now, with that said...

It's been a few days since I stopped taking bi-estrocare, and started back on progesterone topical on scalp. (I thought bi-estro was possibly hurting hairline, but after carefully video, perhaps it was in my head only)

I feel like crap in comparison, off bi-estro.

So many benefits... skin looked fantastic (face), zero acne, felt very sharp mentally, I had more motivation to workout, I was more muscular and had big muscle pumps, INCREDIBLE SLEEP, but I think I noticed I also needed a bit more sleep than usual perhaps.

My buddy who is using bi-estrocare for 2 months+ now, has just reported this to me:

"Still hardly shedding and hairline seems to be getting thicker. I honestly am still so blown away by how much this has reduced my shedding man. I also seem to be putting on quite a bit of muscle. My fiancé has been commenting on how much bigger my arms look. I also feel stronger. My libido was crazy high yesterday. Me and my fiancé had sex 4 times yesterday and I came each time and I could’ve went a couple more times. I felt like a teenager again lol also my erections are so big and full."

Anyone besides @whatevr use bi-estrocare? Can you report results?

I am strongly tempted to go back on it. Perhaps do Progesterone+biestro at the same.

BTW, there is a 15% save off all Life-flo products at iherb, for the next 17hrs..
I’m ready to give estriol a try. Answer me this; how can this product be sold without script if it contains estradiol? Correct me but isn’t estradiol prescription only? And ingredients doesn’t say if it’s alpha or beta estradiol.


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I’m ready to give estriol a try. Answer me this; how can this product be sold without script if it contains estradiol? Correct me but isn’t estradiol prescription only? And ingredients doesn’t say if it’s alpha or beta estradiol.
I think its just cause nobody gives a sh*t since people don't use it to cheat in sports or get high.


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I think its just cause nobody gives a sh*t since people don't use it to cheat in sports or get high.
I would have used estriol first if I hadn’t read whatever’s negative input and theory that it might block beta’s effect at receptor. I think ideal forehead likes the effects of estriol.

Jonny Craig

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I would have used estriol first if I hadn’t read whatever’s negative input and theory that it might block beta’s effect at receptor. I think ideal forehead likes the effects of estriol.

Where is he anyway???? What's the feed back on estriol alone????? From what I've seen, not great.

bi-estrocare at least I know works, based on buddy's progress. Him and I have tried MANY things together.. this is the first thing that's really working for him. That is saying something.

Jonny Craig

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I’m ready to give estriol a try. Answer me this; how can this product be sold without script if it contains estradiol? Correct me but isn’t estradiol prescription only? And ingredients doesn’t say if it’s alpha or beta estradiol.

Again, why just estriol and why not bi-estrocare ? Perhaps the estriol/estradiol is synergistic?

But yeah.. during pregnancy, when women have great hair, isn't it PROGESTERONE + ESTRIOL that is highest?



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Again, why just estriol and why not bi-estrocare ? Perhaps the estriol/estradiol is synergistic?

But yeah.. during pregnancy, when women have great hair, isn't it PROGESTERONE + ESTRIOL that is highest?

What’s your friend’s dose? Apply to face and forehead? I can agree that my workouts and physique haven’t suffered at all from estrogen, but I’m using small dose compared to most on this thread