Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

nWo Wolfpac

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Yes, they have become better. 0.5 also works. I tried to bring the dose to 10 mg of estradiol and it worked worse. the body resists and does not take hormones in my high dose. I also accept cypro 6 mg and this also works. What do you think spironolactone and bicalutamide are better than cypro or not? which one is the worst in action? do you have any experience with them? I also wanted to sleep from a large dose of cypro.

That is great news! I am going to try your doses for myself and see what happens. I really hope my sleep improves with less cypro and estradiol. I think on the higher doses we probably reduced our testosterone too much when the smaller dose is all we needed.

nWo Wolfpac

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I think for most peoples hair, the minimum required E is low. Men are usually 10-40 pg/mL while postmenopausal women are often less than 30 pg/mL (some sources say below 10 pg/mL) and diffuse thinning is common with postmenopausal women. So I think for most people, low T with normal male levels of E is fine. The people in this thread may be more sensitive than that.

I really hope your right because I feel like crap on 2.25 mg a day. I'll let you guys now how I do and if my hair improves on a much smaller dose. I am going to start taking 0.75 mg a day starting today. Also that's kind of a sad stat about postmenopausal women.


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Because on 200 mg did not even decreased my libido.

just spironolactone is a weak drug. he has a very short action. replace it with CYPRO or bicalutamide. but CYPRO is better


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Because on 200 mg did not even decreased my libido.
Why is your main concern libido? It should be your hair... As long as it is improving your hair, that's what matters. But, 400MG? You might as well take cyproterone acetate instead...

Jonny Craig

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Good convo going here..

I am going to give biestro another shot (estriol 1mg, estradiol 0.25mg) per pump.

I'll receive it March 11-13.

I am using Progesterone only right now, and feeling like sh*t. Miss dat sweet sweet estrogen.

Adding E will downregulate hormone production. Check this wiki page (at least the "Location and regulation" section)


The feedback loop is the same in males and females, except that in males LH will trigger T production and in females it triggers E production. But both T and E will downregulate GnRH/LH/FSH. For transgender care, high E doses (usually injections) can fully supress T without any anti-androgens.


a male receiving exogenous ESTROGEN, in the form of estriol+estradiol - should NOT have to worry at all about this possibly upregulating DHT...T production....??? good to know. Everyone else agree?

I will be using progesterone as well as bi-estro.. to quench some DHT, hopefully.


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Good convo going here..

I am going to give biestro another shot (estriol 1mg, estradiol 0.25mg) per pump.

I'll receive it March 11-13.

I am using Progesterone only right now, and feeling like sh*t. Miss dat sweet sweet estrogen.


a male receiving exogenous ESTROGEN, in the form of estriol+estradiol - should NOT have to worry at all about this possibly upregulating DHT...T production....??? good to know. Everyone else agree?

I will be using progesterone as well as bi-estro.. to quench some DHT, hopefully.
Isn't biestro herbal based?


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Herbal based? Don't think so. Estriol USP and Estradiol USP...
well it's sold on an herbal site and uses words like "support" - typical of herbal based products. Plus you gotta be skeptical over the lack of description of what it is. While giving an elaborative description of the size and weight of the product which is laughable.
I think they are getting away with it cause the amount of E in it is almost none. Just doesn't look right to me.

Jonny Craig

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well it's sold on an herbal site and uses words like "support" - typical of herbal based products. Plus you gotta be skeptical over the lack of description of what it is. While giving an elaborative description of the size and weight of the product which is laughable.
I think they are getting away with it cause the amount of E in it is almost none. Just doesn't look right to me.

Um.. wat?

The USP label means a great deal and validates it's authenticity.

As the practice of pharmacy grew, medicines were increasingly made not only by pharmacists but by commercial providers. Companies like Eli Lily began to include “U.S.P.” on their product labels to indicate to pharmacists, medical practitioners and patients that the product was made in accordance with the quality standards of the United States Pharmacopeia.

These three letters convey a great deal of information to the healthcare practitioner. They let the pharmacist or doctor know that the medicine or product in the bottle meets several key quality attributes that are necessary to ensure the medicine will perform as expected. USP standards for the following quality indicators are based on laboratory testing.

  • Identity–is the product what it claims to be
  • Potency–is it present in the right amount
  • Purity–is it free from impurities, contaminants or other unwanted ingredients
  • Performance–will it dissolve and disintegrate in the body so the active ingredient can be absorbed


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Um.. wat?

The USP label means a great deal and validates it's authenticity.

As the practice of pharmacy grew, medicines were increasingly made not only by pharmacists but by commercial providers. Companies like Eli Lily began to include “U.S.P.” on their product labels to indicate to pharmacists, medical practitioners and patients that the product was made in accordance with the quality standards of the United States Pharmacopeia.

These three letters convey a great deal of information to the healthcare practitioner. They let the pharmacist or doctor know that the medicine or product in the bottle meets several key quality attributes that are necessary to ensure the medicine will perform as expected. USP standards for the following quality indicators are based on laboratory testing.

  • Identity–is the product what it claims to be
  • Potency–is it present in the right amount
  • Purity–is it free from impurities, contaminants or other unwanted ingredients
  • Performance–will it dissolve and disintegrate in the body so the active ingredient can be absorbed
Sorry I didn't click on the picture with the back label - they should paste that in the description on the site rather than waste room on product dimensions.

But Eb is tiny from the looks of it, like .5% beer you can buy at the grocery store.


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cypro will nuke your dick to kingdom come - one pill cut in half a week is enough for me. Can't imagine what daily would do.

You take half a pill and see results? Also, what do you mean by 'nuke your dick'...? Is taking it daily bad?


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You take half a pill and see results? Also, what do you mean by 'nuke your dick'...? Is taking it daily bad?
The stuff is banned in the USA cause it can cause tumors. But it's intended for use on aggressive prostate cancer and castrating pedos.
Stuff like that it's used everyday at 50mg. For the purpose of hair you can use a lot less and still reap benefits - remember proscar is 5mg and used for enlarged prostate, while propecia is 1mg and used for hair.

I'm correlating ejaculate and libido decrease to dose used, and yes one pill cut in half - so 25mg x 2 a week is enough to nuke my dick. However others have reported ok libido and gyno, while I don't seem to be getting gyno.


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The stuff is banned in the USA cause it can cause tumors. But it's intended for use on aggressive prostate cancer and castrating pedos.
Stuff like that it's used everyday at 50mg. For the purpose of hair you can use a lot less and still reap benefits - remember proscar is 5mg and used for enlarged prostate, while propecia is 1mg and used for hair.

I'm correlating ejaculate and libido decrease to dose used, and yes one pill cut in half - so 25mg x 2 a week is enough to nuke my dick. However others have reported ok libido and gyno, while I don't seem to be getting gyno.
If it nukes your dick then I think that is a bonus for hair. But again I cycle this stuff in 4-6 week lengths. I think there is some benefit to T coming back for the short to medium term, maybe not long term. But that's just bro science on my part.


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If it nukes your dick then I think that is a bonus for hair. But again I cycle this stuff in 4-6 week lengths. I think there is some benefit to T coming back for the short to medium term, maybe not long term. But that's just bro science on my part.

I guess Spironolactone + Estradiol will be alright for me, since my hair loss isn't so severe. I have a combination of Telogen Effluvium + AA unfortunately, which is a diabolical combination! I guess me taking cypro could potentially be overkill...


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I guess Spironolactone + Estradiol will be alright for me, since my hair loss isn't so severe. I have a combination of Telogen Effluvium + AA unfortunately, which is a diabolical combination! I guess me taking cypro could potentially be overkill...
with all these bombs at our disposal you have to play around and see what works best for you. I record everything on a spreadsheet.

I'm off cypro now and will see how things go down there if i'm sticking with E at 1mg x 5 days a week. If things recover and are ok again, then I know I can handle more E.

It's a tricky game, if you're using high dosage and hair is not looking great because of sheds do you quit? More shed now might mean more hair down the road. You have to monitor this stuff closely.

nWo Wolfpac

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You take half a pill and see results? Also, what do you mean by 'nuke your dick'...? Is taking it daily bad?

I have been taking it daily for almost 7 months and my dick is fine. I can still have back to back orgasms like I used too. Marky is just a bad responder and I feel bad for him. Its legal for hrt in Canada and Europe.

The stuff is banned in the USA cause it can cause tumors. But it's intended for use on aggressive prostate cancer and castrating pedos.
Stuff like that it's used everyday at 50mg. For the purpose of hair you can use a lot less and still reap benefits - remember proscar is 5mg and used for enlarged prostate, while propecia is 1mg and used for hair.

I'm correlating ejaculate and libido decrease to dose used, and yes one pill cut in half - so 25mg x 2 a week is enough to nuke my dick. However others have reported ok libido and gyno, while I don't seem to be getting gyno.

Remember when I started Cypro my first couple of months were really bad for my libido. There were times I couldnt even get a full erection. But my body adapted and now I'm fine. Marky you might be able to bounce back like I did.


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I have been taking it daily for almost 7 months and my dick is fine. I can still have back to back orgasms like I used too. Marky is just a bad responder and I feel bad for him. Its legal for hrt in Canada and Europe.

Remember when I started Cypro my first couple of months were really bad for my libido. There were times I couldnt even get a full erection. But my body adapted and now I'm fine. Marky you might be able to bounce back like I did.
I can get an erection but fluid is almost none. This is month 5 for me - 6 weeks on 6 weeks off, 6 weeks on 6 weeks off. And it's worse this second time around.


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I have been taking it daily for almost 7 months and my dick is fine. I can still have back to back orgasms like I used too. Marky is just a bad responder and I feel bad for him. Its legal for hrt in Canada and Europe.

Remember when I started Cypro my first couple of months were really bad for my libido. There were times I couldnt even get a full erection. But my body adapted and now I'm fine. Marky you might be able to bounce back like I did.

Did you get prescribed Spironolactone + Estradiol from your doctor? Or did you order them online?