Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Yeah in a way I feel you are right. I started only using dutasteride every other day/ every three days because I use 2.5mg now. Still, it’s a joke. Hairline itches and is terrible now. I have like 1/4 inch hairs on my hairline that are straight up dead and my hair isn’t short.. so it doesn’t work on me

Haven’t tried or even given thought to progesterone. Have you?

progestterone is basically chemical castration. If you understand the LH FSH cycle, progesterone suppressed LH much more than T or E and in males the shutdwn from it is way harsher than from anything else

Jonny Craig

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Yeah in a way I feel you are right. I started only using dutasteride every other day/ every three days because I use 2.5mg now. Still, it’s a joke. Hairline itches and is terrible now. I have like 1/4 inch hairs on my hairline that are straight up dead and my hair isn’t short.. so it doesn’t work on me

Haven’t tried or even given thought to progesterone. Have you?

Yes sir.

Progesterone was working OK for me at holding things, was on it pretty much from 2016-2018 and then stopped as I had started playing sports competitively and I felt the difference of being ON prog vs OFF. So I foolishly stopped taking it early 2018, and then would take it only on/off. I tried clomid in 2018 sep/oct, and that screwed with my hairline. Keep in mind, I got a FUT in 2016... clomid messed with the transplanted hair loss. Back on prog 100mg oral (I simply put 100mg of prog oil into a capsule) and hopefully this will help. I am banking on the fact that since the loss was so recent it can be brought back, and it isn't TOO bad. Given everything you've tried tbh, I can't say I *think* prog will help you but, who knows.

Jonny Craig

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progestterone is basically chemical castration. If you understand the LH FSH cycle, progesterone suppressed LH much more than T or E and in males the shutdwn from it is way harsher than from anything else

Oh yeah? very interesting...

In that case -- What's your thoughts on progesterone as a treatment for male pattern baldness?

It doesn't feel like chemical castration, in terms of.. Dick will work fine (slight dulled orgasm/pleasure, but this is something you would only notice by being ON for awhile then stopping, and it's very subtle).

The biggest side effect for me, is, the fact that it seems to just chill you out and relax you so much, to the point where if you're trying to play a sport where you need to be sort of animalistic and whatnot (think high T) you will be in for a rude awakening when you're trying to fake that stuff. It's very hard to do, and I always found myself 1-2 steps behind on prog.

I think using it orally, may be better than using it topically. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but the reason I say that is because if you pour 100mg on your scalp before bed, you wake up the next morning, you won't feel that different. If you put 100mg prog in to a capsule, swallow it before bed, and wake up next morning.. you will be feeling different than baseline. Initially, you will feel slightly hungover, very slightly. Using topically, makes sense as it's direct, however... perhaps oral is better due to is having more of a chance to exert it's effects elsewhere in the body, i.e suppress LH, etc..?!
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Oh yeah? very interesting...

In that case -- What's your thoughts on progesterone as a treatment for male pattern baldness?

It doesn't feel like chemical castration, in terms of.. Dick will work fine (slight dulled orgasm/pleasure, but this is something you would only notice by being ON for awhile then stopping, and it's very subtle).

The biggest side effect for me, is, the fact that it seems to just chill you out and relax you so much, to the point where if you're trying to play a sport where you need to be sort of animalistic and whatnot (think high T) you will be in for a rude awakening when you're trying to fake that stuff. It's very hard to do, and I always found myself 1-2 steps behind on prog.

Is there any studies which present the growth of hair whilst on progesterone?


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Oh yeah? very interesting...

In that case -- What's your thoughts on progesterone as a treatment for male pattern baldness?

It doesn't feel like chemical castration, in terms of.. Dick will work fine (slight dulled orgasm/pleasure, but this is something you would only notice by being ON for awhile then stopping, and it's very subtle).

The biggest side effect for me, is, the fact that it seems to just chill you out and relax you so much, to the point where if you're trying to play a sport where you need to be sort of animalistic and whatnot (think high T) you will be in for a rude awakening when you're trying to fake that stuff. It's very hard to do, and I always found myself 1-2 steps behind on prog.

I think using it orally, may be better than using it topically. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but the reason I say that is because if you pour 100mg on your scalp before bed, you wake up the next morning, you won't feel that different. If you put 100mg prog in to a capsule, swallow it before bed, and wake up next morning.. you will be feeling different than baseline. Initially, you will feel slightly hungover, very slightly. Using topically, makes sense as it's direct, however... perhaps oral is better due to is having more of a chance to exert it's effects elsewhere in the body, i.e suppress LH, etc..?!

Jonny Craig

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Is there any studies which present the growth of hair whilst on progesterone?

Not that I'm aware of per se. Only studies speaking of it as an 5-ar inhibitor and things along those lines.

I think it should be viewed more as a possible tool to slow/stop the progression, not provide great regrowth; but I am hoping for that right now.


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Oh yeah? very interesting...

In that case -- What's your thoughts on progesterone as a treatment for male pattern baldness?

It doesn't feel like chemical castration, in terms of.. Dick will work fine (slight dulled orgasm/pleasure, but this is something you would only notice by being ON for awhile then stopping, and it's very subtle).

The biggest side effect for me, is, the fact that it seems to just chill you out and relax you so much, to the point where if you're trying to play a sport where you need to be sort of animalistic and whatnot (think high T) you will be in for a rude awakening when you're trying to fake that stuff. It's very hard to do, and I always found myself 1-2 steps behind on prog.

I think using it orally, may be better than using it topically. I'm not sure if this is accurate, but the reason I say that is because if you pour 100mg on your scalp before bed, you wake up the next morning, you won't feel that different. If you put 100mg prog in to a capsule, swallow it before bed, and wake up next morning.. you will be feeling different than baseline. Initially, you will feel slightly hungover, very slightly. Using topically, makes sense as it's direct, however... perhaps oral is better due to is having more of a chance to exert it's effects elsewhere in the body, i.e suppress LH, etc..?!

Yea those seem like the symptoms of low t. Idk if you are on finasteride or dutasteride but usually sides from low t don’t happen right away. The smooth muscle in your dick needs time to atrophy. There’s a lag period between sexual sides and t suppression. The obvious way to tell would be to get a blood test.

If u are gonna do topical progesterone might as well do cyp ace. It’s a progesterone too but with anti androgenic affects. It will work better for hairloss better as a topical and oral.

The only way I could see progesterone helping for hairloss is suppression on T which of course would help but that is the worst side to get imo cuz you would never fully recover from long term progesterone shut down

You can ask me more questions on the discord btw


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Yea those seem like the symptoms of low t. Idk if you are on finasteride or dutasteride but usually sides from low t don’t happen right away. The smooth muscle in your dick needs time to atrophy. There’s a lag period between sexual sides and t suppression. The obvious way to tell would be to get a blood test.

If u are gonna do topical progesterone might as well do cyp ace. It’s a progesterone too but with anti androgenic affects. It will work better for hairloss better as a topical and oral.

The only way I could see progesterone helping for hairloss is suppression on T which of course would help but that is the worst side to get imo cuz you would never fully recover from long term progesterone shut down

You can ask me more questions on the discord btw

I was using topical minoxidil with progesterone, I am about to drop it because the progesterone makes me exhausted all the time and it just seems to cause shedding.


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I was using topical minoxidil with progesterone, I am about to drop it because the progesterone makes me exhausted all the time and it just seems to cause shedding.

Yep. Guys study how the drugs work before using them.

If anyone here has finasteride/dutasteride resistant hairloss and wants to try more extreme treatments pm me and I’ll send you an invite to our discord


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what is the dose of estradiol without antiandrogens needed to block the testosterone production?

nWo Wolfpac

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what is the dose of estradiol without antiandrogens needed to block the testosterone production?

It's different for everyone. For most people it would be 4 to 8 mg a day. And sometimes even 8 mg isn't enough and it's not safe to take more than that. I do remember one person who said it only took 2 mg but that is very rare. And also pills are a bad method to use if you're not on anti androgens. Even if you take them twice a day they still don't keep testosterone down enough to use without an AA.

This is something I'm tempted to try myself. It Is certainly safer and healthier than taking anti androgens. If I do try to take Estradiol only I would start off at 3 mg and see if that works and if not than just keep upping the dose until it does.
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I was using topical minoxidil with progesterone, I am about to drop it because the progesterone makes me exhausted all the time and it just seems to cause shedding.
I think shedding is a sign thats its working. Have to get through that stage though, which of course is tough when you're already thinning.


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How do I know it’s a good shed though?
Good question. Think if its around a hundred in the shower then its normal, but 200 could indicate a problem. Then when its over it goes down to 30ish then you know the shed phase is over. But if it continues then maybe you're on the wrong stuff for your biochemistry.


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*Sigh* something important to add is that Accutane has most likely given me liver damage after just one month of using it, lol... I have to see a liver specialist soon, I hope this doesn't mess up me using spironolactone... :(

Why don’t you just order a liver quality test kit.
A simple blood test kit is sent to you and then you post it back once done. You don’t even have to see your doctor unless it’s damaged. But highly unlikely though. It takes years of abuse to damage your liver.


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Why don’t you just order a liver quality test kit.
A simple blood test kit is sent to you and then you post it back once done. You don’t even have to see your doctor unless it’s damaged. But highly unlikely though. It takes years of abuse to damage your liver.
I agree, I highly doubt using Accutane for one month will cause liver damage. It’s mainly just my AST levels which are elevated.

I think the liver specialist will do an ultrasound, although I think it’s pretty much pointless because my AST levels can lower by itself...


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The confusing thing is that there are multiple studies about estrogen enhancing collagen synthesis so I'm wondering if I'm blaming estrogen when oral minoxidil is the culprit. Although that wouldn't explain your experience.

they both can.. They both increase VEGF.

The skin becoming more translucent doesn't help either. And having pale skin makes blue show up more.

I haven't personally had any vein issues, in fact my skin is a million times better.

Under my eyes can get a bit blueish but it was always like that.. actually I think that if I don't get good sleep they look worse than before Hrt but when I get good sleep they look better than before HRT..

limit caffeine, and also histamines (beer, wine,)

I was looking around reddit a couple of weeks back and I found a trans woman complaining about the same thing. Here is her post.

"Hi everybody, I am a post-op MtF. I have been looking for transgendered forums in order to make sense of a very unpleasant situation regarding HRT.

I had SRS with Dr. Meltzer and I am very pleased with the results. My biggest problems is with HRT, though. I have been on HRT for years and have tried different combinations and approaches. I have also consulted with several endocrinologists who gave me conflicting opinions on HRT. My hope is that someone here can help me find a sweet spot with HRT.

Because I am post-op, I do not need antiandrogen but I do need estrogen. 15 days ago, I stopped taking estrogen all of a sudden and the changes I have seen in these 15 days are amazing. Without estrogen, my face looks less bloated and more attractive, my double chin is gone, I am starting to have a thigh gap again, my skin looks more radiant and thicker, my complexion is healthier (as opposed to the anemic complexion on HRT), my connetive tissue seems more elastic.My skin on HRT was too thin and the veins were showing. The cellulite and flabbiness have improved in 15 days. Keep in mind that while I was on HRT I was on diet and I exercised even twice a day, however, I didn't see any significant result. I stopped estrogen and bingo, I lost weight and water retention and cellulite. The reason why I stopped HRT is because I was frustrated and depressed that no matter how hard I worked out and no matter how much I watched what I ate, I still had cottage cheese butt and huge (I mean HUGE hips which are unattractive).

My question is: how can I find a sweet spot? Before you tell me to ask my doctor, I have already asked several doctors and they only confused me. I have to be my own doctor now. Plus, there is a conflict of interests and I am a source of income for them. I go to their office and pay money to check my hormones and get refills, so, of course they are not gonna tell me to stop HRT and lose a client. One endocrinologist told me that my weight, bloating, flabbiness and cellulite were due to low estrogen... another one told me it was that I had still testosterone circulating in my blood, since I had just had SRS... too many conflicting opinions. I want to stop HRT but I am afraid I will lose that "feminine halo" that HRT gives to your face and makes you pass at a quick glance from a casual observer on the street.

TLTR: stopped HRT and my body and face improved incredibly in 15 days. However, I am afraid to masculinize so I want to find a sweet spot.

as far as the gaunt look is concerned, I believe that a fat face on an already big, wide face (like mine) is worse. I don't know, I am torn, to be honest, because I don't want to lose femininity, but the hormones were doing more harm than good. Yes, I did check the values and these are the values from December

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS/MS 6ng/dl Free Testosterone 0.6 pg/ml

Estradiol 24 pg/ml

I also have to mention that when I went off on HRT in these 15 days I can concentrate much better and my mood has improved too. Shouldn't it be the opposite?"


damn, this is basically opposite of what I've experienced


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gosh, srry everyone, but I just can't keep up with this thread. o.o

but anyway I wanted to log in and say this is why I don't like androgens;


Also, look at this bullshit.. *from Wikipedia

Top 10 oldest verified people:

Rank Name Sex Birth date Death date Age Country of death or residence
1 Jeanne Calment[1] F 21 February 1875 4 August 1997 122 years, 164 days[note 1] France
2 Sarah Knauss[5] F 24 September 1880 30 December 1999 119 years, 97 days United States
3 Nabi Tajima[6] F 4 August 1900 21 April 2018 117 years, 260 days Japan
4 Lucy Hannah[7] F 16 July 1875 21 March 1993 117 years, 248 days United States
5 Marie-Louise Meilleur[8] F 29 August 1880 16 April 1998 117 years, 230 days Canada
6 Violet Brown[6] F 10 March 1900 15 September 2017 117 years, 189 days Jamaica
7 Emma Morano[6] F 29 November 1899 15 April 2017 117 years, 137 days Italy
8 Chiyo Miyako[9] F 2 May 1901 22 July 2018 117 years, 81 days Japan
9 Misao Okawa[6] F 5 March 1898 1 April 2015 117 years, 27 days Japan
10 María Capovilla[10] F 14 September 1889 27 August 2006 116 years, 347 days Ecuador

They are all women!

Top 10 oldest currently living people:

Rank Name Sex Birth date Age as of 16 March 2019 Country of residence
1 Kane Tanaka[6] F 2 January 1903 116 years, 73 days Japan
2 Maria Giuseppa Robucci[6] F 20 March 1903 115 years, 361 days Italy
3 Lucile Randon,[6]a.k.a. Sœur André[18] F 11 February 1904 115 years, 33 days France
4 Shin Matsushita[6] F 30 March 1904 114 years, 351 days Japan
5 Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich[19][20] F 27 May 1904 114 years, 293 days Belarus
6 Maggie Kidd[21] F 8 December 1904 114 years, 98 days United States
7 Jeanne Bot[6] F 14 January 1905 114 years, 61 days France
8 Shigeyo Nakachi[6] F 1 February 1905 114 years, 43 days Japan
9 Haruno Yamashita[6] F 19 February 1905 114 years, 25 days Japan
10 Kame Ganeko[6] F 10 April 1905 113 years, 340 days Japan

Also, all Women

The price of Masculinity: Life Itself :(


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[QUOTE = "bridgeburn, post: 1780748, miembro: 130663"] Dios mío, srry todos, pero no puedo seguir con este hilo. oo

pero de todos modos quería iniciar sesión y decir que por eso no me gustan los andrógenos;

[ATTACH = full] 115234 [/ ATTACH]

También, mira esta mierda .. * de Wikipedia

Top 10 personas más antiguas verificadas:

Rango Nombre Sexo Fecha de nacimiento Día de muerte Edad País de la muerte o de residencia
1 Jeanne Calment [1] F 21 de febrero de 1875 4 de agosto de 1997 122 años, 164 días [nota 1] Francia
2 Sarah Knauss [5] F 24 de septiembre de 1880 30 de diciembre de 1999 119 años, 97 días Estados Unidos
3 Nabi Tajima [6] F 4 de agosto de 1900 21 de abril de 2018 117 años, 260 días Japón
4 Lucy Hannah [7] F 16 de julio de 1875 21 de marzo de 1993 117 años, 248 días Estados Unidos
5 Marie-Louise Meilleur [8] F 29 de agosto de 1880 16 de abril de 1998 117 años, 230 días Canadá
6 Violet Brown [6] F 10 de marzo de 1900 15 de septiembre de 2017 117 años, 189 días Jamaica
7 Emma Morano [6] F 29 de noviembre de 1899 15 de abril de 2017 117 años, 137 días Italia
8 Chiyo Miyako [9] F 2 de mayo de 1901 22 de julio de 2018 117 años, 81 días Japón
9 Misao Okawa [6] F 5 de marzo de 1898 1 de abril de 2015 117 años, 27 días Japón
10 María Capovilla [10] F 14 de septiembre de 1889 27 de agosto de 2006 116 años, 347 días Ecuador

¡Todas son mujeres!

Top 10 personas más antiguas que viven actualmente:

Rango Nombre Sexo Fecha de nacimiento Edad a partir del 16 de marzo de 2019 País de residencia
1 Kane Tanaka [6] F 2 de enero de 1903 116 años, 73 días Japón
2 Maria Giuseppa Robucci [6] F 20 de marzo de 1903 115 años, 361 días Italia
3 Lucile Randon, [6] aka Sœur André [18] F 11 de febrero de 1904 115 años, 33 días Francia
4 Shin Matsushita [6] F 30 de marzo de 1904 114 años, 351 días Japón
5 Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich [19] [20] F 27 de mayo de 1904 114 años, 293 días Bielorrusia
6 Maggie Kidd [21] F 8 de diciembre de 1904 114 años, 98 días Estados Unidos
7 Jeanne Bot [6] F 14 de enero de 1905 114 años, 61 días Francia
8 Shigeyo Nakachi [6] F 1 de febrero de 1905 114 años, 43 días Japón
9 Haruno Yamashita [6] F 19 de febrero de 1905 114 años, 25 días Japón
10 Kame Ganeko [6] F 10 de abril de 1905 113 años, 340 días Japón

Además, todas las mujeres.

El precio de la masculinidad: la vida misma:( [/ QUOTE]

you will not follow here ??