Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Since the reported liver issues with cypro have been with doses of 100mg or higher and within the elderly, would it have much of a negative effect on my liver at 25mg per day...?


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Well thanks for this it supports my theory that both T and E can rise together for best bang on hair growth. Key is balance, too much E would eventually lower T - but I think T has some benefits for hair, of course DHT not being one of them.

As for your potassium levels, lots of bananas?
No, I don't like Bananas.


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Since the reported liver issues with cypro have been with doses of 100mg or higher and within the elderly, would it have much of a negative effect on my liver at 25mg per day...?
I read that 10mg a day can suppress test by 60%. 25mg a day will probably nuke all test. I would start low and see how u get on.


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Hey, I have not been here long time and I have to catch up in a few days, so just 1 quick question, bcs i know lots of you take oral minoxidil.

I decided to add to my regimen oral minoxidil (15mg atm) and still use topical, should I expect shedding? When should i expect any regrow (3 months?)?


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Please tell me what should I do now? Shall I stop taking spironolactone?

Stop taking 400mg ....
Just 100mg but add at least 2mg estradiol or better 4mg. spironolactone is not a strong Aa, without estradiol it won’t make a big difference.


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Can 4 mg of estradiol make me irreversibly sterile?

You will never be the same after it let’s just say that. Even if you stop your testosterone production will never return to where it was without it.

You won’t be completely infertile after coming off of it but your testicular function will never be the same. If that’s something you can’t live with don’t take these drugs


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Hey guys, what do you think. if androgel smear on tits. will they not grow?


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hi 10 mg of cipro will be enough to complement 500 mg flutamide? also 100 micrograms of ethinylestradiol


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I’m honestly getting off of Cypro and dutasteride soon and im just investing in taking seti at 2000mg a day. I’ve never responded to any hormonal meds other than getting mild gyno. Hair wise, I’m getting no where but worse.

Hi mate how do you know your not responding to cypro?
If i remember correctly you started spironolactone around the same time as me but you had to drop it because of an allergic reaction. So you can’t have been on Cypro that long.
You should give it a few more months. You never know you could respond to it.


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Why did E go down even though T went down too?

Blood tests aren’t 100% accurate. If you were to do a blood test in the morning and then on in the afternoon you’ll get different results. It better to do them around 10am and at the same time for further blood tests.


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So here is my blood test report before and after the spironolactone.
Prior to Spironolactone 400 ;
Total testosterone: 437 ng/dL (164-753),
Estradiol serum: 40 pg/mL (<39),
Pottasium serum: 4 (3.8-5.2).

After 4 months on spironolactone;

Total testosterone: 285 ng/dL (164-753),
Estradiol serum: 30 pg/mL (<39),
Pottasium serum: 7 (3.8-5.2).

At this point, I am very concerned about my potassium level.

You should lower your dosage of spironolactone to 200mg for starters. Assess your diet, just look up high potassium food on google. And cut them out of your diet.

nWo Wolfpac

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This might sound disgusting, but I honestly feel like men who are balding and may potentially spread the gene should be sterile... It's such a horrific gene to have, and seems to cause only sadness!

This is a pathetic and ridiculous thought to have. Most men are not as weak and insecure as you and me. Most men don't let balding define or destroy their lives. They accept it and move on. I see plenty of bald and balding guys out with their girlfriends living their best life. Almost all the men in my family are bald or balding and are doing just fine. Most bald men lead productive happy lives, don't project your own insecurities and sadness onto everybody else. You must really hate your life to make that statement but balding isn't an excuse for your life to suck. If you hate your life because your balding then you never had a great life to begin with anyway. Work on things you have control over don't let your appearance 100% dictate your happiness.
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This is a pathetic and ridiculous thought to have. Most men are not as weak and insecure as you and me. Most men don't let balding define or destroy their lives. They accept it and move on. I see plenty of bald and balding guys out with their girlfriends living their best life. Almost all the men in my family are bald or balding and are doing just fine. Most bald men lead productive happy lives, don't project your own insecurities and sadness onto everybody else. You must really hate your life to make that statement but balding isn't an excuse for your life to suck. If you hate your life because your balding then you never had a great life to begin with anyway. Work on things you have control over don't let your appearance 100% dictate your happiness.

We live in 2019, appearance is the most important aspect to a majority of the younger population. Maybe people previously end up accepting baldness, but I don’t see that for our upcoming years as boys become more and more vain. Even on this website, the amount of young people who post on here in fear of balding is growing.

The men you’re referring to are the older generation who generally just accept it because they’re not as vain. Men nowadays are finally beginning to realise the importance of appearance and are finally putting as much effort into it as women would. And you can’t even deny the importance of a better appearance: if a bald unattractive man and an attractive man with a full head of hair applied for the same job and had the same abilities, they would chose the attractive man with hair.


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@Ikarus : with the civil war coming, apparence might not be the main concern of the younger population