Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I noticed too that I no longer felt like I was starving all the time. I haven't gained weight but I don't eat as much either so I think my metabolism slowed.

and testosterone does increase metabolism:

"basal metabolic rate (BMR) increased significantly after 3 months of testosterone treatment "

"Testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone stimulate RMR, in part, directly and, in part, through their effects on body composition (30)."

This is very bad because in nature creatures with slower metabolisms live longer. The more food required equals more toxic byproducts of metabolism. That's one main reason why calorie restriction extends lifespan. Amongst these similiar aged monkeys, the one on the right has restricted calories.

View attachment 120355

Also, CR slows metabolism. This is also why I believe too much muscle would also contribute to the aging process. Because bigger muscles consume more energy even while at rest. The more muscle one has, the more calories required to be able to maintain it which again leads to more toxic byproducts of metabolism; homocysteine, oxidation, glycation end products, etc.
Yet people get power and strength confused with health and longevity and the media glorifies testosterone. Women have less muscle and live longer than men, they also have slower metabolisms cause the reality is that the candle glowing twice as bright lasts half as long.
Thats interesting, but could there be value in moderate exercise - I mean there would be the point of overkill for sure.
I do a couple times a week and I feel incomplete without it. I think it would play a part in preserving DNA regeneration, ultimately you're breaking the muscle down then it regrows stronger.


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I think it would play a part in preserving DNA regeneration, ultimately you're breaking the muscle down then it regrows stronger.
sometimes just because something makes sense doesn't mean its true.

"Endurance but not resistance training has anti-aging effects"

"Although calorie restriction can result in reduced muscle mass, the diet is able to preserve the quality and function of muscle with age. In rhesus monkeys, calorie restriction appeared to delay the onset of sarcopenia with age, and this is similar to what is seen in mice that are subjected to CR [4]. "


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sometimes just because something makes sense doesn't mean its true.

"Endurance but not resistance training has anti-aging effects"

"Although calorie restriction can result in reduced muscle mass, the diet is able to preserve the quality and function of muscle with age. In rhesus monkeys, calorie restriction appeared to delay the onset of sarcopenia with age, and this is similar to what is seen in mice that are subjected to CR [4]. "
Then ideally light weight and high rep might be best, again in moderation, it is a form of endurance training over speed and power.
This guy only eats one meal a day, great info if you can understand WTF he's saying, great shape too:



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Then ideally light weight and high rep might be best, again in moderation, it is a form of endurance training over speed and power.
This guy only eats one meal a day, great info if you can understand WTF he's saying, great shape too:
he's bald as f*** though. not a good sign lol


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"When you spread your meals throughout the day, your stomach and digestive system don't have to work as hard. If you eat just one meal, however, there is increased pressure on your digestive system to work through all that food. Your heart must work harder to send extra blood to your gut, which can raise your blood pressure levels over time. If you're susceptible to heartburn, a big meal also raises your risk of suffering from acid reflux.

In clinical trials, scientists have discovered that eating a single meal a day has negative health effects in the long term. In one study published in 2007 in the journal "Metabolism," subjects who had all of their daily calories in one meal developed higher blood sugar levels and elevated levels of ghrelin, a hormone that controls appetite. The researchers concluded that over time, eating a single meal daily could put people at higher risk of developing serious conditions such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease."


"One study in published in JAMA involving 100 people found that intermittent fasting raised LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Higher levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to increased rates of heart disease and stroke."


nWo Wolfpac

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Wolf I think you when you started some areas started to look better while some worse, I assume that evened out in the end. Or did it continue as in general it was getting better overall.

When I started i noticed my hair was getting worse especially my temples. Then my temples started getting better while the rest of my hair kept getting worse. After the first 3 months it started getting better everywhere.

nWo Wolfpac

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"When you spread your meals throughout the day, your stomach and digestive system don't have to work as hard. If you eat just one meal, however, there is increased pressure on your digestive system to work through all that food. Your heart must work harder to send extra blood to your gut, which can raise your blood pressure levels over time. If you're susceptible to heartburn, a big meal also raises your risk of suffering from acid reflux.

In clinical trials, scientists have discovered that eating a single meal a day has negative health effects in the long term. In one study published in 2007 in the journal "Metabolism," subjects who had all of their daily calories in one meal developed higher blood sugar levels and elevated levels of ghrelin, a hormone that controls appetite. The researchers concluded that over time, eating a single meal daily could put people at higher risk of developing serious conditions such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease."


"One study in published in JAMA involving 100 people found that intermittent fasting raised LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Higher levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to increased rates of heart disease and stroke."


I hope that's true because I could never force myself to eat one giant meal a day.


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When I started i noticed my hair was getting worse especially my temples. Then my temples started getting better while the rest of my hair kept getting worse. After the first 3 months it started getting better everywhere.

That’s what’s happening to me currently... Although my temples are continuously improving, the rest makes me fearful!


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take progesterone and dutasteride instead that high dosage of cpa

it is the androstendione from yr adrenal gland

androstendione dont use an androgenreceptor to get in in yr cell... cpa is useless for androst.

I tried. when I take progesterone, my testosterone and libido increase and my hair is greasy. It does not work for me. Thank you all for your concern. Why do you all say that there is no point in taking more than 50 mg of CPA? I seem to understand what's the matter. I stopped taking avodart. As soon as I added Avodart two days ago, everything became better. CPA can not remove dht. only avodart.


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I tried. when I take progesterone, my testosterone and libido increase and my hair is greasy. It does not work for me. Thank you all for your concern. Why do you all say that there is no point in taking more than 50 mg of CPA? I seem to understand what's the matter. I stopped taking avodart. As soon as I added Avodart two days ago, everything became better. CPA can not remove dht. only avodart.

If there isn’t any testosterone to convert to DHT, why would you need a 5AR inhibitor? You are using cyproterone acetate and 6MG/day of estradiol; I highly doubt you have much testosterone in sight. I am mostly concerned with your dose of CPA and its significant risks whilst you not monitoring yourself.


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How then to remove androstenedione? spironolactone can help?


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If there isn’t any testosterone to convert to DHT, why would you need a 5AR inhibitor? You are using cyproterone acetate and 6MG/day of estradiol; I highly doubt you have much testosterone in sight. I am mostly concerned with your dose of CPA and its significant risks whilst you not monitoring yourself.
likemike said that dht appears from androstenedione. I made sure that CPA can only remove testosterone. androstenedione and dht he can not remove. the only reason the hairs drop out is dht. just when there is no testosterone, then dht appears from androsterone.


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What is your regime today? Do you have a gyno? Do you masturbate? How often?
I have no problems with ananizm. there is no gino. more than 1 size cannot grow. My regime I just strengthened. You can look at him. Just do not fall. I want everything at once.

from today my mode is like that. CPA 300 mg, spironolactone 600 mg, Avodart, Estrogel, Estradiol, Finasteride, minoxidil.


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Everyone doesn't get everything. I saved my hair but prevented masculinization. There are people who think I'm 12 when I'm about to turn 20 in a couple of months. I can be jealous of you all who has to deal with hair loss when you completed your puberty.
Just kidding. I like looking younger. And with bicalutamide and metformin, I'll be stuck at this 12 years of age forever.
Hello @Ein , fellow Indian here.
Sorry, I've had little trouble deciphering your replies. What you're basically saying is that with 50mg bicalutamide and 1mg fina and 100pmg metformin, you were able to stop your hairloss and you didn't get any sexual/feminizing side effects and are still pretty much male?

If that is true, it should give me some hope.


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Hello @Ein , fellow Indian here.
Sorry, I've had little trouble deciphering your replies. What you're basically saying is that with 50mg bicalutamide and 1mg fina and 100pmg metformin, you were able to stop your hairloss and you didn't get any sexual/feminizing side effects and are still pretty much male?

If that is true, it should give me some hope.

I have read a lot of his story, and he said he can’t speak much on sexual side effects since he didn’t have such a libido to begin with. He explained it as ‘reversing the effects of puberty’ when it comes to the appearance.


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I have read a lot of his story, and he said he can’t speak much on sexual side effects since he didn’t have such a libido to begin with. He explained it as ‘reversing the effects of puberty’ when it comes to the appearance.
Hey @Ikarus.

Honestly, libido isn't a problem for me. (single as of now)
Infact, I become equally horny (if not more) on fina than I would before fina.

So what it is true that he's taking bicalutamide 50mg +fina 1mg for more than a year and it has halted his hairloss as well as he experienced regrowth, correct?

And as per you (as you explained him), he can't comment on sexual sides since he didn't have any to begin with? Correct?

If both of the above are correct, then I've two questions -
a) did he get gyno from regular use of bicalutamide? If yes, how did he tackle it?
b) did he experience feminazation of other parts?

(sorry if I'm bombarding you. Anyway, I'm ordering food, so would you like me to order sth for you, if uber eats is available there)


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Hey @Ikarus.

Honestly, libido isn't a problem for me. (single as of now)
Infact, I become equally horny (if not more) on fina than I would before fina.

So what it is true that he's taking bicalutamide 50mg +fina 1mg for more than a year and it has halted his hairloss as well as he experienced regrowth, correct?

And as per you (as you explained him), he can't comment on sexual sides since he didn't have any to begin with? Correct?

If both of the above are correct, then I've two questions -
a) did he get gyno from regular use of bicalutamide? If yes, how did he tackle it?
b) did he experience feminazation of other parts?

(sorry if I'm bombarding you. Anyway, I'm ordering food, so would you like me to order sth for you, if uber eats is available there)

I will link his post regarding his use of bicalutamide: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...-initial-shedding-from-anti-androgens.111183/

Originally he used a combination of bicalutamide and tamoxifen, in which he cut out tamoxifen; he explains why in his post. You should definitely read his post, it was greatly helpful. Tamoxifen was used to combat the gynecomastia, although I wouldn’t recommend the use of it since it’s an anti-estrogen. You can find out his reasons of cutting out tamoxifen in the post linked above, on the last few pages.

In regards to his libido, you can find out what he says here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...l-route-hair-life.109288/page-66#post-1700163 Although, to quote what he said:
I think libido decreases a little, but doesn't vanish. I had zero libido in the first place, so it didn't make any difference.

Furthermore, you can find his posts on this thread here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/search/67862817/


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sex with gyno is better ;)

less chance of pregnancy ;)

Success doesn’t come without sacrifice. And there is a reason why my hair looks like crap and yours looks... well normal haha.
If gyno wasn’t a side affect I’d happily ejaculate nothing lol.


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Sorry for an another question...
I placed an order on a thailand pharmacy site on Saturday. And the guy still hasn't withdrawn his Western Union money and he hasn't answered my emails! :(

I would like to know if you had a reliable site to buy the main drugs... thank you very much :cool: