Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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[UPDATE] It has been around two and a half months since starting treatments. I thought it would be helpful if I uploaded some images. In this particular area, it has the worst amount of hair loss and I would classify it as a bald patch. The first image was taken within the first week of treatment, and the second image is after around two and a half months of treatment. I apologise about the 'before' image, it's flipped and I don't know how to flip it the right way...
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[UPDATE] It has been around two and a half months since starting treatments. I thought it would be helpful if I uploaded some images. In this particular area, it has the worst amount of hair loss and I would classify it as a bald patch. The first image was taken within the first week of treatment, and the second image is after around two and a half months of treatment. I apologise about the 'before' image, it's flipped and I don't know how to flip it the right way...

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I see amazing regrowth, is that true?

Has your hairloss reduced or stopped?


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I see amazing regrowth, is that true?

Has your hairloss reduced or stopped?

I will let others have opinions on what's happening since I am too scared to jinx myself! I don't know if it has stopped, since shedding is normal for everyone.


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I will let others have opinions on what's happening since I am too scared to jinx myself! I don't know if it has stopped, since shedding is normal for everyone.
Um.. Ikarus, it's like you went from 15 to 150 hair in that area, so it should no more be about 'opinions', I believe.

Are you taking finasteride/dutasteride?

Also, did you get gyno? (I know it doesn't matter to you; I'm simply asking for myself.)


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Um.. Ikarus, it's like you went from 15 to 150 hair in that area, so it should no more be about 'opinions', I believe.

Are you taking finasteride/dutasteride?

Also, did you get gyno? (I know it doesn't matter to you; I'm simply asking for myself.)

Within that area, it was so depressing... It has improved, but I am too scared to have confidence in results because I might jinx myself. I am using dutasteride but I doubt that is doing much; I am mainly just using it as support. I am using bicalutamide, dutasteride and estradiol.

I definitely have gynecomastia, but I can't contribute that to bicalutamide since I was using spironolactone prior to bicalutamide. I am also using estradiol which is most likely giving me certain gynecomastia, although it doesn't bother me much since it looks like muscles through clothing. We both have a similar ethnicity, and an ethnicity similar to Ein's, which could play a factor in results. Particularly because our ethnicity generally diffuse thin rather than bald in the typical pattern.

(I was using spironolactone for the initial two months but it was giving me tiredness and nausea, and it wasn't having the anti-androgen effects I was expecting. It wasn't cutting down my facial/scalp sebum production to my preferred amount, which is an important factor to me since I suffer with acne. Since switching to bicalutamide, my facial/scalp sebum production has cut down drastically and it has made me greatly happy. I do believe I had a head start with bicalutamide since my testosterone levels were most likely within castration levels due to spironolactone and estradiol but I'm not entirely sure).


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I am starting to notice small hairs sprouting which almost appear as ‘little scalp hairs’. It’s weird to explain, but prior to starting medications I could see my scalps colour in between the hairs at mirror distance. Now, my scalp is starting to become more ‘grey’ in appearance from mirror distance since these dark ‘little scalp hairs’ are appearing.

Does anyone see what I meant by my scalp becoming 'grey' in appearance?


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Within that area, it was so depressing... It has improved, but I am too scared to have confidence in results because I might jinx myself. I am using dutasteride but I doubt that is doing much; I am mainly just using it as support. I am using bicalutamide, dutasteride and estradiol.

I definitely have gynecomastia, but I can't contribute that to bicalutamide since I was using spironolactone prior to bicalutamide. I am also using estradiol which is most likely giving me certain gynecomastia, although it doesn't bother me much since it looks like muscles through clothing. We both have a similar ethnicity, and an ethnicity similar to Ein's, which could play a factor in results. Particularly because our ethnicity generally diffuse thin rather than bald in the typical pattern.

(I was using spironolactone for the initial two months but it was giving me tiredness and nausea, and it wasn't having the anti-androgen effects I was expecting. It wasn't cutting down my facial/scalp sebum production to my preferred amount, which is an important factor to me since I suffer with acne. Since switching to bicalutamide, my facial/scalp sebum production has cut down drastically and it has made me greatly happy. I do believe I had a head start with bicalutamide since my testosterone levels were most likely within castration levels due to spironolactone and estradiol but I'm not entirely sure).

Although, I'm not qualified enough to say it but you're doing a mistake if you're not using minoxidil.

Re diffuse thinning, my grandfather (about 80) still has about 500 hair all over his head, I'm certain I would not get pattern alopecia in future as well.

That is the reason I was thinking to first add (when and If I'd start with anti-androgen regiment) Cypro for first 1-2 months and then use bicalutamide. I think if finasteride/dutasteride doesn't work, it is likely that follicles are sensitive to testosterone itself, and that lowering it should help.


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Although, I'm not qualified enough to say it but you're doing a mistake if you're not using minoxidil.

Re diffuse thinning, my grandfather (about 80) still has about 500 hair all over his head, I'm certain I would not get pattern alopecia in future as well.

That is the reason I was thinking to first add (when and If I'd start with anti-androgen regiment) Cypro for first 1-2 months and then use bicalutamide. I think if finasteride/dutasteride doesn't work, it is likely that follicles are sensitive to testosterone itself, and that lowering it should help.

I don't think using minoxidil is necessary. I wouldn't ever use topical minoxidil, since it's such a hassle to apply and is expensive. However, I do believe I will use oral minoxidil.

I think finasteride/dutasteride are a waste of time when used alone, since its effectiveness dies down and you begin to lose ground. Even with spironolactone being used alone since it's such a weak anti-androgen. On female hair loss websites, and within studies, almost no one responds well to spironolactone used to treat female pattern hair loss. It seems as if they much prefer cyproterone acetate/bicalutamide/flutamide. I do recommend that you do what you said, to use CPA for the initial few months and then move to bicalutamide. Or, you could do what someone else on this website is doing, which is to use bicalutamide at a dose of 100MG/day for the initial two weeks whilst it builds up. And then to lower the dose to 50MG/day and maintain that.


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I don't think using minoxidil is necessary. I wouldn't ever use topical minoxidil, since it's such a hassle to apply and is expensive. However, I do believe I will use oral minoxidil.

I think finasteride/dutasteride are a waste of time when used alone, since its effectiveness dies down and you begin to lose ground. Even with spironolactone being used alone since it's such a weak anti-androgen. On female hair loss websites, and within studies, almost no one responds well to spironolactone used to treat female pattern hair loss. It seems as if they much prefer cyproterone acetate/bicalutamide/flutamide. I do recommend that you do what you said, to use CPA for the initial few months and then move to bicalutamide. Or, you could do what someone else on this website is doing, which is to use bicalutamide at a dose of 100MG/day for the initial two weeks whilst it builds up. And then to lower the dose to 50MG/day and maintain that.
Yesss. Go for oral if you're not regular to school/college. I have to go to both college as well as coaching, so I'm sh*t scared of initial minoxidil shed.

Agree that finasteride/dutasteride's effectiveness reduces with time, but that doesn't make them waste of time. Generally, people start losing hair when they're 22+ and Androgenetic Alopecia slows down after they reach 30+ age.

Yeah, Will go for the same.


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[UPDATE] It has been around two and a half months since starting treatments. I thought it would be helpful if I uploaded some images. In this particular area, it has the worst amount of hair loss and I would classify it as a bald patch. The first image was taken within the first week of treatment, and the second image is after around two and a half months of treatment. I apologise about the 'before' image, it's flipped and I don't know how to flip it the right way...

View attachment 120756

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it seems to me very slowly. when I started taking CPA 300 mg. and spironolactone 600 mg. It became faster.


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it seems to me very slowly. when I started taking CPA 300 mg. and spironolactone 600 mg. It became faster.

I think it's alright, it's better than nothing. Previously, there were like ten hairs around that area and now it's beginning to thicken. I think 300MG/day of CPA and 600MG/day of spironolactone is just bait for dying... Although, I do think I will increase my dose of estradiol to 4MG/day.


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Yesss. Go for oral if you're not regular to school/college. I have to go to both college as well as coaching, so I'm sh*t scared of initial minoxidil shed.

Agree that finasteride/dutasteride's effectiveness reduces with time, but that doesn't make them waste of time. Generally, people start losing hair when they're 22+ and Androgenetic Alopecia slows down after they reach 30+ age.

Yeah, Will go for the same.

Although, I am weary of starting oral minoxidil since I am going on an important holiday in two and a half months. I wouldn't want the initial shed to still be occurring then.

If you are my age, where the hair loss is aggressive as mine, finasteride/dutasteride is a waste of time without a thought. Even within studies, younger patients didn't respond as well to finasteride compared to their slightly older counterparts. Personally I believe I have the worst case of hair loss for a nineteen year old, although the first image was taken when I was eighteen. Cases similar to mine probably require different needs compared to the usual individual. During October, I recall my shedding becoming more and more severe, then that bald patch began to get worse and worse. I believe my usage of Accutane worsened the situation, though.


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They are good for halting hair loss, but for regrowth you'd need growth stimulants. Without them, your otherwise extreme regiment would provide you little benefits.
Spirono is good but its working is little enigmatic - it increases testosterone in some people.
I can't even think of adding estrogen given the fact that spironolactone alone causing me significant feminisation.


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Although, I am weary of starting oral minoxidil since I am going on an important holiday in two and a half months. I wouldn't want the initial shed to still be occurring then.

If you are my age, where the hair loss is aggressive as mine, finasteride/dutasteride is a waste of time without a thought. Even within studies, younger patients didn't respond as well to finasteride compared to their slightly older counterparts. Personally I believe I have the worst case of hair loss for a nineteen year old, although the first image was taken when I was eighteen. Cases similar to mine probably require different needs compared to the usual individual. During October, I recall my shedding becoming more and more severe, then that bald patch began to get worse and worse. I believe my usage of Accutane worsened the situation, though.
I am your age.

Okay, even I admit that there is good probability that finasteride/dutasteride won't be enough for me. But what can I do?

I'm most comfortable being a man - I love my assertiveness, my aggression. Stoicism is another trait I don't have any problem with. Though what derelict/Idealforehead said about man's life being tough if he's not a top tier, connotes absolute truth. I will be at good stage provided I've my hair back.

Now, look at it another way taking the presumption I don't have any problem with espousing feminine traits. I live in India. My parents as well as most friends would abandon me if I become straight-up feminine.

Life is f*****g me badly, Ikarus. And it's not just at present, my life has taken many U turns since I started losing hair.


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I can't even think of adding estrogen given the fact that spironolactone alone causing me significant feminisation.
Nah, not estrogen. Oral minoxidil would be a great add on. I've read experiences of many people using it and I can say you would thank me later on for suggesting it.

If you can't get it from pharmacy as might might be asking you for prescription, you can take it from me if you live nearby Delhi.


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I am your age.

Okay, even I admit that there is good probability that finasteride/dutasteride won't be enough for me. But what can I do?

I'm most comfortable being a man - I love my assertiveness, my aggression. Stoicism is another trait I don't have any problem with. Though what derelict/Idealforehead said about man's life being tough if he's not a top tier, connotes absolute truth. I will be at good stage provided I've my hair back.

Now, look at it another way taking the presumption I don't have any problem with espousing feminine traits. I live in India. My parents as well as most friends would abandon me if I become straight-up feminine.

Life is f*****g me badly, Ikarus. And it's not just at present, my life has taken many U turns since I started losing hair.

I don't think your hair loss is aggressive, I believe you could potentially respond well to dutasteride. If you want to remain a 'man' with masculine traits, then that's the better route to go.

It's situational for us all. I am greatly androgynous, and others around me are aware of that. If you live in India where your parents aren't accepting of the idea, then it's better to stick to a regimen which won't lead to a bad conclusion. Although it should be a case of what will make you happy, that's not reality unfortunately...


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I don't think your hair loss is aggressive, I believe you could potentially respond well to dutasteride. If you want to remain a 'man' with masculine traits, then that's the better route to go.

It's situational for us all. I am greatly androgynous, and others around me are aware of that. If you live in India where your parents aren't accepting of the idea, then it's better to stick to a regimen which won't lead to a bad conclusion. Although it should be a case of what will make you happy, that's not reality unfortunately...
Thanks yarr. Let's see. Giving fina + that minoxidil combo 3 months. I would add dutasteride twice a week if I don't even see a reduction in hairloss after 1-2 moths of finasteride.


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Day 3 of no minoxidil, all the fake minoxidil hairs are starting to fall out. Lol i think i'm going to be skin bald for a few months till HRT starts working.


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