Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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@Ikarus I once again ask you to include oral minoxidil. You will have great results. I've read some threads on baldtruthtaIk or hlh (I don't remember), and everyone there had great results.

Also, who said oral minoxidil accelerates aging? Quite the opposite. It is somewhat true for topical, though.

I definitely might include oral minoxidil since I am aware with how great it can work with these regimens, within a synergy effect. It can truly help to aid in stimulation, which is probably why it's greatly effective with these regimens.

Oral minoxidil has an effect on collagen production, which leads to pre-mature ageing. It's something to be aware of, and does make me fearful since I want to continue with my road of Peter Pan Syndrome...


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I definitely might include oral minoxidil since I am aware with how great it can work with these regimens, within a synergy effect. It can truly help to aid in stimulation, which is probably why it's greatly effective with these regimens.

Oral minoxidil has an effect on collagen production, which leads to pre-mature ageing. It's something to be aware of, and does make me fearful since I want to continue with my road of Peter Pan Syndrome...
Oh, then add MSM. It's amazing for collagen production. It make my skin like that of a baby. It has plenty of other benefits as well.


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Nah, not estrogen. Oral minoxidil would be a great add on. I've read experiences of many people using it and I can say you would thank me later on for suggesting it.

If you can't get it from pharmacy as might might be asking you for prescription, you can take it from me if you live nearby Delhi.
I drink .25 ml of topical minoxidil daily.


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What is MSM?
Do read about it. Whatever you search do add 'forums' word after that, so that you'd be able to read experiences from real people. MSM is touted by many as miracle supplement. From my experience, it really is, in some ways.


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You mean from topical minoxidil? Try oral, pal.

I'm not going to because i just finished $9,000 of laser hair removal on my body, and i already have unwanted hair on my head from topical minoxidil (under the eyes, on the nose, on the ears, forehead) so that + vision loss + rapid aging of the skin and heart pains that feel like heart attacks. are why i hope to never touch minoxidil again. i'm hoping to get results without it just like @Ikarus is doing, after 2.5 months of HRT alone it's looking really good, at 6 months i bet there will be no visible hair loss.


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Would you not use bicalutamide instead? There is someone on this website who uses 100MG/day, but that’s significantly more safer than using CPA at such a dose.
The problem is that bicalutamide does not reduce testosterone. he doesn't do anything to him. he just turns off the receptors. if health is all right then ciproterone will not damage the liver. I think that even beer will be more harmful.


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My parents as well as most friends would abandon me if I become straight-up feminine.
If you take this stuff, they will likely just think you are younger. youre still the same person fundamentally and can choose how to act. sure you might feel more sensitive and less aggressive but you'll have your progammed masucline behaviors from years of socialization. HRT won't turn you into a flamboyant twink, so don't worry haha


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Day 3 of no minoxidil, all the fake minoxidil hairs are starting to fall out. Lol i think i'm going to be skin bald for a few months till HRT starts working.
why not reduce it gradually? It could less of shock to the hairs. everyday to every other day, EOD to 3 times a week, etc.


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I'm not going to because i just finished $9,000 of laser hair removal on my body, and i already have unwanted hair on my head from topical minoxidil (under the eyes, on the nose, on the ears, forehead) so that + vision loss + rapid aging of the skin and heart pains that feel like heart attacks. are why i hope to never touch minoxidil again. i'm hoping to get results without it just like @Ikarus is doing, after 2.5 months of HRT alone it's looking really good, at 6 months i bet there will be no visible hair loss.

We are like the same person... I had and still get laser hair removal, which is another reason why I am hesitant. And, anti-androgens will extend your hair-free period since androgens can no longer have an effect on your body.


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Dude, you're waking up at 3am at night!!

How has been your results then?
I have observed that after starting minoxidil, my result got a bit faster. I have some improvement in my hair condition. spironolactone is working for sure and that is why I am not willing to give it up.


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Uploading a pic of hairline since oral minoxidil usually starts working within 2 weeks and as per the label on my lonitab (oral minoxidil brand) hair growth is first noticed on temples.

Note: this pic shows my hair at least 5 times better (than they actually are) since it is taken just now 3 hours after shampooing.
you do not have hairloss