
Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

michel sapin

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temple are hard to regrow completly even with such a regimen .
so this is sure with my normal regimen ( fina duta i will need a hair transplant to get them back


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Well there are a couple of threads on this site I looked up after discovering this one. There are a few people here who got great regrowth from just spironolactone alone and claimed to have no gyno but that is rare, usually people only grow back hair with spironolactone and estradiol which is more likely to cause some gyno.

You say that, but bridgeburn is the only guy running a full hrt regimen on here that i've actually seen succeed. Just going from hairlosstalk cases dutasteride + spironolactone seems more reliably effective. Besides AmericanHairlines there's also jgray201, quineapig, audoyle (probably dead) and All_The_Above (who ended up looking like an aging lesbian, but he looked kinda like one anyway), who all saw massive regrowth without E

nWo Wolfpac

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You say that, but bridgeburn is the only guy running a full hrt regimen on here that i've actually seen succeed. Just going from hairlosstalk cases dutasteride + spironolactone seems more reliably effective. Besides AmericanHairlines there's also jgray201, quineapig, audoyle (probably dead) and All_The_Above (who ended up looking like an aging lesbian, but he looked kinda like one anyway), who all saw massive regrowth without E

You have a good point. I think the smart thing to do would be to just try spironolactone alone at first and then if there is no rerowth, add some estrogen into the mix.


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You have a good point. I think the smart thing to do would be to just try spironolactone alone at first and then if there is no rerowth, add some estrogen into the mix.

That's what I intend to do in the next few months unless I get some kind of miracle from just dutasteride before I hit the 1 year mark. You're probably right in saying that spironolactone + E is more effective, but i figure more dudes succeed with just spironolactone because the sides aren't as intense and they can keep taking it long-term.

Jesse Navarro

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That's what I intend to do in the next few months unless I get some kind of miracle from just dutasteride before I hit the 1 year mark. You're probably right in saying that spironolactone + E is more effective, but i figure more dudes succeed with just spironolactone because the sides aren't as intense and they can keep taking it long-term.

Do you think when you stop E youl'll shed? Isnt it possible that you could maintain with only spironolactone or cyproterone acetate and no E after the regrowth? Or maybe a very low dosage of E?


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In my usage of spironolactone I’m pretty sure the substance has some sort of pro-oestrogen method of action on top of it’s function of blocking the AR, other AA’s like CPA never felt especially oestrogenic. I vaguely recall reading, not sure if it’s accurate, that spironolactone unlike CPA doesn’t impair T synthesis which would increase aromatisation.

Murkey Thumb

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In my usage of spironolactone I’m pretty sure the substance has some sort of pro-oestrogen method of action on top of it’s function of blocking the AR, other AA’s like CPA never felt especially oestrogenic. I vaguely recall reading, not sure if it’s accurate, that spironolactone unlike CPA doesn’t impair T synthesis which would increase aromatisation.
Spironolactone: Spironolactone, in daily doses of 50-200 mg, blocks androgen receptors. Spironolactone also decreases testosterone production, making it additionally effective for hirsutism


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Do you think when you stop E youl'll shed? Isnt it possible that you could maintain with only spironolactone or cyproterone acetate and no E after the regrowth? Or maybe a very low dosage of E?
I couldn't tell you whether E gains are sustainable, but jgray has been able to maintain most of his spironolactone gains for over two years using RU and dutasteride. IMO his crown is gradually weakening again, but only in a way norwood spotters would notice. He tapered off spironolactone slowly over the course of a year, which I assume helps to minimise the test rebound.


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Spironolactone: Spironolactone, in daily doses of 50-200 mg, blocks androgen receptors. Spironolactone also decreases testosterone production, making it additionally effective for hirsutism

Hmm, spironolactone is considered to be a weaker AA than CPA but spironolactone has a higher rate of gynocomastia which seems odd to me, maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject could chime in, I know the late Bryan was particularly knowledgeable in this area.

nWo Wolfpac

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That's what I intend to do in the next few months unless I get some kind of miracle from just dutasteride before I hit the 1 year mark. You're probably right in saying that spironolactone + E is more effective, but i figure more dudes succeed with just spironolactone because the sides aren't as intense and they can keep taking it long-term.

Good luck. I am ordering mine from thailand pharmacy where I'm in the process of signing up with a bit coin system of payment. So it will probably be a few weeks before I can start but I will update everyone with my progress and I will take before and after photos for comparison.

nWo Wolfpac

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In my usage of spironolactone I’m pretty sure the substance has some sort of pro-oestrogen method of action on top of it’s function of blocking the AR, other AA’s like CPA never felt especially oestrogenic. I vaguely recall reading, not sure if it’s accurate, that spironolactone unlike CPA doesn’t impair T synthesis which would increase aromatisation.

That would explain why guys who have no results on finasteride are having success on spironolactone.


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they might but might not if youve been bald too long. yeah they always start vellus before slowly getting thicker, I have some inbetween vellus and terminal too.

here, View attachment 90511

It's all doing great and better except the center of the temples. That's still the hardest to recover. I dont think its getting worse at least
Bridge is beating out Frodo from Lord of the Rings

Bridge you must be close to peak hair - the most you can possible have. Did you consider Rogaine foam to fill in the stubborn temple?


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Yeah that's what I figured. I wasn't really aware of how my nipples felt prior, so it's hard to know. is there any other signs you can know to cease and desist prior to the formation of notable gyno? pain? If I press on my nipples I definitely feel something on the upper edge only. But in the center its hollow.
If they start feeling sore, sensitive, or kinda like a squirmy feeling inside.
Whats the day to day like with your rejuvenated youth?
I spend much of my time rubbing my tits and crying ;)
More looks from woman, less getting generally snubbed?
Do you feel like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever surrounded by cheering?
yes haha.
does yout temple have improved since the picture you took on page 18 on january 2018?
yeah its improved
Did you consider Rogaine foam to fill in the stubborn temple?
im already on oral minoxidil which is better in my opinion


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If they start feeling sore, sensitive, or kinda like a squirmy feeling inside.

I spend much of my time rubbing my tits and crying ;)

yes haha.

yeah its improved

im already on oral minoxidil which is better in my opinion
Still wanna see a pic of those boobs. Why don't you just get surgery to remove them?
When are you going off estro and seeing if you can maintain just on dutasteride? Might work for you.