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Amarant said:
He seems honest to me, but what's strange, is that he hasn't been online for awhile to post here.

Hi Guys,

I have not been on in a few days because I have been really busy. I just checked the thread and I see that generally, people want to see some results. I planned to submit an "after" pic in 3 weeks. It has been 2 weeks but I suppose I should post a new pic. I will post a new one by tomorrow or the next day.

Sorry that I am not on frequently to always respond to every one but I am usually very busy with my business. I only made some time to post my experience so that others may benefit, but I am not someone who is able to spend a lot of time on the computer.

To the guy who was worried about shedding, I don't think you will get shedding since you have been taking Propecia for a long time. I have not experienced shedding so far, only growth.

I will post pic soon.
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thing is if i was cured i wouldnt be very motivated to come back to this board either. but i i asky you cured to post some more pics that shows this was you. like I said before a before pic that is not necessarily of the top of your head, but just to show us what it was like before.


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To Cured..

As is probably everybody here, I'm quite desperate and after trying ALOT of things, I will readily try out your 'method' in oder to solve this problem, once and for all.

For that, I'd like to know everything you did;
1.Where did u get the Dutas? From an internet site? And if so, what site? What is the compnay that manufactures it?
2.The same question as above, but about the Minoxidil..
3.Why do u think that the is Minoxidil not necessarily?

4.Did/do you feel anything in your head while rubbing the Dutas (e.g. burning..)
5.Did this rubbing also help your frontal area, or just the top of your head?
6.How long it was before you started noticing that this is helping you?
7.Was the improvement the same in every area of your head?
8.Don't u have any balding friends who were amazed to see you improvement and decided to try it also???



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osat said:
To Cured..

As is probably everybody here, I'm quite desperate and after trying ALOT of things, I will readily try out your 'method' in oder to solve this problem, once and for all.

For that, I'd like to know everything you did;
1.Where did u get the Dutas? From an internet site? And if so, what site? What is the compnay that manufactures it?
2.The same question as above, but about the Minoxidil..
3.Why do u think that the is Minoxidil not necessarily?

4.Did/do you feel anything in your head while rubbing the Dutas (e.g. burning..)
5.Did this rubbing also help your frontal area, or just the top of your head?
6.How long it was before you started noticing that this is helping you?
7.Was the improvement the same in every area of your head?
8.Don't u have any balding friends who were amazed to see you improvement and decided to try it also???


f*** guys! Go buy some Dutasteride, Avodart or whatever.. Dutas Dupros......just buy it from a legit place..use the search engine.. Go buy minoxidil in liquid.. ebay or costco is a good option..... Rub the sh*t on your head ..all over if you want results everywhere.. dutasteride first then minoxidil.. I tried Topical dutasteride burning sensation at all.... Keep this like that. EVERYDAY... and wait. and wait... You guys are :gay: sometimes lol.... Just do it!! You have to pay to play my friends..not just money but your time....


Established Member
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And how did it work out for you, squeegee?

I think dutasteride doesnt work topically, but I think i might try this as well.. just to be sure.


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dresden said:
And how did it work out for you, squeegee?

I think dutasteride doesnt work topically, but I think i might try this as well.. just to be sure.

I just ordered 100 Dutas.. & will try it with minoxidil....I tried it before with Alcohol and then with Aloe Vera Toically but was taking the drug orally also .Ended up stopping the experience because of really bad side effects..Going to try it topically again mixed with minoxidil like Cured did and continue Propecia Orally. Why not give it a try?? I don't care about the negative :gay: on this forum! If it work I am gonna be the guy laughing at them at the end! Dutasteride is a very powerful drug and new too..
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well cured hasnt been back with his pics by the time he said he would, so im starting to think it isnt real. after all, the more i think of it, surely the scientists would have figured out themselves that duts is to be used topically the same way the did about minoxidil? others early on in this thread said they would try it themselves, any results yet?

and squeegee, maybe i am :gay: but when you are a student paying fees and working all the hours you can on minimum wage to pay for your studies and peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner, then you want to know if there has been proof of success before throwing what little money you have on what could well be a waste of time.


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Cured said:
Amarant said:
He seems honest to me, but what's strange, is that he hasn't been online for awhile to post here.

Hi Guys,

I have not been on in a few days because I have been really busy. I just checked the thread and I see that generally, people want to see some results. I planned to submit an "after" pic in 3 weeks. It has been 2 weeks but I suppose I should post a new pic. I will post a new one by tomorrow or the next day.

Sorry that I am not on frequently to always respond to every one but I am usually very busy with my business. I only made some time to post my experience so that others may benefit, but I am not someone who is able to spend a lot of time on the computer.
To the guy who was worried about shedding, I don't think you will get shedding since you have been taking Propecia for a long time. I have not experienced shedding so far, only growth.

I will post pic soon.

Hey wadafukhapnin2myhair it again... and by the way peanut butter sandwiches cause hairloss.


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osat said:
To Cured..

As is probably everybody here, I'm quite desperate and after trying ALOT of things, I will readily try out your 'method' in oder to solve this problem, once and for all.

For that, I'd like to know everything you did;
1.Where did u get the Dutas? From an internet site? And if so, what site? What is the compnay that manufactures it?
2.The same question as above, but about the Minoxidil..
3.Why do u think that the is Minoxidil not necessarily?

4.Did/do you feel anything in your head while rubbing the Dutas (e.g. burning..)
5.Did this rubbing also help your frontal area, or just the top of your head?
6.How long it was before you started noticing that this is helping you?
7.Was the improvement the same in every area of your head?
8.Don't u have any balding friends who were amazed to see you improvement and decided to try it also???


Hello Guys,

I am really sorry that I am not able to keep up with the thread and log on frequently. Also, I am sorry for not posting a new pic as promised. When I was finally in a position to have the pic taken, it was not worth while, because my present pic would have been similar to the pic I posted before. There are quite a few reasons for this.

1. I got a hair cut.
2. I started taking Novedex XT which is a testosterone booster (not steriods) for bodybuilding. This product is also supposed to raise your level of DHT. This probably caused my progress to slow a bit.
3. I had been cutting back on my dosage to find the minimum amount of Dutas that can still be effective. Initially I used Dutas in the night and in the morning with a little Minoxidil, but I had changed to using Dutas in the night only, with Minoxidil both night and morning.

I have now gone back to using Dutas both morning and night and my progress seems to be back like it was initially, even though I am still taking Novedex XT.

It seems to me that to get the best results, we should rub in a generous amount of Dutas (1 whole pill, maybe 2 if you have long hair) to saturate the thin area. Then apply a modest amount of Minoxidil (enough to wet the thinning area, but not to dilute the Dutas too much). This should be done twice a day. I don't know if this helps, but I would usually comb my hair with a fine comb with the thought of removing dead scalp cells so that the Dutas can penetrate easier. The Minoxidil can cause itching and peeling which may help the combing to be more effective in removing dead scalp cells.

To answer Osat's questions.

1. I get Dutas from

2. I get 5% Minoxidil on Ebay. I use any cheap 5% version, they all seem to be the same.

3. I had used Minoxidil for years and it has slowed my hair loss to where it almost halted, but I would still loose at a very slow rate. Now I am experiencing actual regrowth.

4. Dutas does not irritate my scalp. The itching I get is from the Minoxidil, because I get itching when I use minoxidil on its own.

5. It helped on my whole head.

6. It actually seemed to work by the next day, but I was not absolutely sure, so I tried looking at my hair every other day instead, and I definitely saw a difference. That is the reason why I got so excited and felt that I had to share this with everyone.

I had been using 1mg Proscar daily for a long time which kept my hair pretty stable while giving me a bit of belly fat. I started taking about 2mg which seemed to help regrow a bit, but nothing amazing. I then started taking Dutas internally for about 2 weeks. I had been taking 2.5mg per day, for I think 5 days as a loading phase, and then 0.5mg per day. I started getting a lot of belly fat with no change in my hair growth (maybe it would have started growing in a week or 2). Because of the side effects (belly fat) I thought of putting it directly on my scalp. That is when I saw the amazing results in terms of my hair regrowth and simultaneous reduction in belly fat. I figured it would work well for everyone because I did not get any extraordinary results when I used it internally to lead me to think that I was an exceptional responder. I am surprised that I have not seen persons reporting similar results as yet.

7. Yes. Initially. the front of my head was thin and the back was very thin. Now, the front is almost completely full and the back is like the front used to be.

8. Generally, people are a bit quiet about that stuff. Everyone saw me going bald but no one said anything much, so as not to embarass me. I suppose people now notice it growing back, but complimenting me would acknowlege that I was going bald.

I hope I answered all your questions adequately. I am happy an relieved that my hair is growing back, but it would bring me joy to see that others have success also. I look forward to everyone's results soon.


Senior Member
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huh, you think if you were "cured" and that you found the "cure" you would not need to continue and just stop there... :whistle:


New Member
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thankyou CURED for answering our questions. our story sounds similar to mine so i hope it works for me. Can i just ask you two questions

1. Hairline - How was your hairline before the dutasteride and has it come back from rubbing it in your scalp

2. The hair that has grown, is it thick hair or just peach fuzz. Would you say that your haoir now is like you didnt go bald at all??

thanks Swany
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CURED, why are you ignoring me?!

I asked if you could, just to put some minds at rest, post a before picture? I know you said you havent got one of just your head, but just one that shows how your hair was before, like a picture with friends or something? And then an after picture that also shows what you look like now, but with your face in both pics so we can see this is the same person? Again, forgive me if I am sounding rude by my scepticism, I am not trying to be, I just want more proof, thats understandable isnt it? :)


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I can relate to the skeptics, bottom line is try it, for a month or two. Some ppl respond to different treatments or methods. I'll keep an eye out for this thread to see if anyone else has had any success using this topical method.


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bubka said:
The guy is a freaking attention wh***, some people here are just so gullible it is scary.

Bubka.. Are you sure that you are not talking about you?


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PropeciaJunkie said:
Well I started this to see treatment to see what happens, i will keep you guys informed.

Just started too. Received my Dutas today.. I will keep people up to date.


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HEy Cured! Any updates for us?? We are waiting impatiently..