Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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Nadia, I agree that the problem about miniaturization of newly implanted hairs and donor area hairs is the least serious of the problems. There might be ways to prevent continued miniaturization. I'm just saying that miniaturization will continue even after you get Tsuji's treatment so you will have to do something to solve that problem. For many people, finasteride will be enough but some people can't take finasteride. So keep in mind that finasteride will not solve the problem for everyone. Now Replicel injections might also protect your newly created hair after you get the Tsuji treatment. We don't know yet but it might work.

This is not the biggest problem because there may be solutions to that problem.

The biggest problem is definitely the INDUCTIVITY/FUNCTIONALITY problem. Here is the quote where Team Tsuji says it's the biggest problem:

Mr. Toyoshima: "as I mentioned earlier, we consider the development of the technology to culture epithelial stem cells as the most significant issue we face. In order to regenerate a clinically effective number of follicles, a sufficient number of cells need to be secured while satisfying the safety and functional requirements. These are tough challenges, so also pose major issues to us."

I know that at the level of the scalp, Tsuji must reproduce 3 levels of skin according to what my dermato explained to me. And he said it was very difficult. That's why he was not sure that tsuji would succeed


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you are right! back to follica... ; )

Follica's biggest problem is finding a way to laser the top of your head at the appropriate depth to achieve your desired result without damaging (burning the sh*t out of) the top of your head. I really doubt if there will be a way to solve this problem because the thickness of each person's skin is different so there is NO perfect setting for the laser that will work for everyone. So they would have to do scalp biopsies on each individual patient and set their instruments according to the exact thickness of each individual patient.

Some people say that Follica might turn out to be some pricey laser + minoxidil system but I don't think that's all there is to it. If it turns out that it's nothing but minoxidil + laser then I'll write it off as a scam.

Still, I think it will be impossible to solve the problem that their laser might harm the skin so I think Follica is sunk. I don't want the top of my head burnt off. It sounds painful and disfiguring. They might even damage your existing follicles with the burning from the laser.
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Team Tsuji says Androgenetic Alopecia donor areas will thin over time. Team Tsuji is REAL science. Your science is broscience. It's time to get with the program. Yes, some Androgenetic Alopecia patients' donor area will remain strong deep into their lives but MOST will not. Here read what Team Tsuji says and accept facts.

Maybe you should call Team Tsuji and tell them they are wrong. Tell them you have broscience on your side and your broscience is far superior to their real science.
Observation of my own f*****g family is not bro science, and even if at 60 or 70 years old the hair starts to thin I won't care, that's still over 30 years of my life with respectable hair.

And while we are talking about calling Tsuji to talk about our own opinions, why don't you call them with your endless expertise to tell them how they won't be able to cure hair loss.


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tsuji and/or follica are the real deal. soon you will get your hair back, even if you don't like it. get over it.

That's what people said about Histogen and Interctex and Aderans and Replicel and....

...and they all failed to regrow a lot of hair.
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And while we are talking about calling Tsuji to talk about our own opinions, why don't you call them with your endless expertise to tell them how they won't be able to cure hair loss.

I'm not saying that Tsuji won't cure hair loss. I'm saying that by itself it won't be the perfect permanent cure for most people. Even after you get the Tsuji treatment you'll need a strategy to prevent future miniaturization. And I do think that most people will be able to find a strategy to prevent future miniaturization.

And I'm also saying Tsuji still needs to solve the inductivity problem (what tsuji calls "functionality) and that problem might never get solved. It could be solved tomorrow or it could take decades. They've been trying to solve that same problem for a very long time and its proven to be very resistant to a solution. I think it will probably take a few decades to solve that one problem.
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In a month I go back to see my dermato but seen how people critize him, I would not tell you what he would say about tsuji I hope that a future treatment will not delay. I only have 2.3 years before stopping the hormones because of my age
You are too pessimistic about a gene therapy in the futur.
I have seen a report on gene therapy and they are making a lot of progress at this level . They can now target the diseased gene without altering the rest of the healthy genes. This will market in 5 years, 10 max


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Even if a patient has a somewhat thin donor area, it might not make a difference aesthetically if Tsuji can create the number of hairs he thinks he can.

This is a pretty good point. Tsuji might be able to make up for decreased shaft diameter by implanting more follicles. Two hairs at 50% thickness = 1 hair at full thickness. Very good point.

BUT there is still the issue of the hairs getting shorter. If you want longish hair implanting more follicles won't solve that problem even though implanting more follicles should solve the decreased diameter problem.
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Your dermatologist is not well informed if he thinks Tsuji's chances are not good. It's not surprising. I wouldn't expect many dermatologists to folks his research, as dermatology isn't his field.


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You are too pessimistic about a gene therapy in the futur.
I have seen a report on gene therapy and they are making a lot of progress at this level . They can now target the diseased gene without altering the rest of the healthy genes. This will market in 5 years, 10 max

Once they bring this to market we will be able to have the genes that make our hair sensitive to androgens removed and that should finally be the ultimate cure for hair loss.


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Your dermatologist is not well informed if he thinks Tsuji's chances are not good. It's not surprising. I wouldn't expect many dermatologists to folks his research, as dermatology isn't his field.
He writes regularly in a dermatology review. He wrote an article on the risks of cancer with finasteride But I know the pretentious people here know better than the dermatos who have a bac + 10.LOL.You must already understand the articles you posted. LoL


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He writes regularly in a dermatology review. He wrote an article on the risks of cancer with finasteride But I know the pretentious people here know better than the dermatos who have a bac + 10.LOL.You must already understand the articles you posted. LoL

He sounds like a quack. If anything finasteride reduces the risk of prostate cancer. I'll go with the 99% of dermatologists who don't think finasteride is a cancer bomb.


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So she should ignore her dermatologist and believe in your broscience instead, right?

Which dermatologist should she listen to, the majority who think finasteride is safe, or the lone quack who thinks it causes cancer?

This coming from the guy who thinks aging will be cured in 3 years :D
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He sounds like a quack. If anything finasteride reduces the risk of prostate cancer. I'll go with the 99% of dermatologists who don't think finasteride is a cancer bomb.
The article was old of several years when everyone was asking the question. It is you the joke not my dermato.


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The article was old of several years when everyone was asking the question. It is you the joke not my dermato.
I don't know which article to which you're referring. I just ame in here and saw you criticizing Tsuji's method, and saying finasteride causes cancer. I've never seen so much silliness in one thread.


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I blame @Dench57 ;)


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I don't know which article to which you're referring. I just ame in here and saw you criticizing Tsuji's method, and saying finasteride causes cancer. I've never seen so much silliness in one thread.
It makes me laugh the people who do the experts and they are street sweepers in life
There not only cancer prostate in the life.You don't know that there is a risk of breast cancer with fina .It's you the stupid man lol


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He writes regularly in a dermatology review. He wrote an article on the risks of cancer with finasteride But I know the pretentious people here know better than the dermatos who have a bac + 10.LOL.You must already understand the articles you posted. LoL

I don't see where this post says the dermatologist claimed it causes cancer. Only that he wrote a paper assessing the risks. Unless one read the paper, he may well have concluded there where no risks.


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I don't see where this post says the dermatologist claimed it causes cancer. Only that he wrote a paper assessing the risks. Unless one read the paper, he may well have concluded there where no risks.
An insignificant risk for the men but there is a risk as well as estrogens for the women


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Which dermatologist should she listen to, the majority who think finasteride is safe, or the lone quack who thinks it causes cancer?

This coming from the guy who thinks adding will be cured in 3 years :D

I think it will take much longer than 3 years for you to learn "adding".