Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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it's also what people like you said about dr. Nigam... and he failed.

No that's not what I said about Nigam. You're lying or you have poor comprehnsion.

I said we should support his research, and at the time I think that was a good idea.
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with your logic applied, every new development's success depends and follows the same path of earlier approaches and even scam artists.
you can't compare tsuji and follica with all the other failed approaches at all.

Why not? Where is the proof that either Follica or Tsuji will give breakthrough regrowth in humans?

Tsuji's treatment hasn't even been tried on humans yet.

Follica is trying to figure out a way to apply their treatment without burning the top of your head off. Go get yourself some Follica Joachim. Get the top of your head burnt off. Then we can gaze down into the emptiness of your head.
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Follica's biggest problem is finding a way to laser the top of your head at the appropriate depth to achieve your desired result without damaging (burning the sh*t out of) the top of your head. I really doubt if there will be a way to solve this problem because the thickness of each person's skin is different so there is NO perfect setting for the laser that will work for everyone. So they would have to do scalp biopsies on each individual patient and set their instruments according to the exact thickness of each individual patient.

Some people say that Follica might turn out to be some pricey laser + minoxidil system but I don't think that's all there is to it. If it turns out that it's nothing but minoxidil + laser then I'll write it off as a scam.

Still, I think it will be impossible to solve the problem that their laser might harm the skin so I think Follica is sunk. I don't want the top of my head burnt off. It sounds painful and disfiguring. They might even damage your existing follicles with the burning from the laser.

If the exact wounding depth is such a deal breaker, then how is dermabrasion a common outpatient procedure? It has been for decades. I've been following the Follica effort for years and that is basically the kind of "wound" they are doing.

There are stories of ice carriers in past centuries getting hair growth from the friction on their backs. There are a few cases of cancer patients on a drug in Follica's patents getting accidental regrowth on what were probably sunburned areas. Guys on the forums get random new hairs from needling or dermarolling. Etc. Any superficial skin scrape is capable of restarting the follicle creation process. They just have to get a decent irritation scrape going but not cut down far enough to bleed & cause scar tissue.

In all likelihood, Follica's proprietary wounding device has more to do with creating a patentable & marketable procedure than doing something medically new & exacting.

As for the effective "age" (androgen damage & miniaturization) of any new follicles recreated by the Tsuji effort - they are multiplying a bunch of cells because they start playing together to form new follicles. How do you know the new ones will mimic the proportion of remaining DP cells in the donor follicle, rather than build from the raw genetics of the cells?

We don't know the nitty-gritty specifics of this yet. You don't know for sure the new cells will suffer the effects of age, any more than I know for sure that they won't. But I'm admitting I don't know. You are defaulting to all the worst possibilities and pretending those are obviously right.

Nothing in Tsuji's words addresses this specific uncertainty IMO. Their words sound more like they were addressing the broader issue about the hairs' cosmetic traits. People with curly blond hair don't want their replacement hair to be straight black.
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The real fun begins if and when the FDA gets their hands in the pie. At least for us in the US.


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I don't know which article to which you're referring. I just ame in here and saw you criticizing Tsuji's method, and saying finasteride causes cancer. I've never seen so much silliness in one thread.

The jokes on you pegasus 2. Nadia's right:

And it just shows how ignorant you are that you're eating a drug (proscar) that is linked to cancer and you're oblivious to that cancer connection. Most people read about stuff before sticking it in their mouth.

Hey, I have some arsenic here and it grows hair. Want some? I'm just kidding so don't ask for it.
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hmm, very mature as always.
if you don't grow up already, women will never get interested in you. better hair won't change you as a person, so it's really irrelevant for you if the cure comes tomorrow or in your predicted 25 years. and you don't really have so much time left.

so again, take the advise of good ole' joachim: get off the forums, try to find some lonely woman, settle down, and enjoy your fifties, sixties and maybe longer. otherwise it will be too late soon. i hope you we're not planning on coming here even in your fifties and sixties.

Shut-up. Go eat some more medicine without knowing the safety implication of it you moron.

If some guy was selling hemlock to treat hair loss would you want some?
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The jokes on you pegasus 2. Nadia's right:

And it just shows what a moron you are that you're eating a drug (proscar) that is linked to cancer and you're oblivious to that cancer connection. Most people read about stuff before sticking it in their mouth doofus.

Hey, I have some arsenic here and it grows hair. Want some?
Joke's on you moron, I don't use finasteride. And one study proves nothing compared to the mountain of data to the contrary.


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At first I thought Nameless was just trolling with his nonsense. Now I think he really might have snapped. Get that guy some prozac.
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Established Member
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it's also what people like you said about dr. Nigam... and he failed.

with your logic applied, every new development's success depends and follows the same path of earlier approaches and even scam artists.

you can't compare tsuji and follica with all the other failed approaches at all.

as you are soon approaching your fifties and a hairloss cure won't change your life anyway, i suggest you better enjoy your life than wasting your time on hairloss forums.
you have to find a woman already and forget about this all.

That's the real reason why he wants everything fail. Don't feed this troll, I don't even read his content when I know he thinks Nigam will work lol. You see how psychotic he is now, it's pathetic.


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Thats a lot or trust. I really think the same thing though, but im taking finasteride. Nice to be born in the 90's with timeeee
If I'd been born in the 90s I never would've had to deal with this, what with Replicel coming out next year in Japan.


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If I'd been born in the 90s I never would've had to deal with this, what with Replicel coming out next year in Japan.

And if there wasn't a link between breast cancer and proscar Nadia would have been wrong and you would be right, but there is a link between poscar and breast cancer and you weren't born in the 90s. So f'n what? Next time you want to know something about MALE hair loss just ask Nadia because SHE knows more about your hair loss than you do guy.
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And if there wasn't a link between breast cancer and proscar Nadia would have been wrong and you would be right, but there is a link between poscar and breast cancer and you weren't born in the 90s. So f'n what? Next time you want to know something about MALE hair loss just ask Nadia because SHE knows more about your hair loss than you do a**h**.

Sure she does, psycho. One study is meaningless. Nobody on this forum has gotten breast cancer. And even if it did increase the risk of beat cancer, I'd gladly take a slight increase in my nonexistent risk of breast cancer in exchange for a lower risk of prostate cancer.


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That's the real reason why he wants everything fail. Don't feed this troll, I don't even read his content when I know he thinks Nigam will work lol. You see how psychotic he is now, it's pathetic.

Yea, it's better to read whack-job Joachim's posts since a woman had to tell him that there's a link between male breast cancer and proscar.

And btw your mischaracterization of what I said about Nigam is proof of your inability to comprehend the written word.
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At first I thought Nameless was just trolling with his nonsense. Now I think he really might have snapped. Get that guy some prozac.

This from the bro-science peanut-gallery who has to have a female clue him in on male pattern hair loss.
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Senior Member
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This from the moronic bro-science freakshow who has to have a female clue him in on male pattern hair loss.
Yeah, that's what happened. Why hasn't this troll been banned yet? I'm usually not for banning people, but this dude is psychotic.


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Sure she does, psycho. One study is meaningless. Nobody on this forum has gotten breast cancer. And even if it did increase the risk of beat cancer, I'd gladly take a slight increase in my nonexistent risk of breast cancer in exchange for a lower risk of prostate cancer.

You have problems dude - publicly admitting you would risk getting cancer so you can have some hair. What's your name dude? If I get cured and the Oregonian (local newspaper) wants to interview me I want to tell the world about you publicly stating you would risk getting breast cancer so you could have some hair. What, are you weak or something? Are you unable to live without a woman? You have to man-up dude.
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Yeah, that's what happened. Why hasn't this troll been banned yet? I'm usually not for banning people, but this dude is psychotic.

You attack and attack and attack and then hide behind the moderator when someone stands up to you.


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If the exact wounding depth is such a deal breaker, then how is dermabrasion a common outpatient procedure? It has been for decades. I've been following the Follica effort for years and that is basically the kind of "wound" they are doing.

There are stories of ice carriers in past centuries getting hair growth from the friction on their backs. There are a few cases of cancer patients on a drug in Follica's patents getting accidental regrowth on what were probably sunburned areas. Guys on the forums get random new hairs from needling or dermarolling. Etc. Any superficial skin scrape is capable of restarting the follicle creation process. They just have to get a decent irritation scrape going but not cut down far enough to bleed & cause scar tissue.

In all likelihood, Follica's proprietary wounding device has more to do with creating a patentable & marketable procedure than doing something medically new & exacting.

As for the effective "age" (androgen damage & miniaturization) of any new follicles recreated by the Tsuji effort - they are multiplying a bunch of cells because they start playing together to form new follicles. How do you know the new ones will mimic the proportion of remaining DP cells in the donor follicle, rather than build from the raw genetics of the cells?

We don't know the nitty-gritty specifics of this yet. You don't know for sure the new cells will suffer the effects of age, any more than I know for sure that they won't. But I'm admitting I don't know. You are defaulting to all the worst possibilities and pretending those are obviously right.

Nothing in Tsuji's words addresses this specific uncertainty IMO. Their words sound more like they were addressing the broader issue about the hairs' cosmetic traits. People with curly blond hair don't want their replacement hair to be straight black.

Good post. Thanks for making some good points. Let me think on the issues you've raised and get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for being respectful and thinking about the issues I raised. Don't listen to the posters who say I'm trying to be negative because nothing could be further from the truth. I'm hoping someone can come up with good reasons, rather than wishful thinking, why I might be wrong.

The negative issues I've been raising are my own concerns which have been bothering me a lot. By raising these issues I'm hoping someone can demonstrate that I'm wrong, or at least, that I might be wrong. I'll get back to you tomorrow.
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