Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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This from the moronic bro-science freakshow who has to have a female clue him in on male pattern hair loss.
Yeah, that's what happened. Why hasn't this troll been banned yet? I'm usually not for banning people, but this dude is psychotic.
You attack and attack and attack and then hide behind the moderator when someone stands up to you.
I didn't attack anyone. You're a lunatic.


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You have problems dude - publicly admitting you would risk getting cancer so you can have some hair. What's your name dude? If I get cured and the Oregonian (local newspaper) wants to interview me I want to tell the world about you publicly stating you would risk getting breast cancer so you could have some hair. What, are you weak or something? Are you unable to live without a woman? You have to man-up dude.

Wtf? I said no such thing. You're crazy and retarded. I'm not taking finasteride, and I have no plans to. My point was, IF Finasteride slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, it decreases your overall risk of cancer, because it lowers your risk of prostate cancer. If you're a man, you need to be more concerned about prostate cancer, which means it would be a good idea to do something that increases your risk of breast cancer if it substantially lowers your risk of prostate cancer. I'm not taking it because I don't want to mess with my hormones.


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For me it's astonishing how all of you guys are fighting over some treatments than may or may not come next decade.

But not taking anything against your hairloss? Why?

The risk of getting prostate cancer is probably doubled by the mobile phone in our pockets.


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Yeah, that's what happened. Why hasn't this troll been banned yet? I'm usually not for banning people, but this dude is psychotic.

I didn't attack anyone. You're a lunatic.

Even this post is an attack by you, you doofus. Calling someone a lunatic is an insult SFBs.


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Even this post is an attack by you, you doofus. Calling someone a lunatic is an insult SFBs.
You are a lunatic. Get help.


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Wtf? I said no such thing. You're crazy and retarded. I'm not taking finasteride, and I have no plans to. My point was, IF Finasteride slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, it decreases your overall risk of cancer, because it lowers your risk of prostate cancer. If you're a man, you need to be more concerned about prostate cancer, which means it would be a good idea to do something that increases your risk of breast cancer if it substantially lowers your risk of prostate cancer. I'm not taking it because I don't want to mess with my hormones.

Oh good point. That is what you said. I don't read your posts beyond the first lines so I didn't know that's what you said in your previous post. You're still a doofus


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actually my point was that even with hair you cant be with a model. no need for a dislike and an attack buddy, Relax. what I said is not an image of women, it is very true.what envious and poor behavior did I present ?
.... You can be with a model without hair and money. Just check some of the famous ones... This is just a world you don't know and you are just spreading over pathetic cliches.


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.... You can be with a model without hair and money. Just check some of the famous ones... This is just a world you don't know and you are just spreading over pathetic cliches.
OK as you wish. this must be the norm then, my mistake. Relax dude I am sorry. you clearly don't want to discuss, but you would rather fight with a total stranger on an online forum. keep using provocative words, i won't argue with you anymore.


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Wtf? I said no such thing. You're crazy and retarded. I'm not taking finasteride, and I have no plans to. My point was, IF Finasteride slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, it decreases your overall risk of cancer, because it lowers your risk of prostate cancer. If you're a man, you need to be more concerned about prostate cancer, which means it would be a good idea to do something that increases your risk of breast cancer if it substantially lowers your risk of prostate cancer. I'm not taking it because I don't want to mess with my hormones.
Men are as likely to have breast cancer as women. Stop writing fools


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Yeah, that's what happened. Why hasn't this troll been banned yet? I'm usually not for banning people, but this dude is psychotic.

I didn't attack anyone. You're a lunatic.
You're right. The mass stupidity has to be on the place. Let's banish divergent opinions


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Men are as likely to have breast cancer as women. Stop writing fools

My uncle had it. But spraying pesticide for 25 years in the agriculture industry certainly wasn't a preventive measure. He had a full head of hair though!


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My uncle had it. But spraying pesticide for 25 years in the agriculture industry certainly wasn't a preventive measure. He had a full head of hair though!
pesticide destroys hormonal balance and increase estrogen


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Is it the full moon already? Why are the baldies getting whacky all around?

it is all the waiting and (perceived at least) postponement everyone is losing minds
this is us
