Foreigners Views on Americans


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squeegee said:
Hammy070 said:
squeegee said:
Aussi, Join the Military, go there for a year. See the reality of things on the ground and then justify everything you said. I don't give a sh*t about Iraqi Casualties statistics...Most of them are uneducated, brain washed to death and got nothing to loose like f****ing animals. I have been in that sh*t hole for a while and probably going back there for 09. Freedom is not free and they just have a taste of their own medicine since sept 11. I am just happy to live in North America.

After trying to formulate adjectives in my head to describe your views, I concluded your own words describe you best:

Uneducated - Obvious reasons, not giving a sh*t about civilian casualties ANYWHERE is a strong indicator of low/non-existant moral values, virtually zero empathy, which ranks you factually lower than many mammals.

Brain-washed - unless you are in fact, biologically an animal as described above, then you're certainly brainwashed.

Nothing to lose - One reason for joining an army.

F***ing Animal - evident.

PS: No Iraqis on 9-11. Even if they were, none of your views are acceptable/right/human/justified.

See Like I said before... You never been there so you have no f****ing clues whatsoever of what is going on out there....

First of all, Our main objective In Afghanistan is providing assistance to civilian infrastructure such as well-digging and repair of local buildings. We are talking about school, water point.... Giving them to basics so they can wise-up and get a f****ing goal in life. We are also there to train there Military and local cops because they are just damn retarded.. Like telling them to aim before they shoot..

Secondly, insurgents, Talibans or what the f*ck you want to call them can be anybody out there. You cannot trust everything on 2 legs out there. Example: Last year, one of our officer was hit by an ax on the head by a 16 years old kid. Results: The officer is mentally deficient and the kid got shot to dead. Everything, everybody is a booby trap, an IED, an ambush. They are 11 millions mines left in that f****ing country by former wars and yes that is another thing that we are doing.. mine clearing and showing them how to do it.

Do you want to jump on a convoy with me , go outside the wire??? Probably piss yourself & cry your mama after 5 minutes.

Thirdly. As a soldier we have rules to respect.. ROE Rules Of Engagements & the Geneva Conventions. We have to justify every bullets we shoot or we can get charge or go to jail.

Finally, adult male like to have sex with kids teenagers(male), Are really bad with their woman..we all know that. Doesn't have respect for life( Zombies) & have no appreciation of any help at all. They all blinded by their believes and poverty.

Embrace you Freedom and support your troops because you have no idea. Yes I hate war but did we have a choice after Sept. 11.??

So, are you talking about Iraq or Afghanistan?

I happen to support the invasion of Afghanistan, but I object the invasion of Iraq. The two are very different and shouldn't be mixed. One of them was the training ground of Al-Qaida, while the second one didn't actually allow Al-Qaida within its borders.


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Afghanistan, while Iraq and Afghanistan are obviously different and Iraq is clearly worse off, the larger lessons to be drawn are about the same.

The Gardener

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On a side note to this, and this is a completely tangental point from the argument you guys are having... I do want to say one thing. Thanks, squeegee, for your service. We're very lucky and blessed to have Canada as a neighbor and friend.


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The Gardener said:
On a side note to this, and this is a completely tangental point from the argument you guys are having... I do want to say one thing. Thanks, squeegee, for your service. We're very lucky and blessed to have Canada as a neighbor and friend.

Thanks a lot Gardener! I appreciate that!


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'foreigners' i.e. the rest of the world. are just as ignorant as everyone else. we all think america is a scumhole and we dont really care if we can back it up. its just generally what the world thinks of you lot

The Gardener

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'foreigners' i.e. the rest of the world. are just as ignorant as everyone else. we all think america is a scumhole and we dont really care if we can back it up. its just generally what the world thinks of you lot
I guess that's why the US is, overwhelmingly, the destination of choice for emigrants. They think the US is a scumhole, so... let's move there.

I guess the solution to this apparent contradiction is the fact that you speak for yourself, but, you really don't have any credibility at all speaking for what "the rest of the world" thinks on the whole.


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'foreigners' i.e. the rest of the world. are just as ignorant as everyone else. we all think america is a scumhole and we dont really care if we can back it up. its just generally what the world thinks of you lot

where do you get this from..?


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pfft, i dont mind about my lack of credibility but im sure if you ever asked anyone from 'outside' the US, there would be a good lot of people that follow my train of thought. i suggest you would find a better answer to this question if the whole debate wasnt mostly debated by americans. duh!


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It seems people forget in war there is always 'collateral damage' and 'civillian deaths' it happens, it's war. I mean you want to see some high numbers of civillian deaths go look at Russia back in WWII.


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ok, disregarding the whole Iraq war argument, bc i think most ppl think it was a mistake to be in 2 wars at one time....

don't get me wrong, i do love living abroad...i loove europe...but boy, do i LOVE going home to the good old midwest

24 hour walmarts
great service in restaurants
beautiful fake-tanned, fake blondes all over
24 late night fast food
no high school kids in pubs....16 gets you 20!
guys that dont kiss each other saying hello
guys that dont wear jeans tighter than lance armstrong's biking uniform
shops open on sundays!
normal sized refrigerators
huge ghetto blaster SUVs with 20 inch rims...haha, i hate it, but i love it too
crazy obnoxious christmas lights on every house
sprawling suburbs
normal sized elevators. i mean i like my neighbor, but i dont want to be all up on his crotch trying to come home from work.
drinking games!
college football....oh college football how i miss you

and soo many more....i love the US!


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Anthony83 said:
ok, disregarding the whole Iraq war argument, bc i think most ppl think it was a mistake to be in 2 wars at one time....

don't get me wrong, i do love living abroad...i loove europe...but boy, do i LOVE going home to the good old midwest

24 hour walmarts
great service in restaurants
beautiful fake-tanned, fake blondes all over
24 late night fast food
no high school kids in pubs....16 gets you 20!
guys that dont kiss each other saying hello
guys that dont wear jeans tighter than lance armstrong's biking uniform
shops open on sundays!
normal sized refrigerators
huge ghetto blaster SUVs with 20 inch rims...haha, i hate it, but i love it too
crazy obnoxious christmas lights on every house
sprawling suburbs

normal sized elevators. i mean i like my neighbor, but i dont want to be all up on his crotch trying to come home from work.
drinking games!
college football....oh college football how i miss you

and soo many more....i love the US!

Anthony! LOL! good points! & yesh so much more!!!


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Anthony83 said:
ok, disregarding the whole Iraq war argument, bc i think most ppl think it was a mistake to be in 2 wars at one time....

don't get me wrong, i do love living abroad...i loove europe...but boy, do i LOVE going home to the good old midwest

24 hour walmarts
great service in restaurants
beautiful fake-tanned, fake blondes all over
24 late night fast food
no high school kids in pubs....16 gets you 20!
guys that dont kiss each other saying hello
guys that dont wear jeans tighter than lance armstrong's biking uniform
shops open on sundays!
normal sized refrigerators
huge ghetto blaster SUVs with 20 inch rims...haha, i hate it, but i love it too
crazy obnoxious christmas lights on every house
sprawling suburbs
normal sized elevators. i mean i like my neighbor, but i dont want to be all up on his crotch trying to come home from work.
drinking games!
college football....oh college football how i miss you

and soo many more....i love the US!

man i was pretty baked when i wrote this post, i sound like a giant hill billy

ah well, i stand by these comments


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squeegee said:
I don't give a sh*t about Iraqi Casualties statistics...Most of them are uneducated, brain washed to death and got nothing to loose like f****ing animals.

How could anybody not see that your life worth more than the average Iraqi's after reading that?

Freedom is not free and they just have a taste of their own medicine since sept 11. I am just happy to live in North America.

Yes it costs a buck-o-five

Go back to school, Cletus.


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The Gardener said:
Our strikes were pretty much surgical, and frankly I think our ability to limit civilian casualties has been tremendous.

never heard of Fallujah? killings at Mansur? massacre at Abu Taleb Street?

given that the war was kicked off by a general who claimed not to do body counts, how can you claim that civilian casualities were limited?



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Anthony83 said:
no high school kids in pubs....16 gets you 20!

That penalty is rediculous and should not be allowed in the US. I'd give at most 5 years for 40 year old who had sex with a 16 year old, if there was some faul play involved beyond the age. Otherwise, maybe 2 years. And an 18 year old should not be prevented from dating a 16 year old. A 19 year old not even. A 20 year old, OK, give them some fines. Depends how much manipulation was involved, which is hard to prove. Jail time should not kick in till your are nearing 25 or something.


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aussieavodart said:
squeegee said:
I don't give a sh*t about Iraqi Casualties statistics...Most of them are uneducated, brain washed to death and got nothing to loose like f****ing animals.

How could anybody not see that your life worth more than the average Iraqi's after reading that?

Freedom is not free and they just have a taste of their own medicine since sept 11. I am just happy to live in North America.

Yes it costs a buck-o-five

Go back to school, Cletus.

If you are such a genius Aussie, Can you bring us any solutions about terrorism, war in the middle-east and everything else..?? Civilians like you got no idea of what is going on out there because you never spent a minute in one of these countries..I'll leave you in some villages out there and look at the average Iraqi stealing everything you got and rapping you sorry *** even if you like them so much... I am probably going back in 09 to see so more sh*t for a year. This country is helpless just like you care about them.


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squeegee said:
If you are such a genius Aussie, Can you bring us any solutions about terrorism, war in the middle-east and everything else..??

Do you really not have any idea as to why it is happening?

Civilians like you got no idea of what is going on out there because you never spent a minute in one of these countries..

To suggest that all it takes to know what goes on 'out there' is to a) be a soldier, b) spend time there is the height of ignorance. It wouldn't matter if you'd done 500 tours of Iraq, you'd still be clueless.

Besides, you're views certainly aren't shared by other soldiers who have served there.

I am probably going back in 09 to see so more sh*t for a year.

Good luck. Maybe you could read some books about the history of the middle east before you go.Who knows, you might even stop regarding Arabs as untermenschen.


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aussieavodart said:
Good luck. Maybe you could read some books about the history of the middle east before you go.Who knows, you might even stop regarding Arabs as untermenschen.

So, aussieavodart, I'm curious to know: despite the apparently unsavory ways that the Jews founded Israel, to what extent (if any) do you feel sympathy and empathy for militant Islam?


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Bryan said:
aussieavodart said:
Good luck. Maybe you could read some books about the history of the middle east before you go.Who knows, you might even stop regarding Arabs as untermenschen.

So, aussieavodart, I'm curious to know: despite the apparently unsavory ways that the Jews founded Israel, to what extent (if any) do you feel sympathy and empathy for militant Islam?

I wonder why you would ask me that question Bryan....

Is it because you have been led to believe that people who don't support all things Israel are, by default, Islamic militants or the sympathizers and supporters of?

I hope I'm not right!