Foreigners Views on Americans


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aussieavodart said:
squeegee said:
If you are such a genius Aussie, Can you bring us any solutions about terrorism, war in the middle-east and everything else..??

Do you really not have any idea as to why it is happening?

Civilians like you got no idea of what is going on out there because you never spent a minute in one of these countries..

To suggest that all it takes to know what goes on 'out there' is to a) be a soldier, b) spend time there is the height of ignorance. It wouldn't matter if you'd done 500 tours of Iraq, you'd still be clueless.

Besides, you're views certainly aren't shared by other soldiers who have served there.

[quote:t7x9a9or]I am probably going back in 09 to see so more sh*t for a year.

Good luck. Maybe you could read some books about the history of the middle east before you go.Who knows, you might even stop regarding Arabs as untermenschen.[/quote:t7x9a9or]

Us as Canadian, we have a 10 months training prior to any deployments, we learn and study their languages, clans, history, terrain etc.... We learn everything about them. We know probably better than everybody because everything is updated everyday. Not some sh*t in a book written by some joe blow to make money out of it. You are the ignorant f***.
Each time somebody is dying, we have a parade anytime during the night or day from any military in the NATO. After 9 months it is really tough. As a soldier we have an uniform and we have to give respect to the Iraqis and Afghans people in front of the medias but do you really think we give a f***??? You are f*****g blind. Stop watching TV. you sleep.

Saying that they send the troops there without any clues about what is going on there is the most ignorant, stupid comments ever. Know your enemies.


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aussieavodart said:
Bryan said:
So, aussieavodart, I'm curious to know: despite the apparently unsavory ways that the Jews founded Israel, to what extent (if any) do you feel sympathy and empathy for militant Islam?

I wonder why you would ask me that question Bryan....

Is it because you have been led to believe that people who don't support all things Israel are, by default, Islamic militants or the sympathizers and supporters of?

No. I'm asking you that question because you appear to be an apologist for some of the barbaric aspects of militant Islam, like cutting people's heads off, slaughtering people who try to leave Islam, hanging homosexuals, etc.

Now please answer MY question.


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Bryan said:
aussieavodart said:
Bryan said:
So, aussieavodart, I'm curious to know: despite the apparently unsavory ways that the Jews founded Israel, to what extent (if any) do you feel sympathy and empathy for militant Islam?

I wonder why you would ask me that question Bryan....

Is it because you have been led to believe that people who don't support all things Israel are, by default, Islamic militants or the sympathizers and supporters of?

No. I'm asking you that question because you appear to be an apologist for some of the barbaric aspects of militant Islam, like cutting people's heads off, slaughtering people who try to leave Islam, hanging homosexuals, etc.

Now please answer MY question.

The invasion of Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with militant Islam. Despite all his faults, Saddam was not a supporter of militant Islam. I don't want to sound like someone who likes Saddam, I think he should have been finished in the 90s and tried in the Hague like all the other war criminals. However, Saddam's Iraq didn't shelter militant islamists within its borders.

The generic term "War on Terror" and putting everything in one basket may make you think that the invasion was to fight Al-Qaida, but it wasn't. Everybody knows there was no Al-Qaida in Iraq, but they are there since the power vacuum after the invasion.


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I generally agree with what you said, ali777, but it doesn't really have anything to do with my question for aussiavodart. Hopefully, he'll answer me when he wakes up in a few hours! :)


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Hammy070 said:
squeegee said:
Aussi, Join the Military, go there for a year. See the reality of things on the ground and then justify everything you said. I don't give a sh*t about Iraqi Casualties statistics...Most of them are uneducated, brain washed to death and got nothing to loose like f****ing animals. I have been in that sh*t hole for a while and probably going back there for 09. Freedom is not free and they just have a taste of their own medicine since sept 11. I am just happy to live in North America.

After trying to formulate adjectives in my head to describe your views, I concluded your own words describe you best:

Uneducated - Obvious reasons, not giving a sh*t about civilian casualties ANYWHERE is a strong indicator of low/non-existant moral values, virtually zero empathy, which ranks you factually lower than many mammals.

Brain-washed - unless you are in fact, biologically an animal as described above, then you're certainly brainwashed.

Nothing to lose - One reason for joining an army.

F***ing Animal - evident.

PS: No Iraqis on 9-11. Even if they were, none of your views are acceptable/right/human/justified.

Look at this guy taking the moral high ground when he himself most likely has wet dreams about slaughtering israelis.



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I think we should try stopping to care that much of what is going on in Middle-East or around it . They are having too much attention anyways with the media.This forum always end up in a big pile of sh*t each time somebody talks about the subject.. but I always ask this question to myself... If one day, America need help of any kind.. Is any leaders from the Middle-east will raise his hand to help us? Seriously, Does any Country of the Middle-East did any good to the civilization at all??? Instead of wasting our money and people with their ridiculous fights and etc... We should all move them on the Moon or Mars... Why not?? I am not talking about killing the problem but moving the problem...The use to live in a tough environment. We just have to build them an atmosphere ..move some camels, goats... AK-47, RPgs so they will be able to do their own things all together as a big family.It is 3 in the morning, going to bed. For me, Middle-East is just a big f*****g Circus or a ZOO.


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Bryan said:
I generally agree with what you said, ali777, but it doesn't really have anything to do with my question for aussiavodart. Hopefully, he'll answer me when he wakes up in a few hours! :)

I'm still wondering what lead you to the conclusion that I appear to be sympathetic to militant Islam :dunno:


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squeegee said:
Us as Canadian, we have a 10 months training prior to any deployments, we learn and study their languages, clans, history, terrain etc.... We learn everything about them. We know probably better than everybody because everything is updated everyday.

You'd think somebody who supposedly learned everything about them wouldn't be asking someone else what the solution to terrorism and war in the middle east is

Saying that they send the troops there without any clues about what is going on there is the most ignorant, stupid comments ever. Know your enemies.

As far as the Americans were concerned, the Iraqi people were sub-human, untermenschen. You could almost split the Americans into two groups: ones who were complete crusaders, intent on killing Iraqis, and the others who were in Iraq because the Army was going to pay their college fees. They had no understanding or interest in the Arab culture. The Americans would talk to the Iraqis as if they were stupid and these weren't isolated cases, this was from the top down. There might be one or two enlightened officers who understood the situation a bit better, but on the whole that was their general attitude. Their attitude fuelled the insurgency. I think the Iraqis detested them."

-former SAS soldier Ben Griffin

just another ignoramus I guess?


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aussieavodart said:
I'm still wondering what lead you to the conclusion that I appear to be sympathetic to militant Islam :dunno:

Please answer the question that I asked you.

Old Baldy

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aussieavodart said:
Bryan said:
I generally agree with what you said, ali777, but it doesn't really have anything to do with my question for aussiavodart. Hopefully, he'll answer me when he wakes up in a few hours! :)

I'm still wondering what lead you to the conclusion that I appear to be sympathetic to militant Islam :dunno:

Aussie: You owe me a new keyboard (i.e., I spit up my tea after reading your response). :mrgreen:


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Bryan said:
aussieavodart said:
I'm still wondering what lead you to the conclusion that I appear to be sympathetic to militant Islam :dunno:

Please answer the question that I asked you.

Why can't you answer my question as to how you concluded that I 'appear' to be sympathetic to Islam? I think I know the answer:

The only reason you would ask me something so rediculous is because you, like so many others in America and even here in Australia, you seem to have been drawn into the Zionist narrative which conflates all of the current conflicts in the middle east and all of the terrorist attacks across the world and tells you that they are all the same battle with the underlying message being that you that you can't be critical of Israel and be against something like 9/11 at the same time.

If I answer your question I will have been sucked into the Zionist/Neocon rules of argument, rules of argument for people who have a complete disregard for history and see things in black and white.

edit: I think Baldy might have proved my point.


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Old Baldy said:
aussieavodart said:
Bryan said:
I generally agree with what you said, ali777, but it doesn't really have anything to do with my question for aussiavodart. Hopefully, he'll answer me when he wakes up in a few hours! :)

I'm still wondering what lead you to the conclusion that I appear to be sympathetic to militant Islam :dunno:

Aussie: You owe me a new keyboard (i.e., I spit up my tea after reading your response). :mrgreen:

when did you stop using the straw and bib? :mrgreen:


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squeegee said:
I think we should try stopping to care that much of what is going on in Middle-East or around it .

Completely agree with you. It's not our problem, you shouldn't be there.

squeegee said:
Seriously, Does any Country of the Middle-East did any good to the civilization at all???

It goes to show how much you respect the locals. For your information, the Middle East is also known as the cradle of civilization. They gave us algebra, algorithms, medicine, astrology, geography, finance and economics, theology, architecture, chemistry, etc.

When the Northern European tribes (people that you perceive as civilized) lived in wooden huts, got drunk, raided the neighboring tribes to rape all the women, the Middle Easterns were building some magnificent buildings that still stand today.

Genetically, the people in the Middle East are still the same people that gave us the civilization as we know it. They are the descendants of the ancient Greeks, ancient Egyptians, Biblical prophets, Leventines, Old Baldy's Armenian cousins, Jews, Arabs, Turks, Persians, Phoenicians, etc.

To say that those people have never done anything good for the civilization is utter ignorance.


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Are some of you so naive to believe that US government is in fact liberating countries and fighting for democracy? Were British liberating their colonies too?

It is clearly a game of control over global resources, manipulating weak nation's governments, hunting down dictators (after US has finished selling them guns), dismembering countries, never taking human life's value into account. Enemy/Ally/Terrorist is a quick changing tag when looking for an ultimate excuse to gain control over other people's homelands.

I can accept dominance. That's the way it goes since dawn of man, sadly. I cannot accept the facade of the "savior" when all that matters is business.


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ali777 said:
It goes to show how much you respect the locals. For your information, the Middle East is also known as the cradle of civilization.
Ascribed to peoples that came long before Islam or Christianity; the influxes into the area since these ancient times have ever-so-slightly changed the genetic make-up.

ali777 said:
They gave us algebra, algorithms, medicine, astrology, geography, finance and economics, theology, architecture, chemistry, etc.
Who are they? Such developments came from numerous sources and over a lengthy time period, one civilization building on top of another.

ali777 said:
When the Northern European tribes (people that you perceive as civilized) lived in wooden huts, got drunk, raided the neighboring tribes to rape all the women, the Middle Easterns were building some magnificent buildings that still stand today.
And long before this the Greeks and Romans (people of European descent) were constructing magnificent buildings that still stand today, at a time when the Arab tribes were still nomadic; and long before that, in deepest Mesopotamia, the Sumerians were turning out fantastically intricate metalwork, before the would-be Athenians had fashioned anything of merit. Does any of this matter?

ali777 said:
Genetically, the people in the Middle East are still the same people that gave us the civilization as we know it. They are the descendants of the ancient Greeks, ancient Egyptians, Biblical prophets, Leventines, Old Baldy's Armenian cousins, Jews, Arabs, Turks, Persians, Phoenicians, etc.
Well, sort of, but the idea that we can pin-point who "gave us" civilization as we know it is plain nuts. The flow of people back and forth, the inter-mixing of numerous tribes, the various sources of advancement, has surely obliterated the ability to point to a group of people and say: "Them, that lot right there, they're responsible for creating civilization." I mean, you didn't even mention the Chinese or the Indians....

ali777 said:
To say that those people have never done anything good for the civilization is utter ignorance.
Anyone with even half a brain must agree with this. It's just that deducing what developments came from which people is impossible: you get those on one side of the argument claiming everything under the Sun emerged from the 'Golden Age of Islam' (ignoring how much was built on what came before); and those on the other side have no knowledge whatsoever that Islamic society made any contribution. Which ends my pointless (and slightly intoxicated) ramble.



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Slartibartfast said:
you get those on one side of the argument claiming everything under the Sun emerged from the 'Golden Age of Islam' (ignoring how much was built on what came before); and those on the other side have no knowledge whatsoever that Islamic society made any contribution. Which ends my pointless (and slightly intoxicated) ramble.


Did I ever say it was Islam that gave us civilization? Why do you assume I am defending Islam?

The statement was that the Middle Easterns haven't done any good for the civilization... and I'm saying that the people that lived there thousands of years ago are still the same people...

Slartibartfast said:
ali777 said:
It goes to show how much you respect the locals. For your information, the Middle East is also known as the cradle of civilization.
Ascribed to peoples that came long before Islam or Christianity; the influxes into the area since these ancient times have ever-so-slightly changed the genetic make-up.

I'm not so sure about that. We use the word Arab to describe a race, but Arabs are not exactly a homogeneous race. Anyone from Morocco to Iraq is an Arab. For me, genetically only the residents of the Arabian Peninsula are Arabs, the rest are Arabic speaking descendants of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, etc. The analogy would be describing everyone that speaks English as an English person.

There was an article on BBC online recently. Apparently the DNA studies of Lebanon show that both Christian and Muslim Lebanese are from Phoenician origins. Likewise, the Leventine tribes that used to live in the area never migrated, they just started speaking a different language with time. If we go back further in time the same people were part of the ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt.

Of course civilization is an accumulation of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Sumerian, Babylonian, etc cultures. All those cultures interacted within or close to Middle East (this was my point in the first place). Ironically, Islamic rulers initially contributed to the accumulation process by promoting analysis and translation of existing texts, but a few centuries later they had all the power and that extra boost or enlightenment that could be obtained from science was no longer needed and they discouraged/banned free thinking. You call it "The Golden Age of Islam".


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We can talk sh*t for hours about the Middle-East but nothing will stop Obama of sending more Marines in Afghanistan, they are talking about 30 000 troops..So the resistance/terrorism will be pretty much wiped-out just like Saddam Hussein army . With the help of the NATO and ANA, terrorism is pretty much fucked up. The next step is Pakistan. I was based not too far from the border last time and the cocksuckers were all coming from this way. We captured 2 guys digging in front of our base but got released after 2 days..which suck.They can make as much propanganda videos, dig for IEDS, recruit as much kids as they want, pray Allah every 2 minutes. They have no chances against our firepower, period. War is a disaster, They ask for it, they have it. In North America we live for now, the future, not in the past.


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squeegee said:
Seriously, Does any Country of the Middle-East did any good to the civilization at all??? .

squeegee, you gotta hit the history books.... :)


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patagonia said:
squeegee said:
Seriously, Does any Country of the Middle-East did any good to the civilization at all??? .
......................................... :uglylol:

squeegee, you gotta hit the history books.... :)

Sorry Patagonia..just felt like a hater last night.. Btw, all these Middle-East lovers/hypocrite on this very forum. You guys should all move there! So you can embrace their history everyday, living in the oldest countries ever. Maybe join the Taliban if you want. You guys should seriously think about it..