Hair is actually an overrated trait


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Guys... Please don't give David any more excuses to post photos of half naked men.



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Are you considering trying no wheat products?

I'm considering anything that can improve my health. Anyway, again - where did you see a picture of my face? I have not shared one with you so that would mean one of the few members I did share with has spread it to you, which would be really f-cking dissapointing and disrespectful.

Edit: That was meant for K9gatton of course, sorry David for the misunderstanding.
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I'm glad you appreciate it. I hope your "Take down that frog!" doesn't refer to me. LOL
Have you tried grindr & craigs list?


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Most you guys just need confidence

believe in yourselves.




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so many of you are cry babies ffs
And Fred is the biggest joke ever, 24/7 crying about looks and baldness yet the guy is attractive and goes on 4 dates every week.
just lol
I'm not even gonna start about the "no one does sports because they like it " and "sports doesn't benefit you or give you anything" statements, I understand that doing sports is very hard for you Fred and you fail at it so you try to cope with it and you make up stupid false facts just to feel good about your failure in sports, keep your delusion that sports doesn't give you anything and that no one does it because they like it, whatever makes you sleep at night.

Fred has many true points that I agree with but my man there is obviously something wrong with you and it's pointless to argue or try to prove you wrong, because eventually we will believe in what we want to believe and no one will convince us otherwise, that's how people work.

Fred keeps searching for reasons to prove himself right, even to his own self, just because he went on a date with a woman that said she has a fetish for bald guys and said "I'm the only woman among my friends that like bald guys", but of course he completely ignore the fact that he sees 4 women a week and scores quite a bit. funny.

and Dante, quit jumping like a little happy kid on every comment here from Fred or other depressed folks about how being bald is the end of life, feeding on such statements and making them all an excuse to yourself for everything that is shitty in your life.

I swear you guys just coming to this forum to prove your own self how you are all right about your point of views
Every 3 comments I keep seeing the same "you see this life is sht with a bald head!" "so I was right not having an attractive face is the end of us!"

And no I'm not attractive at all, and I'm losing my hair in the speed of light so quite the "oh he must be attractive and with NW2 saying all that, wait til he gets bald", wrong.

you simply blow things way out of proportion.

Fred who is probably the "leader" of the depressive and crybaby group of baldness on this forum is actually scoring left and right and he scored even when he was bald before his hair transplant.

Just lol.
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For whatever it's worth,

I cope for my receding hairline by applying topical minoxidil, RU, stemoxydine, nizoral, tea tree oil, and digesting castor oil.

Posting in the Dr. Brotzu thread helps ease the pain.

Wish me luck. The regimen has been running at 100% for a few weeks now.
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100% agree - i used to post regularly on the forums and i stay mostly stay away because of the never ending whining and all the crybabies. The only thing someone who visits this forum learns is that apparently bald/ing people are a bunch of pu55ies, if they are to judge it on the commentary alone. You'd think this is an old ladies sewing circle where everyone is complaining of their arthritic knees. Honestly, man up and stop being such needy sympathy and pity-addicted primadonnas. Regardless of how much hair is on your head there are two male qualities that are immediately unattractive to the opposite sex:

1 - Vanity - like spending so much time obsessing over how many hairs you lost this morning and how your life is going to end (it totally isn't btw)

2 - Weakness - such as spending so much time trying to gather pity/sympathy from anonymous people online. No your life isn't that bad, you spoiled, self-centered jackass; you are just so obsessed with yourself that you think every minute change means the end of the world. Trust me, no one in the world gives a 5hit. It's true, noone cares about you or how many hairs you have on your head because they are too busy worrying about what others think of themselves.

There's valuable information on this forum; use it to better your condition in a general way. Don't expect perfection or magic silver bullets to fix your problems. And most importantly, don't descend into the spiral of negativity and narcissism that feeds some of the trolls on this forum, because 10 years from now if you look up this forum and the crap you used to post you will be shocked at how depressing+pathetic the stuff you wrote down was.

I'm afraid some people here will still be here 10 years from now posting the same things over and over again just as they are doing now.

But no Fred, I see Fred 10 years from now with a beautiful wife and kids, still coming posting and posting how life is sh*t being bald and unattractive


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I prefer to read the scientific news, giving advice to people and discussing new ways and methods to treat baldness.
Usually I stay way out of this section, but the thread titles sometimes catch my attention from the sidebar.
I have to take a peek here as it's funny occasionally. It's mostly the same people posting in here.
I'm not saying what's posted in here is not true, just that I already mostly know and accept these things and coming here to read them all stated as fact just depresses me further?
So I prefer to just be very apathetic about it and simply stick to the "do-something" sections where people are screwing with treatments.
I don't see the point stating all these things about what's bad with baldness again and again, it's redundant. I know it's bad, so whatever.
That's why we're trying to prevent it though, right? It mostly seems to be a pissing contest between people who are trying to take a "balder than thou" attitude against those who are not yet quite there, or between people who claim that it doesn't matter at all (whilst being on a hair loss forum LOL) or those who claim that baldness is a death sentence. You usually just see those extremes. It's kinda dumb.
It isn't really that black and white but more like it depends on what else you have going for you. Sad to say if you're not at least 8/10 attractive with a good build and what not, you're going to get hit hard by baldness that is the case. Even so those other things cannot compensate for your lack of hair, but only help cushion your blow because you still have other things going for you. So it seems to be a rather pointless "baldness=deth lolz" echo chamber which is trying to get broken up by "just shave it bro"'s ,all the whilst neither side can accept the other's viewpoint or meet halfway in the middle. Fun stuff. :D


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The truth is that it gives you zero bonuses.

We all know one of these bald/ugly/short guys who overcompensate by getting big.

And frankly it's quite sad to watch them going try to win a battle they've already lost.

I know this ugly guy who is muscular and women just can't stop mocking him and said things like:

"Does he believe he's going to get girls by doing that?" He's still ugly.

It is laughable to see people do activities that:

1.They don't enjoy, nobody actually enjoys working out, it's a painful and lonely activity.

2. Are not bringing them any benefit at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

3. They think are going to "save them".
Literally posts like this are why you are so naive and stupid. You make the dumbest and ill-informed statements saying that people don't enjoy working out that is a load of bullshit.Even worse you go on to say that it doesn't bring any benefit, the opposite actually. Look just because you are some pale, skinny, pasty f*****g white guy whos deluded with the world and apparently can't "gain" muscle because his body type can't put on muscle, doesn't mean its not beneficial for others.

And no one thinks working out is going to save them. some might, but most do it because theres so many benefits of working out. not everyone wants to be a skinny weak c*** like you fred. I sure as hell know that you are 100% one of those pussy c**** who iif there was a street fight involving one of their friends would not jump in, and thats because as I said you are a skinny pasty pussy who says working out isn't beneficial... ok m8
I'd like to dig their graves.
dante ill dig you a grave, geez you are like a fred version 2 and that is not a good thing.

so many of you are cry babies ffs
And Fred is the biggest joke ever, 24/7 crying about looks and baldness yet the guy is attractive and goes on 4 dates every week.
just lol
I'm not even gonna start about the "no one does sports because they like it " and "sports doesn't benefit you or give you anything" statements, I understand that doing sports is very hard for you Fred and you fail at it so you try to cope with it and you make up stupid false facts just to feel good about your failure in sports, keep your delusion that sports doesn't give you anything and that no one does it because they like it, whatever makes you sleep at night.

Fred has many true points that I agree with but my man there is obviously something wrong with you and it's pointless to argue or try to prove you wrong, because eventually we will believe in what we want to believe and no one will convince us otherwise, that's how people work.

Fred keeps searching for reasons to prove himself right, even to his own self, just because he went on a date with a woman that said she has a fetish for bald guys and said "I'm the only woman among my friends that like bald guys", but of course he completely ignore the fact that he sees 4 women a week and scores quite a bit. funny.

and Dante, quit jumping like a little happy kid on every comment here from Fred or other depressed folks about how being bald is the end of life, feeding on such statements and making them all an excuse to yourself for everything that is shitty in your life.

I swear you guys just coming to this forum to prove your own self how you are all right about your point of views
Every 3 comments I keep seeing the same "you see this life is sht with a bald head!" "so I was right not having an attractive face is the end of us!"

And no I'm not attractive at all, and I'm losing my hair in the speed of light so quite the "oh he must be attractive and with NW2 saying all that, wait til he gets bald", wrong.

you simply blow things way out of proportion.

Fred who is probably the "leader" of the depressive and crybaby group of baldness on this forum is actually scoring left and right and he scored even when he was bald before his hair transplant.

Just lol.
100% true. Fred is the biggest joke. Even if he was getting girls I can ensure you someone like him posting the stuff he does on a hairloss forum would have little to 0 friends. its actually f*****g sad. and what you said about dante its sooo true, I've noticed since hes been psting that he posts like after fred always agreeing, its as if dante is freds b**ch.
100% agre with the last statement aying that fred is the leader of the depressive and crybaby group onthis forum. bunch of little b****s who complain about eerything, imagine how much they'd complain in real life.

100% agree - i used to post regularly on the forums and i stay mostly stay away because of the never ending whining and all the crybabies. The only thing someone who visits this forum learns is that apparently bald/ing people are a bunch of pu55ies, if they are to judge it on the commentary alone. You'd think this is an old ladies sewing circle where everyone is complaining of their arthritic knees. Honestly, man up and stop being such needy sympathy and pity-addicted primadonnas. Regardless of how much hair is on your head there are two male qualities that are immediately unattractive to the opposite sex:

1 - Vanity - like spending so much time obsessing over how many hairs you lost this morning and how your life is going to end (it totally isn't btw)

2 - Weakness - such as spending so much time trying to gather pity/sympathy from anonymous people online. No your life isn't that bad, you spoiled, self-centered jackass; you are just so obsessed with yourself that you think every minute change means the end of the world. Trust me, no one in the world gives a 5hit. It's true, noone cares about you or how many hairs you have on your head because they are too busy worrying about what others think of themselves.

There's valuable information on this forum; use it to better your condition in a general way. Don't expect perfection or magic silver bullets to fix your problems. And most importantly, don't descend into the spiral of negativity and narcissism that feeds some of the trolls on this forum, because 10 years from now if you look up this forum and the crap you used to post you will be shocked at how depressing+pathetic the stuff you wrote down was.

there should be a dislike button for the likes of fred and dante.


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I have said this once and I will say it again.

Getting jacked, and building a physique wont get you girls if thats your sole purpose, and quite frankly nobody with a healthy mind thinks this. It will however make you more attractive around women, and give you respect by other men. being fit, and in shape goes well beyond just attracting women, it's simply an added bonus and doesn't make you go from zero to hero. It's the process & development over the years that change the person, and one of the greatest benefits I have found from building a physique is beliving in yourself, being less anxious, and more controlled around others. The aura when you walk in a room, and suddenly people weigh, measure and feel you up in their mind. Both women, and men do this in negative, and positive ways. Automatically that leader of the pack feel is associated with a man who is built to withstand the world being dropped on him. However, that is not always the case.

From a biological perspective men who are in great shape regardless of how they got there tell a women you have healthy levels of tesosterone, because muscle is biologically costly, and having a well developed physique can indicate good reproduction value, security and provide the dominance factor over other men. perhaps you worked your way toward this, but it simply doesn't matter. Women have make up, extensions, fillers and so fourth... we have the ability(testosterone) to build a physique. It doesn't matter how you get to where you need to be, the end result is all that matters.

Think outside the box. Women will find you more attractive, and men will respect you more.


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If you do not exercise you can look forward to a lot more of the following:

Herniated discs
Broken shoulders
Broken knees
Broken hips
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Weaker memory
Substance addiction
Lower metabolism
Reduced libido
Weaker immune system

PS Women don't like dad bods.


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Its all preference. However women will always choose a built physique over a dad-bod,fat, skinny and sedentary type build.

never listen to the bullshit they spew out of there mouths, and watch what they do. A handsome built guy is like cat-nip to a women, it's bad... and they know it wont last but they always want it. A man who looks powerful makes women feel feminine, and submissive.

I have been with nerdy girls you would never expect who have worshiped my body. it drives women of all tastes crazy having a sick physique. Wandering hands galore!

Plus jacked dudes are the best to cuddle with, I have been told this first hand. Muscles have that squishy/firm feel... not to be mistaken with fat lard that feels like goop.


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It's easy to get carried away when you hear a woman say that she's into bald guys.

Then you realize that she's just an exception, she even said it was a fetish of hers, that she probably has because all the men in her family are bald.

This woman really needs to embrace her fetish. We are all here to support her.


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long story short, in this impact section of the forum, it's just the same threads and posts about the same things over and over again, literally 2-3 top threads on this section discussing the same thing over and over again. and then someone opens a new thread and magically after 3-4 posts the subject becomes again the same thing about how life sucks and how bald average looking guys are doomed in this life and have no chance of dating hot women or keeping them
