Hair is actually an overrated trait


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Its all preference. However women will always choose a built physique over a dad-bod,fat, skinny and sedentary type build.

never listen to the bullshit they spew out of there mouths, and watch what they do. A handsome built guy is like cat-nip to a women, it's bad... and they know it wont last but they always want it. A man who looks powerful makes women feel feminine, and submissive.

I have been with nerdy girls you would never expect to have absolutely worshiped my body. it drives women of all tastes crazy having a sick physique. Wandering hands galore!

Plus jacked dudes are the best to cuddle with, I have been told this first hand. Muscles have that squishy/firm feel... not to be mistaken with fat lard that feels like goop.

I suspect the nerdy girls are honest when they say they don't care about physique. However ... most of them have never seen/touched a good physique before, they've only seen photos, so they're speaking from ignorance.

Likewise, there's a huge difference between seeing women and touching women.

The first few times I got to touch a women, I found myself fondling her neck, ears, eyelids, and my hands were all over her midsection. Those were not the parts I paid attention to when looking at p**rn (though I enjoyed touching that as well), and I wouldn't have expected it. Similarly if a woman has only ever been with scrawny men, she won't know how much she'll enjoy biceps.


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Fred is right that face is more important than body, but having a fit body is a good bonus in many aspects in life, that's where he is wrong.
I believe women really don't mind a fit body, as long as the guy is not fat, but if someone is fit they see it as a bonus, it adds points.

It's better to be an unattractive guy with a build physique than an unattractive guy without one anyway. it will increase the chances and give many other benefits in life so nothing to lose there.


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Now we are on the right direction.

it's an added bonus. I have seen first hand average gym dudes score hot babes because they were both passionate about the gym. Sadly they all have NW1s... lol , no surprise here. avg balding-gym dude aint scoring hot fit chicks

You would be surprised of how contentious people find relationships through activities they both enjoy. Even if the attraction is subtle at first, eventually new renowned experiences will make you grow onto each other. granted you need to have some sort of physical attraction.

THis is real, and happens outside of our skewed perceptions of online dating and what it has done to us today. This high speed life has ruined a lot of people... it's created epidemics such as PIED. online dating for women is the modern day version of p**rn for men. Flipping, and clicking through hundreds of men, creating novelty that dies off. Such men they would potentially date in real life, but they never got a chance because it didn't produce enough dopamine in there heads... 'turning them on'


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Now we are on the right direction.

it's an added bonus. I have seen first hand average gym dudes score hot babes because they were both passionate about the gym. Sadly they all have NW1s... lol , no surprise here. avg balding-gym dude aint scoring hot fit chicks

You would be surprised of how contentious people find relationships through activities they both enjoy. Even if the attraction is subtle at first, eventually new renowned experiences will make you grow onto each other. granted you need to have some sort of physical attraction.

THis is real, and happens outside of our skewed perceptions of online dating and what it has done to us today. This high speed life has ruined a lot of people... it's created epidemics such as PIED. online dating for women is the modern day version of p**rn for men. Flipping, and clicking through hundreds of men, creating novelty that dies off. Such men they would potentially date in real life, but they never got a chance because it didn't produce enough dopamine in there heads... 'turning them on'

But don't you understand you cannot be right vs Fred's logic?
Because, he would probably say if the attraction between the hot babe and the average looking guy grew because of mutual hobby, then it's not genuine physical attraction.
and that "growing into each other" is fake and is not real attraction and will not last, if it's not there from the beginning day 1 then it's wrong. - which I agree with him on this btw.

And he would probably also say that "didn't produce enough dopamine in there heads 'turning them on'" would not happen if the guy is hot. only if he's average.


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What we do know from the gecko is that there must be some sort of physical attraction for a women to be interested.

Also, women will bend over there heels more for an attractive man. Generally speaking, the better looking you are ,the easier it is keep someone attracted. The more forgiving, and easier everything is to obtain. Less attractive man will struggle more in this regard.

I have witnessed, and felt this first hand with different calibers of women. The more obsessed a women is of your aesthetics, the easier it is to build a relationship. The less attracted, and more work.... with diminished returns.

Sadly... life is just so much easier when you're attractive. Its mind boggling how easy is it to obtain women if you're handsome.. life on easy mode. Average dudes will go through a rat race of emotions just to find a women who will give them a chance. Where as, an attractive man is always being given the chance...


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Everybody knows this, even if they are not aware of it, it is what it is, we are not born equal.
no reason to cry about it 24/7

simply find a girl that is interested in you enough and not giving you hard work and giving back small return for it
plus life is not about fcking as many women as possible, eventually that ends for everybody, even for the most attractive men and women.
not everybody were delt the attractive looks cards, so ok no all of us can score hottie left and right, doesn't mean we can't be in a relationship or score.

life isn't fair.
plus being attractive is not all fun and games, you might do very well with women but I've known few very good looking guys who were suffering from discrimination against them as in many people didn't take them seriously and found them stupid and their opinion irrelevant because of their looks, envy or not, that stigma exist for many good looking people, especially for good looking women, it's basically "shut up and be pretty".


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I hope your "Take down that frog!" doesn't refer to me. LOL
Hahaha.. Well it's just a reference to when that Indian dude, Surabaj, or whatever.. demanded you take down the suicide frog pic.

I find simple things like this amusing for some reason.


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For whatever it's worth,

I cope for my receding hairline by applying topical minoxidil, RU, stemoxydine, nizoral, tea tree oil, and digesting castor oil.

Posting in the Dr. Brotzu thread helps ease the pain.

Wish me luck. The regimen has been running at 100% for a few weeks now.
Break a leg David!
That is one fine way of coping!


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plus being attractive is not all fun and games, you might do very well with women but I've known few very good looking guys who were suffering from discrimination against them as in many people didn't take them seriously and found them stupid and their opinion irrelevant because of their looks, envy or not, that stigma exist for many good looking people, especially for good looking women, it's basically "shut up and be pretty".

There have been serious economic studies that show that the exact contrary is true.
Good looks give an unbelievable boost not only to your personal life, but to your profession as well.

I suggest you take a look at this wiki page that sums up the different theories:

And this book excerpt by British sociologist Catherine Hakim


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100% agree - i used to post regularly on the forums and i stay mostly stay away because of the never ending whining and all the crybabies. The only thing someone who visits this forum learns is that apparently bald/ing people are a bunch of pu55ies, if they are to judge it on the commentary alone. You'd think this is an old ladies sewing circle where everyone is complaining of their arthritic knees. Honestly, man up and stop being such needy sympathy and pity-addicted primadonnas. Regardless of how much hair is on your head there are two male qualities that are immediately unattractive to the opposite sex:

1 - Vanity - like spending so much time obsessing over how many hairs you lost this morning and how your life is going to end (it totally isn't btw)

2 - Weakness - such as spending so much time trying to gather pity/sympathy from anonymous people online. No your life isn't that bad, you spoiled, self-centered jackass; you are just so obsessed with yourself that you think every minute change means the end of the world. Trust me, no one in the world gives a 5hit. It's true, noone cares about you or how many hairs you have on your head because they are too busy worrying about what others think of themselves.

There's valuable information on this forum; use it to better your condition in a general way. Don't expect perfection or magic silver bullets to fix your problems. And most importantly, don't descend into the spiral of negativity and narcissism that feeds some of the trolls on this forum, because 10 years from now if you look up this forum and the crap you used to post you will be shocked at how depressing+pathetic the stuff you wrote down was.

All very good, macaronaroni, but you have a privileged observation point. You once told that groups of women went crazy for the sole fact that you had looked at them. That women made passes at you all the time. Did you not say these things?

I never had any of these lucky experiences.
Everyone speaks out of their own past stories.
Mine were not half as lucky as yours (maybe because since 17 people discussed my hairloss with me present?), hence the negative outlook compared to yours.


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If I was miserable, I would just say so. I've actually created threads about how depressed I was years ago.

Since my hair transplant, it just doesn't happen anymore. What an intriguing coincidence.

@macaronaroni is the person who wrote this (lucky him!)

All my life i've been a handsome guy - i'm not being cocky when i say it, it's true; i would say in my 20's i was easily a 9. How do i know i was handsome? Because i would get hounded by girls - until you have about 20 girls screaming with excitement just because you looked at them, grabbing your *** at every chance, or even causing traffic to come to a screeching halt on multiple occasions as well as flat out being offered sexual favors on a regular basis by just walking down the street without ANY EFFORT, you won't know what being on the upper side of that scale means.

Of course I'm envious because I never had this effect on any person (the traffic to a screeching halt is particularly evocative).
On the other hand, I'm unsure that this is the basis for correctly understanding how bad looks can negatively influence your life...


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Good find Roberto, and this is the guy who is looking down on us.

If I had that kind of success with the ladies, I would be very positive and optimistic too.

It's so easy to criticise from a privilege position. Just imagind living your life as a 5'6 average NW4, see if you're still so strong and positive.

TBH I think that user is a good guy. He means well.
He simply never experienced what it means to be young and pretty much totally ignored by women, which is something that marks you for life, even when things get better.


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Maybe it's time for this forum to add a few new subsets to the Impact Section?
A new premise might also be appropriate.
All members can get to choose from a tier that more specifically applies to their circumstances. Essentially expanding the originally premise into an infinite invariably and varying , customizable format.

Here are just a few more examples one might expect from the changes (feel free to add your own):
1. Baldness is bad, but if you're BALD and SHORT, the impact might be WORSE
2. Baldness is bad, but if you're BALD, SHORT, and UGLY and have a MOLE on your chin, the impact might be MORE SEVERE
3. Baldness is bad, but if you're a BALD, FAT and an UGLY SYRIAN REFUGEE who has a HAIRY MOLE on your chin the impact might be THE WORST.

AS you see I'll be at this for awhile.., but that might be restating the overly obvious just a little bit*.

* correction: a little bit more, or is it a ALOT?

I give up, I'm going for an aspirin now.
Last edited:


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Lol at the coping squad of borderline fullheads reacting so strongly to my little anecdote.

"It's not that bad, you're negative! Look, you're getting dates!"

Yeah I'm also 6'3, above average and actually not bald.

Wait until you're bald.

just please Fred, even when you were bald you scored quite a bit, but of course you keep ignoring that little fact.
and you guys really need to quit the "border line fullheads" excuse, we are all balding bad here.
And yes, you're 6'3, above aberage, and not bald anymore, so why do you keep whining all the time.

And it's better to give hope to incels and encourage them, even if it's delusional and not realistic, because it can only bring good, how is your way better? to "open their eyes" and basically tell them they are just not good looking enough, there is nothing they can do about it, and they better go sit in a dark room and never leave it because they will never succeeded? how is that good in any way shape or form?
at least the first way can give the a chance even if it's close to a zero chance, it's still something.

you have no right to doom people here and tell them how they are just "ugly incels" and that there is nothing they can do about it, all that coming from an attractive 6'3 above average guy that is doing very well with women.

it's ironic, simply ironic.

bunch of depressed incels are being led to even deeper depression and loss of hope by an attractive 6'3 man.
a joke.


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it's ironic, simply ironic.

bunch of depressed incels are being led to even deeper depression and loss of hope by an attractive 6'3 man.
a joke.



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It's impossible for anyone to feel the pain of someone else, no matter from what physical/mental ailment he/she is suffering. EvilLocks and I could be the same age, living like lives with the same degree of hair loss, for example, and neither of us could truly feel what the other does. Watching my father die in hospice, surrounded by other dying people (some much younger than my 66-year-old father) and their grieving families, I felt no connection with the others going through what I was because, in my mind, somehow I was feeling it worse; somehow they'd get through it but I wouldn't, and somehow my father was suffering more. Women may think it's easier for men to go bald; men may feel women have it easier. The truth is, we'll never know. Fred is correct that some of us (myself included) won't feel the full effect of baldness until we have reached high Norwood or Ludwig numbers. We can only guess how we'll feel, and I'm sure a lot of you will continue to live your lives just as you're presently doing. I know I won't, but who knows; maybe I'll be wrong. I hope so.


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I'd like to dig their graves.

You want to dig others grave because they have different beliefs? You are no different than those Islamic terrorists who kill innocent people for holding different beliefs. You seem to agree everything with Fred. At least learn something from him. Even though he has similar views about hair loss as you he as never expressed outright hatred and anger towards people with hair or women. He actually tries to empathize with others and tries to offers advice that he thinks is right. But you come across as someone full of bitterness, jealousy and hatred towards those who have hair or women. You really are an ugly individual.


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Holy sh*t relax. It was just an expression, mostly an excuse to make a very bad pun. I'm depressed, give me a break.

If it was just one time thing, I probably wouldn't have responded. But you have repeatedly expressed hatred for people with hair. In one thread you explicitly said "I despise good-looking people". You come across as someone who is full of bitterness. I am sorry that you are depressed. But despising others for their good fortune is not going to make your situation better. However, there are positive steps that you can take to reduce your depression otherwise your life will always be full of misery


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Another thing I have learned from going through aggressive hair loss from age 16, it's that there is nothing worse than false hope.

People get their lives ruined because of false hope, people sink into deep depressions, and people snap and lose their mind because of it (I was one of them).

I believed my hair loss would stop with "natural treatments" for example. Unfortunately, reality always comes back, with a vengance.

Don't tell ugly incels that they have a shot, you don't even believe that yourself! I have two incel friends, and seriously, they are f-cked. Nothing will save them and it's pointless to pretend otherwise.

Don't give people false hope. False hope is the reason scammers can thrive, and feed themselves off people's delusional beliefs.

You don't realize the damage you are doing. Living in reality is always better. Why believe everything is going to be alright when everything in your life shows that the exact opposite is true? How is that going to do you any good?

There are incels who have been rejected hundreds of times, at a point, you got to be able to take a hint.

It's pointless to even talk to you about this, "false hope" is the worst thing of all, but telling your incels friendS that they are f-cked and have nothing to do to save them, is BETTER? really? seriously I keep being surprised by how messed up your logic and point of view is?
if you told your friends they are f-cked and there is nothing they can do about it, words like that might as well drive them to commit suicide, it's better to have hope, even if false, than nothing at all, at least the person will feel better about themselves, like they have a chance, and who knows it might actually bring them a chance.

your way of handling things is the worst and I sure wouldn't want to be your friend because you're depressing as fkc, but of course you're hypocrite so you keep all these thoughts to yourself, your own self knows it would be wrong to say such things to other people that's why you don't, because you know if you said that to a friend, they would no longer be your friend.
trust me they know they are ugly, there aren't many people who are ugly and believe they are hot, they know, but what other choice to they have if not to keep trying and keep hoping?

"you don't realize the damage you're doing", what damage? giving people hope, make themselves feel a bit better about themselves?
but no telling them they are fugly and will never get a woman no matter what they do is not doing fatal damage to them?
do you even listen to your own words?
I'm sorry you're so delusional and blind by your messed up point of view on things, Fred, there is no point in discussing this subject with you anymore to be honest.
You are what you are.
Keep dating and scoring women every day, then coming to this forum to whin about how ugly people should give up on life and lead them to the biggest depression they have ever had in their life, and then go back to date more women.

Fred is Fred, I'm just sorry for the people who are following you and embracing all of your dark preaches.