I did something very stupid today... [Better pics]


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s.a.f said:
ghg said:
He's 33!? Lol.

:dunno: ?????????????????? am I missing something?
I was thinking the same thing s.a.f. :dunno: What does it matter how old he is? Hair loss or being bald can bother people at any age.


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Because GHG is one of those people who likes to act big about other people's issues and laugh at it, but then is a whiny baby when it comes to his own and wants sympathy.


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I must say his threads are getting more hits NOW than CCS. Well done, GHG. :bravo: But then again there seems to be only two CONSISTENT posters on all his threads. I wonder who they are?............................................ :whistle:


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Because GHG is one of those people who likes to act big about other people's issues and laugh at it, but then is a whiny baby when it comes to his own and wants sympathy.

Well, if I'll be as bothered about my hairloss at 33 (7.5 years from now), then I'm truly disappointed with myself. So are you gonna hit me now or what? I remember you were the one who wanted to start a punchfest on several occasions, not me.

s.a.f said:
ghg said:
He's 33!? Lol.

:dunno: ?????????????????? am I missing something?

He's acting like he's some kinda freak because he's bald at 33. That was my point. The way he writes about being bald made me think he's around 25-30 max. I see ppl in around his age group who are bald every day. On the other hand, I rarely see anyone who's under or about 25 and balding severely like me.

DoctorHouse said:
I must say his threads are getting more hits NOW than CCS. Well done, GHG. :bravo: But then again there seems to be only two CONSISTENT posters on all his threads. I wonder who they are?............................................ :whistle:

Yeah maybe, but the biggest difference between me and CCS is I don't make sh*t up. And I don't use a wig or wear rollerskates inside.


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ghg said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
Because GHG is one of those people who likes to act big about other people's issues and laugh at it, but then is a whiny baby when it comes to his own and wants sympathy.

Well, if I'll be as bothered about my hairloss at 33 (7.5 years from now), then I'm truly disappointed with myself. So are you gonna hit me now or what? I remember you were the one who wanted to start a punchfest on several occasions, not me.

s.a.f said:
ghg said:
He's 33!? Lol.

:dunno: ?????????????????? am I missing something?

He's acting like he's some kinda freak because he's bald at 33. That was my point. The way he writes about being bald made me think he's around 25-30 max. I see ppl in around his age group who are bald every day. On the other hand, I rarely see anyone who's under or about 25 and balding severely like me.

DoctorHouse said:
I must say his threads are getting more hits NOW than CCS. Well done, GHG. :bravo: But then again there seems to be only two CONSISTENT posters on all his threads. I wonder who they are?............................................ :whistle:

Yeah maybe, but the biggest difference between me and CCS is I don't make s*** up. And I don't use a wig or wear rollerskates inside.
You don't have to worry GHG, when CCS was created, the mold was definitely thrown away. He is only one of a kind. He is totally in a league of his own.


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ghg said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
Because GHG is one of those people who likes to act big about other people's issues and laugh at it, but then is a whiny baby when it comes to his own and wants sympathy.

Well, if I'll be as bothered about my hairloss at 33 (7.5 years from now), then I'm truly disappointed with myself. So are you gonna hit me now or what? I remember you were the one who wanted to start a punchfest on several occasions, not me.

s.a.f said:
ghg said:
He's 33!? Lol.

:dunno: ?????????????????? am I missing something?

He's acting like he's some kinda freak because he's bald at 33. That was my point. The way he writes about being bald made me think he's around 25-30 max. I see ppl in around his age group who are bald every day. On the other hand, I rarely see anyone who's under or about 25 and balding severely like me.

Man will that statement come back to haunt you. :nono:

The way you write makes people think that you're actually bald not merely slightly diffuse. :thumbdown2:
You're 25 now and your hairloss is evident only to you and still you claim to be bald. If you're going to truly accept total baldness (ie NW6 like Uncomfortable man has) then you would'nt be so bothered by the small amount of hairloss you have right now. Anyone who joins this site and makes regular posts does'nt fall into the catagory of someone who accepts hairloss.

It really makes me laugh these younger guys who see anyone aged 30+ as being old, trust me it will soon creep up on you. I'm 33 also and I still feel very young I'm in great shape and still follow the latest fashions go clubbing and know what music is currently in the charts ect.
To a teenager you probably seem old at 25, but do you feel old?
My hair at 25 was worse than your 'severely balding' :roll: and it bothered me but not nearly as much as 3/4 yrs later when I was a proper bald NW5/6.

Trust me there are plenty of guys in their 30's, 40's 50's and beyond who still bitterly hate their baldness, although they know that theres nothing they can really do about it. They still look at other guys around them with hair and burn with frustration at the sheer unfairness of it.

Similarly there are guys much younger than you with worse hairloss who dont give a sh*t.
You think that you'll wake up on your 30th birthday and suddenly not care that you're bald? :roll: If it bothers you now it'll certainly bother you then especially if its progressed.
And as for never seeing anyone your age who is balding Try looking at the majority of posters on this forum. :roll:


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You have no idea what you are talking about do you? Slight thinning in my ***. But well, how would you know since you have never seen me irl? But just keep acting like you'd know, it's funnier that way.

Sorry, I was talking about real life experiences not the posters on this forum. It's not like I see the posters on this forum irl.


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Since the reaction to your 'practicly bald' thread was unanimous on here and the photographic evidence which shows someone who clearly is'nt 'practicly bald'.

Oh and then there's the small fact that you're preaching to us older guys who've actually been right through and experienced the whole spectrum of hairloss, not just the start of it.
But then I guess I dont really know what I'm talking about.... :whistle:

uncomfortable man

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ghg said:
He's 33!? Lol.
There were no present tenses in my last statement. Was, did= Past tense. No I do not look like a fifteen year old boy, but with my hat on I've been told I look as old as you GHG. Who knows, if River had never died and got male pattern baldness we probably still could be body doubles.


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s.a.f said:
Since the reaction to your 'practicly bald' thread was unanimous on here and the photographic evidence which shows someone who clearly is'nt 'practicly bald'.

Oh and then there's the small fact that you're preaching to us older guys who've actually been right through and experienced the whole spectrum of hairloss, not just the start of it.
But then I guess I dont really know what I'm talking about.... :whistle:

Someone who is full-blown NW6 isn't exactly a right people to judge someone else's balding. Or at least that's how it seems. Nothing is bad to you, except your own situation. That's what I've learned. Anyway, our idea of bald seems to differ a lot since looking at your post-op pics and your current hair state, I'd never grow out hair that thin. And I don't mean to disrespect you, but that's just how I feel. I might still *maybe* have a similar amount of hair than you post-op, and I'd never grow it out. Bending the naked truth and covering my hairloss up every frigging day doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun. Buzz cut doesn't probably fool anyone anymore, but at least there's no way to cover it up. The hair is what it is, and I'm getting used to not having a good head of hair. Actually I never had a good head of hair, looking at some old pics my hair was always very lifeless and thin.


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I don't know about you ghg, but comparing my situation UM or s.a.f. (no offense guys, you are cool in my book) I would GLADLY take my slightly receding hairline and diffuse thinning in the crown/scalp ANYDAY over being an NW6 or 7. This is no race I want to win anytime soon, I know I will unfortunatley in the future (none of my grandfathers have hair, well I consider my paternal grandfather to have good hair at his age but he is technically bald) but right now I still have a fighting chance and you do so instead of sitting and complaining, look into more treatments just because one of the big three did not work for you doesn't mean you are necssarily doomed.

Also to be honest, like me, you sound like you have many image issues which I suggest you talk with someone personal you know over them as I think hair should not be your main concern but your mental health right now.


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Obsidian said:
I don't know about you ghg, but comparing my situation UM or s.a.f. (no offense guys, you are cool in my book) I would GLADLY take my slightly receding hairline and diffuse thinning in the crown/scalp ANYDAY over being an NW6 or 7. This is no race I want to win anytime soon, I know I will unfortunatley in the future (none of my grandfathers have hair, well I consider my paternal grandfather to have good hair at his age but he is technically bald) but right now I still have a fighting chance and you do so instead of sitting and complaining, look into more treatments just because one of the big three did not work for you doesn't mean you are necssarily doomed.

I am not doomed, I'm just becoming pretty bald. I'm not going for the expensive snake oils just to have a slight chance of delaying my balding. I'm still recovering from the finasteride sides, for fucks sake. I've seen your hair, I'd take your hair too instead of being bald. I'd take mine also, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be bald in the near future.

Obsidian said:
Also to be honest, like me, you sound like you have many image issues which I suggest you talk with someone personal you know over them as I think hair should not be your main concern but your mental health right now.

Yo, Dr. Phil. Didn't know you're a member. You really are NW6 already, get over it.


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ghg said:
s.a.f said:
Since the reaction to your 'practicly bald' thread was unanimous on here and the photographic evidence which shows someone who clearly is'nt 'practicly bald'.

Oh and then there's the small fact that you're preaching to us older guys who've actually been right through and experienced the whole spectrum of hairloss, not just the start of it.
But then I guess I dont really know what I'm talking about.... :whistle:

Someone who is full-blown NW6 isn't exactly a right people to judge someone else's balding. Or at least that's how it seems. Nothing is bad to you, except your own situation. That's what I've learned. Anyway, our idea of bald seems to differ a lot since looking at your post-op pics and your current hair state, I'd never grow out hair that thin. And I don't mean to disrespect you, but that's just how I feel. I might still *maybe* have a similar amount of hair than you post-op, and I'd never grow it out. Bending the naked truth and covering my hairloss up every frigging day doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun. Buzz cut doesn't probably fool anyone anymore, but at least there's no way to cover it up. The hair is what it is, and I'm getting used to not having a good head of hair. Actually I never had a good head of hair, looking at some old pics my hair was always very lifeless and thin.

GHG why are you getting so worked up with some of the responses you are getting on this thread? s.a.f. is just giving you his opinion. Didn't you start this thread to get opinions? It's almost as if you are begging to be told you are hideous.

What did you expect? I mean you have been told you look decent with a buzz look, you have been told that you have a nice head shape, you have been told that it's probably more a case of BDD. I've been reading these types of responses from different users for a while from your threads so I'm sure they must be genuine. I don't doubt you have hairloss, and I know it sucks but damn dude, relax.


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GHG, come on already. You know for a fact alot of people on here are going to give you "Dr Phil" advice. Its a support forum or did you forget that. I think your a great person as I told you in the past. I just don't understand why you are getting so confrontational again when people here just want to either complement you or support you. I agree with you that HP and UM definitely have rubbed you the wrong way and I understand why you go off on them. But why are you attacking some of the new posters who never have an agenda to be confrontational. Obsidian, in my opinion, is a pretty smart young man for his age and he was only trying to give you support but you "snapped at him". If you really don't like any of us or what we tell you then why bother even posting a thread on here. Regardless of what you think of me, I still respect you and I never really enjoyed confrontations with you. If you are unhappy about your situation, don't look to project it on to EVERYONE who gives you advice. I would definitely value your opinion if I need support. Why not give people the same in return.


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Well excuse me if I find it funny when a complete stranger gives me a "I think you have mental problems" answer. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm 100% certain that no one who knows me irl (i.e. has a much better perspective on things) would ever suggest me seeking professional help. It doesn't piss me off though, it just amuses me. I would never give out such advice for a person I've never met. Call me old-fashioned, but I just don't think anyone can judge a person by what he writes on an Internet forum. Not even CCS, since I'm pretty sure he's trolling.

Yes, I do have some mental issues because I AM BALDING at well under 30 yrs and not imagining it like the most arrogant fuckers here seem to imply. But no, I'm not unable to carry on with my daily life, going out, spending time with my friends and family, play football, study etc. I am well aware that it isn't normal to be this worried about such a trivial thing as hairloss, and that's why I'm working on acceptance all the time. And I've made progress, I no longer wear hats outside and don't feel abnormal because I'm losing my hair.


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To be honest, I think that its pretty damn normal to have mental issues when it comes to hairloss at a young age - especially with us who do treatments and post on these boards. It shouldn't come as a shock to you. I personally suffer from some hardcore BDD its just that I generally don't post about it. While I agree that professional help is not always helpful (I have tried it and it didn't do anything) you shouldn't get angry at someone for suggesting it to you. They are just trying to help.

With that being said, I know for a fact that I am not happy with my hairloss but I also know that there are people here that are worst than me. Does that make me happy? Of course not. Does knowing that another guy who is Norwood 6 would love to have my hair make me feel better? Of course not. The point is, that you know your limitations when it comes to hair. You know that you can only grow it to a certain length, cut it in a certain way to make it look 'acceptable', which unfortunately is the only thing we can do now. Of course other guys can't even grow hair so you must also be understanding of why they are talking to you like that - even if you don't agree. If you open a thread to get comments, you have to be more considerate of their perspective, if not, don't ask for opinions if you're going to get angry. You have been told mostly positive things, what do you want to hear then GHG? That you are some type of horrible man?


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DoctorHouse said:
I agree with you that HP and UM definitely have rubbed you the wrong way and I understand why you go off on them. .

I don't think he has a right to. When I posted my threads and he was commenting in the same manner, I guess he thought it was ok. But what it's HIS hairloss, oh it's always different.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
DoctorHouse said:
I agree with you that HP and UM definitely have rubbed you the wrong way and I understand why you go off on them. .

I don't think he has a right to. When I posted my threads and he was commenting in the same manner, I guess he thought it was ok. But what it's HIS hairloss, oh it's always different.

Oh so what you're doing now is getting back at me? Sounds so... adult.


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ghg has failed big time when he tried to convince everybody he's slick bald, but he doest give up, and now he wants everybody to tell him what an a**h** he is...here is a guy who wants everybody to see him as he sees himself, I would call that honesty, which is hard to find, like billy joel says (an old guy)


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lock said:
ghg has failed big time when he tried to convince everybody he's slick bald, but he doest give up, and now he wants everybody to tell him what an a**hole he is...here is a guy who wants everybody to see him as he sees himself, I would call that honesty, which is hard to find, like billy joel says (an old guy)

Ok. I thought my plan was fool-proof, but you found me out.