Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Guys, what about Follicum? I know it’s probably not one of the game changers, but they have started phase 2a (of 3) and will be starting another later in the year as far as I know. It’s a peptide which can stimulate or inhibit hair growth depending on the dose. I haven’t seen photos but I guess that will come after the current trial.

“Follicum’s clinical phase I/IIa trial, conducted with healthy humans, shows that the hair growth is stimulated with 8 % in 76 % of the individuals compared to before treatment – an increase wich is statistically verified (p=0,0038, non-multiply adjusted). The data from our trial also shows a significant higher effect when comparing three to two times treatment per week. This indicates that the frequency of treatment is important to optimise the effect of the drug. Placebo showed a decrease of 2 % in growth (p=0,46”


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Hey, Georgie, we get it. You're a lass, good for you - but stop encouraging these thirsty retards yeah? It's dampening my enjoyment of the thread seeing the desperation of some of these little weiners.


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6 months of growth would be one more than 2-3 inches long hair it wouldn’t blend like that please use ur brain
Have you ever dyed your hair blonde? I have. Many times. I know how it goes. Look at her roots, they are still faintly darker.
Insinuate that I am unintelligent again and I will rip you a new a**h**. Cheers.


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Well at least it seems like one of my potentially overly optimistic 'predictions' might be coming true. October might be a go. I am a little more hopeful again now, I hope not too naively so. I just bank that poor marketing preparation is at play rather than any blatant deception. And it seems like that might be the case and their hands were tied in some way. Just gotta hold out and hope.

Geez, talk about desperation. Any company can now hire some “scientist”, claim a cure for baldness, show little to no evidence of success, and you bald freaks will still buy it. Brotzu didn’t even try to fake it, he literally just showed his sh*t is a scam and you people still want to buy it. This is why, companies will continue to take advantage of you balding freaks. You balding fools just encouraging scammers and snake oils.


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Hey, Georgie, we get it. You're a lass, good for you - but stop encouraging these thirsty retards yeah? It's dampening my enjoyment of the thread seeing the desperation of some of these little weiners.
She’s got a very nice booty and she is balding, why don’t like her? U must be virgin


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She’s got a very nice booty and she is balding, why don’t like her? U must be virgin

What’s that got to do with anything you white knight balding loser. Wasn’t Georgie a guy before? If so, you’re saying that makes a man a Virgin for not wanting that? To each their own, but you’re a balding white knighting Virgin from what I see.


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What’s that got to do with anything you white knight balding loser. Wasn’t Georgie a guy before? If so, that makes a man a Virgin for not wanting that? To each their own, but you’re a balding white knighting Virgin from what I see.
Wow another angry virgin here


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What’s that got to do with anything you white knight balding loser. Wasn’t Georgie a guy before? If so, you’re saying that makes a man a Virgin for not wanting that? To each their own, but you’re a balding white knighting Virgin from what I see.
Was I a man before? I wonder where my penis went