Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I don't understand how a private lotion initiative can be better than an alleged serious cosmetic company,
But I hope they do great it and keep us updated :)


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Just seen on fidias web page that they are showing results for some osteoporosis drug at an upcoming event, they never announced anything for brotzu for the siti conference, you would have to think that this will never be released at this stage so would be no harm if mods closed this thread.


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We’ll maybe Fidia should make some kind of announcement either way just like they did in 2017... still holding out that it could be released this year but mods can certainly close the thread if they wish. Fidia obviously has a lot going on with other effective drugs for different medical ailments.


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I think that even if they had/have those stability issues, the trials results should've been made public nevertheless, I don't see what they'll lose if they do it, even if they say "these are the results, but at this moment we are working on giving the product's a longer life" I can't see how this can affect their image and product credibility, it's not like they've put it into production with the the instability still persisting.

This is what bothers me the most. If the trials are ended since December 2017 and they've also published the patent a month ago, what the hell is this delayed and kept under total secrecy?
The only explanation that I have is that they're selling it away. I just can't see any other reason for this.


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yeah thats plausible alright man, which i would imagine who ever buys it will also want to do tests so i dont think we will be seeing for the foreseeable future which will make it too late for alot of guys on here, thats why the mods should close this thread.


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If i get enough likes I will create the cure for us baldies within your next lifetime... You better like now if you want that magically lotion


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If you think that Fidia will eventually sell the patent of the lotion you can check this web and tell us ;)


PS. And more information about the lotion:

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has beenpaid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention)

[0043] To increase their shelf-life, the lotions thus prepared can also be freeze-dried according to methods known bythe expert in the field, and reconstituted with water at the time of application.

[0049] It is clear that the samples prepared are all homogeneous, and this ensures uniformity of distribution of the active substances, and stability, both just prepared and, mainly and surprisingly, even after 30 days after preparation.

Such observations are true for all the concentrations of stearylamine used, and particularly for sample C, which contains it at a concentration of 3%.

[0050] Encapsulation efficiency (E%) of DGLA and plant estrogen in liposomes was determined by HPLC, after carrying out a rupture of the liposomes with a suitable membrane lysating agent, such as for example Triton X-100. The amount of active substances present after purification is in the order of 85% of the starting concentration and remains the same also after 30-day storage.


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I don´t forking know, but it seems important. Maybe not... Any expert on legal stuff like that? Thanks.