Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Hyping some patent update or hyping some miraculous claims never worked well in this thread. It's useless.

I´m aware of that and of course it wasn´t my intention to hype the lotion again! It has happened so many different times and , you all know, it has led us nowhere. We all agree on that. So, I´ll make my point for those who got that in a different way: I just saw that and told you. That´s it.

There is no expertise required here, that's a report proving that the patent certification has been sent to the aplicant. That's basically the final procedure, Fidia has now finished the patenting process.

I didn´t know that, but ok! Thanks =)

So, the patenting process reached an end more than two weeks ago and none of us noticed but now everything has changed because we have. End of the story.


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My Regimen
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There is no expertise required here, that's a report proving that the patent certification has been sent to the aplicant. That's basically the final procedure, Fidia has now finished the patenting process.


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I´m aware of that and of course it wasn´t my intention to hype the lotion again! It has happened so many different times and , you all know, it has led us nowhere. We all agree on that. So, I´ll make my point for those who got that in a different way: I just saw that and told you. That´s it.

I didn´t know that, but ok! Thanks =)

So, the patenting process reached an end more than two weeks ago and none of us noticed but now everything has changed because we have. End of the story.
It has /s


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Anything happening in the Italian Forums?

What's up with the group buy? Will you guys keep us informed?


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Can someone tell me where the discord thread is...if it even exists?
Discord is voice chat for video game players. Recently, it got more popular than Skype and it is used as a messager or voice chat for a variety of communities. It has community chat.


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@sunchyme1 Tell us how you and Xander met



it was a long long time ago, before the days of hair loss and incelism

i was on holiday in greece with my family. a young, handsome, fullheaded englishman just enjoying some precious family time. i wasnt on the look out for love or romance. but you never are when these things happen

one night we were eating at a beautiful local restaurant, when a stunning young greek waiter came over to give us the bill. a tall, dark, norwood 1 sex god. i couldnt take my eyes off him. and he me.

as he put the cheque on the table, he brushed his hand against mine. my erection was so hard the table didnt need any legs to stand on.

as we left the restaurant he slipped a note in my jacket pocket. instructions for where to meet later that night.

2 hours had passed, i slipped out of my hotel and went to meet him. i was nervous. 'did i look ok?' 'am i good looking enough for him?' 'is my dick big enough for him?'

a thousand questions raced through my mind as i made my way to see him

and there he was. laid out naked under the stars on a gorgeous sandy beach, 200 yards from where we first met.

we made love for hours and promised we'd never let each other go. it was magical.

but tomorrow i had to go home. the holiday was over. i was in tears but we were young and fearless. we would see each other again. we had no phones or email accounts back then. but this didnt deter us. we WOULD see each other again

we planned to meet exactly one year later at the same restaurant he worked at. the same date, time, everything. it was a plan.

one year had passed, i was still madly in love. i made my way back to greece. back to the restaurant. and there he was. just as stunning, just as beautiful as i remembered

but then he turned around. and there it was. A BALD SPOT.

i was heartbroken. my lover was bald. i couldnt believe my eyes. i rushed out quickly before he saw me. flew back home and forgot about him.

some years later and i ended the up with the same fate. i went bald as well. i guess i deserved it after walking out on him like that

some more years passed, and i found this place. and we met again....

i hope xander can forgive me for walking out on him that night. i was young and stupid

we are both bald now my love. bald. but still beautiful

it was fate that brought us back together here. i will forever be grateful for for that

i will never leave you again xander

my love forever and always

