I think it’s quite evident that Brotzu has at least some efficacy. The questions arise from the Sitri pictures which show only modest efficacy. The disappointment is that Brotzu didn’t walk on the stage with Dr. Evil rub a bit of lotion on and walk off with Bill Clinton.
Additionally Fidia only ever said that it would be released in 2018 which is what all the sources have also said. I’m not saying it definitely will be but there seems no concrete reasons to suggest it wouldn’t.
Lastly Fidia is a business, it exists to make money and this could make them the most money of them all. Millions and millions of men continually lining up to buy their lotion. They’re gonna want to get it right. We on the other hand are individuals, wholly concerned about ourselves and desperation plays a huge part. But for them if they get it out too late for 1000 people then they can wait a couple of days and they’ll have 1000 new customers anyway. I don’t think it’s a scam, if it is why delay it? If it’s never going to work why wait months more for it not to?