Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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in the german forum there is no shitstorm, because our leader told us from the beginning, that this lotion cant work for androgenetic ones. now they are laughing at all of you.
No, not all of them. Some are very sad. I really wonder how people (with Androgenetic Alopecia) can seriously be happy about the lotion not working, just to say: "Told ya....."


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I'm so f*****g devastated right now. I cannot wait until 2018. It's too late.

fak dis :(

Same for me. Could stop hairloss for 2 years but now loss went into overdrive. don't know what's goin on but if the lotion won't be released this year, it's to late. I hope Kane can help us.


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The only question would be, how can hair loss talk sell it, when it's patented. Kane wouldn't have a problem, since Chinese don't give a sh*t about patents.

Ya I'm not convinced this is a good thing, I respect the admin and appreciate all the hard work he puts in but this just doesn't seem like a good idea. Fidia will know about this and it may scare away companies from giving exclusive interviews in the future.


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I'm from the german forum too. I hate how destructive the people are over there.
Not a German thing, it is the same in this thread, where some idiots are actually happy about a hairloss treatment not working, because "I knew it!!!"

That Guy

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I just read their press release and nowhere does it say anything about any specific alopecia, so I'm not sure what you guys are talking about when you say it doesn't work for Androgenetic Alopecia.

All I'm seeing here is good news. They've finally given a release window. Don't be pissed at companies for not following through on promises YOU made.

In the mean time, I have to go take my finasteride and later I'll update the faq.


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Ya I'm not convinced this is a good thing, I respect the admin and appreciate all the hard work he puts in but this just doesn't seem like a good idea. Fidia will know about this and it may scare away companies from giving exclusive interviews in the future.
Good let them know about all the money they are gonna miss out on. f*****g pharmaceudicals


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I just read their press release and nowhere does it say anything about any specific alopecia, so I'm not sure what you guys are talking about when you say it doesn't work for Androgenetic Alopecia.

All I'm seeing here is good news. They've finally given a release window. Don't be pissed at companies for not following through on promises YOU made.

In the mean time, I have to go take my finasteride and later I'll update the faq.

It was edited.


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I just read their press release and nowhere does it say anything about any specific alopecia, so I'm not sure what you guys are talking about when you say it doesn't work for Androgenetic Alopecia.

All I'm seeing here is good news. They've finally given a release window. Don't be pissed at companies for not following through on promises YOU made.

In the mean time, I have to go take my finasteride and later I'll update the faq.
I didn't know you decided to jump on finasteride. When did you start and what dosage are you taking?
Good to see that smart people always change positively their mind.


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"Translated from Italian
The website of the fidia, they took my word areata! "

Translated from Italian
What does this mean?

Translated from Italian
I don't know!

that moment when AA girl is surprised and pissed off after removing areata from the website ...
oh please, go eat some jak and chill .


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Still, when you think about the roots of all this mess, I'm not surprised at all of this mistake.
I still remain skeptikal of the effect of the lotion on the Androgenetic Alopecia but wait and see.
Yep, the hype train keeps on running when there is still some hope for Androgenetic Alopecia and not only for AA.......

That Guy

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I didn't know you decided to jump on finasteride. When did you start and what dosage are you taking?
Good to see that smart people always change positively their mind.

I've been on finasteride since before I was here.


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f*** FIDIA. It's time to build a lotion lab, Walter White style.

This is so unreliable. If these "group buys" worked, Hellouser and all these other people would still be using RU. But you don't know what you're getting. Who the hell knows if Kane is even a qualified chemist? He could be a total hack.

This approach is the equivalent of buying a bunch of nice Italian ingredients and hiring a burger flipper from McDonalds to throw it all together in your kitchen haphazardly and thinking it's going to come out tasting like a Mario Batali dish. If Kane were so smart, he wouldn't be slinging bootleg garbage from a country with zero regulations to a bunch of desperate people online, he'd be employed by a reputable drug company.

Brotzu White

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Good let them know about all the money they are gonna miss out on. f*****g pharmaceudicals

Yeah damn straight. f*** all these corporations. f*** all of them. They don't give a crap about us.
It's clear now that this Androgenetic Alopecia nightmare is our problem, and we need to solve it by ourselves.

Let's teach these scumbags a lesson. They want our money? They'll have to EARN it. Enough with these false promises, scams and political bullshit. Enough with mocking our condition like we deserved it. Alopecia is a real disease.


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Yeah damn straight. f*** all these corporations. f*** all of them. They don't give a crap about us.
It's clear now that this Androgenetic Alopecia nightmare is our problem, and we need to solve it by ourselves.

Let's teach these scumbags a lesson. They want our money? They'll have to EARN it. Enough with these false promises, scams and political bullshit. Enough with mocking our condition like we deserved it. Alopecia is a real disease.

Of course they don't care about us. They care about money. And it's 100% logical.

Be honest with yourself, did you care about bald people before you started losing hair?

I have to admit it, I didn't realise at all what they were going trough.