Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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What exactly is this sitri? Does anyone outside of here know or care about it?
From what I heard it’s biggest hair loss convention? Conference? In Italy, all the highly reputable doctors and pharmaceutical companies are going there to share their researches.


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Im concerned that fidia haven't even mentioned that brotzu will be presenting at the conference, i have a feeling we will still have a lot of questions in a few weeks with no timescale to product launch.


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Im concerned that fidia haven't even mentioned that brotzu will be presenting at the conference, i have a feeling we will still have a lot of questions in a few weeks with no time to product launch.
Dr.Brotzu already said he doesn’t know the release date of products, all we want is results(if lotion really works or not)


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I agree, Brotzu will talk about the product Just as he has in the the past but a launch date will not come from him..we’ll have to wait for Fidia to announce that.


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I didn't see that post while looking through his profile. I trust @Clockwise and @The7thsense who actually have contact with Brotzu.
Now the product is stable they just have to manufacture on a large scale, there's no reason for delay anymore
It seems that he deleted his posts since he didn't want to offend the woman he was contacted by.
However, the posts and e-mail were real. Even @Clockwise can confirm.

On page 685, his 1st post was quoted, but it does not exist anymore.


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He hadn't said that. It was his personal guess
I don't know. I remember him telling us that if what the woman told him was truth, we should not expect the lotion at least until late 2018.

It's as if he shared the info she gave.


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Well as far as I know everything needed for the product is complete... why they would delay putting the lotion to market makes no sense.
Maybe they're waiting til April 14th to tell anyone about the release... quite annoying