Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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The mechanism is different than minoxidil... That is a reason why there should be more responders?
There has been a lot of hype created by some crazies on a forum. Somehow this ads to the credibility of the product?
They will not ruin their name and reputation just because they anger a few balding guys on a forum. Don't make us more important than we are.

No there will be more responders than minoxidil because minoxidil required the individual to have enough sulfotransferase enzyme to convert the minoxidil to the active ingredient . Most people dont have much sulfotransferase at all... which is why some individuals get literally nothing out of minoxidil, whilst others get some really good regrowth


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What is everyone's plan B if this turns out to be a scam? Tranny regimen? Helium tank & mask? Rope?


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Im fast approaching NW3 but i have reasonably long hair (like 3-4 inches on top but shortish sides) . Anyone with a similar hair length will appreciate that applying a topical to long hair is f*****g annoying, and you can guarantee wasteful of the product because your hair just soaks it up. Has anyone like me thought that if the lotion is actually as promised...just shave our heads so application is easy and the lotion gets off to an efficient start (at least application wise) aka. wear a hat for summer.


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No there will be more responders than minoxidil because minoxidil required the individual to have enough sulfotransferase enzyme to convert the minoxidil to the active ingredient . Most people dont have much sulfotransferase at all... which is why some individuals get literally nothing out of minoxidil, whilst others get some really good regrowth

That logic is flawed. There are still many reasons why it could not work in a lot of people. Just because 1 factor that causes a non-response in minoxidil is left out does not automatically assume that a DIFFERENT COMPOUND will then automatically work.


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No there will be more responders than minoxidil because minoxidil required the individual to have enough sulfotransferase enzyme to convert the minoxidil to the active ingredient . Most people dont have much sulfotransferase at all... which is why some individuals get literally nothing out of minoxidil, whilst others get some really good regrowth
I don’t know what that means but this guy sounds intelligwnt and well researched. Like earned.


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Im fast approaching NW3 but i have reasonably long hair (like 3-4 inches on top but shortish sides) . Anyone with a similar hair length will appreciate that applying a topical to long hair is f*****g annoying, and you can guarantee wasteful of the product because your hair just soaks it up. Has anyone like me thought that if the lotion is actually as promised...just shave our heads so application is easy and the lotion gets off to an efficient start (at least application wise) aka. wear a hat for summer.
That's my plan. Buzz my hair for as long as I apply it for.


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That logic is flawed. There are still many reasons why it could not work in a lot of people. Just because 1 factor that causes a non-response in minoxidil is left out does not automatically assume that a DIFFERENT COMPOUND will then automatically work.
greed. But, @Ollie mentioned a specific requirement, which is apparently bypassed by the brotion because it has a different mechanism of action.


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Can't remember, some months. He has used equol and some Chinese/Korean magic acupuncture. He is a doctor or something
He's still using but not sharing any info, last time I checked

If you look at his photo's and the fact, this guy doesn't wants to share info.... I would say BS artist... we are prob. looking at pre- post FUE photo's. Who wouldn't wants to share his info if you have solved this dissease and you can help everybody out.

Do have high hopes for Brotion!!!


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When someone questions the authenticity of Brotzu lotion.

Lol Milhouse's dad is bald that's why he's a beta cuck. Never noticed until now


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We are in this together, friends. Even if this is somehow still a flop, in the next years we'll have better treatments inevitably since hair loss is increasingly being researched and the Koreans are already claiming to have the cure lol. We're gonna make it either way!


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We are in this together, friends. Even if this is somehow still a flop, in the next years we'll have better treatments inevitably since hair loss is increasingly being researched and the Koreans are already claiming to have the cure lol. We're gonna make it either way!
The problem is time doesn't stop. "In the next few years" I'll keep on aging and I'd really like to go a day without thinking of my biggest insecurity, hair loss. If this is a flop I'll have no choice but to shave my head. Time is a b**ch.


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The problem is time doesn't stop. "In the next few years" I'll keep on aging and I'd really like to go a day without thinking of my biggest insecurity, hair loss. If this is a flop I'll have no choice but to shave my head. Time is a b**ch.
Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end.


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The problem is time doesn't stop. "In the next few years" I'll keep on aging and I'd really like to go a day without thinking of my biggest insecurity, hair loss. If this is a flop I'll have no choice but to shave my head. Time is a b**ch.
I know I know, I'm in the same situation. Hair loss prevents me to feel good when going out and doing all kinds of stuff because of constant worrying that it looks good. We hope for the best, we can't do much more I'm afraid except use what has been attested.


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I just cannot see how after all this proof, the fact that Fidia already invested substantial amount of time and money into this project and the statements from credible and viable sources, this could possibly be a scam/flop. At worst this will be a maintenance product with daily application.


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It’s scary how nervous I’m for tomorrow, don’t like it at all. Brotzu please save us.


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I just cannot see how after all this proof, the fact that Fidia already invested substantial amount of time and money into this project and the statements from credible and viable sources, this could possibly be a scam/flop. At worst this will be a maintenance product with daily application.

We haven’t really had statements from viable sources yet though. Of course the professor and his son will say it works, but if we knew it was true, we wouldn’t spend that much time here.


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I remember back in college I was friends with this dude who was going bald (we were in our early 20s). Lucky for him a buzzcut really suited him. Guy was tall and handsome. I remember clear as day him telling me that he's just going to shave it and move on in life. At the time I couldn't even fathom the shitstorm of emotions going through his head dealing with baldness because I had a lush full head of hair with a thick NW1 (baldness never even crossed my mind). I also never perceived it as a bad thing for him since the bald-look really suited him. He was still picking up chicks like there's no tomorrow.

Fast forward 7 years later and now male pattern baldness is hitting me. If this lotion works I consider myself really lucky in an unlucky situation at the right time in the history of hair-loss prevention. If it works effectively I am really going to start being more greatful for the little things in life. Just yesterday I was watching a documentary on this guy who caught polio at a young age, subjecting him to a life where he had to remain in a contraption called the iron-lung at all times. It really made me put things into perspective... while we have this messed up disease that causes real mental issues and puts real limitations on our lives, it doesn't even come close to something like Polio or Cancer. Nevertheless, if this can be treated effectively I will be forever greatful to Brotzu! :)


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We haven’t really had statements from viable sources yet though. Of course the professor and his son will say it works, but if we knew it was true, we wouldn’t spend that much time here.
You're correct! But Brotzu and his son already sold the rights to Fidia... if it was ineffective and snake-oil, they couldn't care less because they're already guaranteed the money regardless. Why would his son then be so eager and share the results with us on here? Think about that.