Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I remember back in college I was friends with this dude who was going bald (we were in our early 20s). Lucky for him a buzzcut really suited him. Guy was tall and handsome. I remember clear as day him telling me that he's just going to shave it and move on in life. At the time I couldn't even fathom the shitstorm of emotions going through his head dealing with baldness because I had a lush full head of hair with a thick NW1 (baldness never even crossed my mind). I also never perceived it as a bad thing for him since the bald-look really suited him. He was still picking up chicks like there's no tomorrow.

Fast forward 7 years later and now male pattern baldness is hitting me. If this lotion works I consider myself really lucky in an unlucky situation at the right time in the history of hair-loss prevention. If it works effectively I am really going to start being more greatful for the little things in life. Just yesterday I was watching a documentary on this guy who caught polio at a young age, subjecting him to a life where he had to remain in a contraption called the iron-lung at all times. It really made me put things into perspective... while we have this messed up disease that causes real mental issues and puts real limitations on our lives, it doesn't even come close to something like Polio or Cancer. Nevertheless, if this can be treated effectively I will be forever greatful to Brotzu! :)
This is why you don't hide from life with balding. Lol if you think looks are king with women, or if people even care if you're balding. I never even noticed other men balding


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This is why you don't hide from life with balding. Lol if you think looks are king with women, or if people even care if you're balding. I never even noticed other men balding

People do care.....even if its subconciously...they judge you on every aspect of your apperance, from your hieght, hair, teeth, mannerisms and this includes fellow men, which can affect your career prospects etc...hence why this one thread has 2.5 million views and nearly 20K replies...lets hope we can all escape it and live a less stressful life!


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Apologies if this has already been asked but - what time tomorrow will the news start flowing through here? I’m in the UK so Italy is 1 hour ahead of us.

I know Beps said he will provide all the data etc on Sunday, but this place will be going nuts tomorrow if we get any kind of tangable positive news, and i wanna keep up with it!


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This is some good *** non information
98% of this thread is.


Hope Brotion allows all of us to reach Shangri-la
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Does anybody knows where (and if) we can find out info from the presentation directly? Like some kind of 'live-feed'? (from other forum members)

Even if it's told that the presentation will be published on Sunday, I'm like many of you guys impatient...

Let's say if anybody hear something about an 'live update' - write the info in this thread! Then I understand that we will not see any pictures (when photografy is forbidden if I recall), but some textinfo that summarize the presentation would be quiet nice.


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Does anybody knows where (and if) we can find out info from the presentation directly? Like some kind of 'live-feed'? (from other forum members)

Even if it's told that the presentation will be published on Sunday, I'm like many of you guys impatient...

Let's say if anybody hear something about an 'live update' - write the info in this thread! Then I understand that we will not see any pictures (when photografy is forbidden if I recall), but some textinfo that summarize the presentation would be quiet nice.
Bola(founder of bellicapelli)said there are going to be live updates