Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Don't worry man.

Actual Study Start Date : June 29, 2016
Actual Primary Completion Date : March 13, 2018
Estimated Study Completion Date : May 9, 2018

P.S.: I post this because it must be very hard to always receive bad news for androgenetic alopecia.
You keep posting this, so you should know. The results will not be released on the same day that the clinical trials end. Not even close. Analysis typically takes several months. We will likely know before the end of the year, though, and that's not too bad.


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You have no power to tell us to get off this thread, you delusional balding freak. Your bald *** buying this crap, even when it’s clearly a scam, will affect all of us. It’ll motivate all scammers to keep scamming bald fools like yourself. In effect, it’ll be hard for all of us balding fucks to gauge what’s legit or not. You’re paying a scammer, to produce snake oil, which in turn will promote more scammers.

All those who are no longer trusting this product should get the f#ck out of this thread and leave those that are still hoping to continue the discussion.

I really don't understand all these nay-saysers that are still hanging around and keep telling that the thread should be closed and try to take away our optimism.

F#ck off and exit this thread if the today's presentation convinced you that there is no hope.


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If they are so confident that the product works, why they dont show the results of the 60 cases ? What are they hiding ?

If these two were the ones they selected out of 60 expecting to make people excited, then we can confirm brotzu lotion doesnt do sh*t


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Too bad it was all bro science.

I would honestly believe that a topical estrogen of some kind would have to work considering the results transgenders get on HRT. But no it can't be that simple for us huh


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If they are so confident that the product works, why they dont show the results of the 60 cases ? What are they hiding ?

If these two were the ones they selected out of 60 expecting to make people excited, then we can confirm brotzu lotion doesnt do sh*t
Totally agree, where are the other pics? Someone who isn't f*****g geriatric .


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Even if the results weren't even close to what we expected, there is not even a hint of when will this be released? Because if it's a sh*t and is released we can test it to confirm if is 100% scam, but if it's sh*t and it doesn't even get released soon enough well f***.


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If they are so confident that the product works, why they dont show the results of the 60 cases ? What are they hiding ?

If these two were the ones they selected out of 60 expecting to make people excited, then we can confirm brotzu lotion doesnt do sh*t

Because he only had 30 minutes to present and had to spend a majority of the time of the science behind it.


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You keep posting this, so you should know. The results will not be released on the same day that the clinical trials end. Not even close. Analysis typically takes several months. We will likely know before the end of the year, though, and that's not too bad.
Right. Normally the data collection can have an estimated time of 3-6 months. However, it is good news. Phase 2 has been completed.


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While this is most likely to be sh*t, there are still tbings to cope forward to:
1. Shiseido release in late 2018 or 2019.
2. Polichem Topical finasteride in late 2018.
3. Follica in 2019 if ThatGuy is optimistic we should also be.
4. Lord Tsuji in 2020.

I will either a) wait; b) restart finasteride; c) use Toppik; d) have hair tranplant or e) wear a human hair wig faking myself as cancer patient.

We know for a fact topical options can work based on the all the different people on the internet using RU, spironolactone, Ceti, H&W finasteride, and so on. Polichem would be a good option for people who don't want to overpay shady Chinese dealers that come and go.

A commercially available product is long overdue.


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I think you guys need to remember this wasn’t a marketing campaign or presented to the media.
It was a dermatological conference explaining mechanisms in treatments to other medical doctors.

Am I unimpressed with the photos? Yes, at least for the man
But if you look at @capedbaldy post it doesn’t look fake, it looks like growth.

I’m still going to be *an idiot

I fixed your post for you.


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We know for a fact topical options can work based on the all the different people on the internet using RU, spironolactone, Ceti, H&W finasteride, and so on. Polichem would be a good option for people who don't want to overpay shady Chinese dealers that come and go.

A commercially available product is long overdue.
The idea of a topical treatment to inhibit the action of DHT seems like such a simple thing. But Choi is already talking about a cure via wound regeneration that may get here before any such treatment. It's bizarre