Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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The head tilt and the fact that they'd never show anything less than their best results...there's no other way to slice that pizza pie

I turn on the TV and first thing I see is some news anchor's incredibly fake hair


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Exactly what I was expecting. The results were going to be sh*t. From the start, I knew this sounded too good to be true.

The rollercoaster ride had everyone going, "This is it, this is it, final moment, reveal.... ....and...." BOOM. Welcome back to reality.

I guess these scumbags indeed stained their name. Way to go assholes. You will NEVER be forgiven. What happened to all these "works better in Androgenetic Alopecia" claims? Right up your ***! What have we learned people? NOTHING, because you're still apologizing for this piece of sh*t. Your faith has been shaken.

In fact, the pictures shown were even worse than I expected. I expected absolute garbage, but this has got to be a joke. You fuckers better hope you're not hanged upside down and castrated.

The only thing that will convince me at this point is if that f*** posts the so called presentation stating, "Oh, but you missed THIS." and then shows the real data, but LMFAO, I'll bet my *** he won't.

Extraordinhairy Gentleman

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I'm a chick but i'm considering this also. I've done it before.

Well, judging but what has been presented so far it looks like I might just be holding off a little longer. I am tempted to do it to see how much I pull it off. Though I am just worried that it will take so long for my hair to grow back to a desirable length that I would have lost the little time I had left of having passable hair, unless something comes along in the meantime to help me out.


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To anyone who knows anything about trials, presumably there will be a full written report with photos of all the 60 individuals and with a full write up that would have to be put in the public domain before a release ?

It's a cosmetic from a private company, they're not trying to gain EMA or FDA approval. In other words, nothing about this study has to be made public, it's completely under the discretion of Fidia.


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And that's how it started a few years ago:

Group 1: 10 (6 male, 4 female) patients treated for 120 days with 1 ml/day of Lotion A to be applied on a well defined area of the scalp;

On day 7 : both group 1 and group 2 experience a reduction of hair loss, defined "substantial" by patients of group 1 and "modest" by those of group 2. Group 3 feels hair as more robust. Groups 4 and 5 do not report any variation;
On day 20: in group 1 all the patients have stopped losing hair and report the presence of a substantial fuzz. In group 2 hair loss has stopped in 6 patients and fuzz, where present, is more modest (in terms of number/cm [SUP]2 [/SUP]) . Group 3 reports an aesthetic improvement related to hair brightness. Group 4 reports a minimal reduction in hair loss. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 45: in group 1, fuzz has grown markedly stronger and takes the colour and consistency of natural hair. In group 2, as expected, all the patients have stopped losing hair, but only some of them report a certain degree of regrowth, fuzz is very weak and not completely coloured yet. Group 3 reports disappearance of split ends. Group 4 reports arrested hair loss in all the subjects and, in some of them, presence of weak fuzz. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 90: in group 1 all the patients report total disappearance of hair reduction areas that have been replaced by robust and shiny hair. In group 2 hair reduction is still visible, even if areas are all covered with thick fuzz. Group 3 confirms a general hair improvement. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation;
On day 120: group 1 confirms results already seen at day 90. Group 2 continues improvement, even if in some patients of male gender the fuzz has not got the characteristics of strength and colour typical of hair yet. Group 3 confirms results previously obtained. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation .


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And that's how it started a few years ago:

Group 1: 10 (6 male, 4 female) patients treated for 120 days with 1 ml/day of Lotion A to be applied on a well defined area of the scalp;

On day 7 : both group 1 and group 2 experience a reduction of hair loss, defined "substantial" by patients of group 1 and "modest" by those of group 2. Group 3 feels hair as more robust. Groups 4 and 5 do not report any variation;
On day 20: in group 1 all the patients have stopped losing hair and report the presence of a substantial fuzz. In group 2 hair loss has stopped in 6 patients and fuzz, where present, is more modest (in terms of number/cm [SUP]2 [/SUP]) . Group 3 reports an aesthetic improvement related to hair brightness. Group 4 reports a minimal reduction in hair loss. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 45: in group 1, fuzz has grown markedly stronger and takes the colour and consistency of natural hair. In group 2, as expected, all the patients have stopped losing hair, but only some of them report a certain degree of regrowth, fuzz is very weak and not completely coloured yet. Group 3 reports disappearance of split ends. Group 4 reports arrested hair loss in all the subjects and, in some of them, presence of weak fuzz. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 90: in group 1 all the patients report total disappearance of hair reduction areas that have been replaced by robust and shiny hair. In group 2 hair reduction is still visible, even if areas are all covered with thick fuzz. Group 3 confirms a general hair improvement. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation;
On day 120: group 1 confirms results already seen at day 90. Group 2 continues improvement, even if in some patients of male gender the fuzz has not got the characteristics of strength and colour typical of hair yet. Group 3 confirms results previously obtained. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation .

People lie, it happens. iRestore (low level laser bullshit) has clinical data behind it which claims 100% of all the patients had an increase in the amount of hair on their head. And unlike Brotzu, they're backed by actual dermatologists.

It's okay dude, I was fooled too. Consider it a rite of passage for us younger guys who are losing their hair.


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The thing that doesn't work about calling this a scam is that its not like they tried to sell it first: They put together a shitty presentation that didn't coalesce with a single thing Brotzu said through any one of his channels of communication and totally turned people off. If they were 'scamming', so to say, they could have done much better by just putting it out there and taking the initial sales for however long people went for it. Scam, I think it not. Retarded, I think it so.


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I am new here (I am French).

This story is so disappointing, but what really bugs me: how can you go to a conference on hairloss and deceive people like that? I mean, I don't understand the psychology of the man here. Is he self-delusional?

This powerpoint is just awful. If you have a great treatment, you just show many case studies, and the results speak for themselves. The proof is in the pudding!


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I don't get how people don't see results even if the man did tilt his head, maybe they're not ready for commercialization yet and they know how you creepy baldies harass the f*** out of them so they wanted to post mediocre results for now? Who knows either way looks like maintenance at the very least.


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Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 23.58.32.png

Lol even the pictures that were published like 3 years ago looked better than todays.


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Hey people, it's not the end of everything. To be fair, a lot of things about this lotion was always a bit uncertain, up until the press conference was announced. We have more promising treatments to be released within a few years. Hell, maybe even this year with Shiseido.