Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I think we would all still try it regardless of these results. You could take your pick of finasteride users and there would be amazing results, minimal results and no results. It’s all quite individual, so what’s to say it won’t work for you?


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Did they ever say when their next announcement will be?

Nope none. I mean the presentation is a signifier of the trials and everything being over - so presumably they should be looking to release so should release a statement.

Looking at the pictures again you can definitely see weaving through the crown area are thicker darker hairs so who's to say there aren't more vellus ones to follow. Although as i've said i'm holding out on final judgement till we see young people results over a decent time frame.


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View attachment 85250

Do any of you know what this may be on the side of my scalp? Its like this concentrated sparse zone. I wonder if it's DPA, have anyone else started diffusing this way?

I wear hats all the time, don't know if that has any effect on it.
You do
This Histogen thing, I don't really know the score with it besides that people find it hilarious. But then this lotion was a joke until recently as well - now a joke again for most. Is there anything behind it to hold out hope for?
Histogen has had issue after issue for almost a decade now. It's always some new sh*t as to why it keeps getting pushed back. Gail is saying 2020 for Mexico release after she said 2018. Wouldn't be surprised in a year she says "2022 now guys, all we need is a few more million in funding!"

All I really have faith in is Sheisido which has started to fade since the 2017 Japanese Hair Congress.


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lol these for example. Better if you use your eyes when you look at the pics.
And that's in just 6 months.
Do I really need to show you what minoxidil results look like?
This is good, but it's only one photo of a female patient, and most of us here are males. I really hope they have more photos to show.


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lol these for example. Better if you use your eyes when you look at the pics.
And that's in just 6 months.

She went from like 97% to 99% hair. How can people think this is "impressive" or anything. It does something at all, wowee.


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Well I was under the impression that the S - Equol binds the DHT to it rather than inhibit it from the follicle; a diversion of DHT pathway. Then like you've correlated to Minoxidil, the vasodilation aid in micro circulation throughout the scalp DGLA.
Good point indeed.


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Lol, bunch of idiots in thread. Please accept that it's over guys. Please accept that this lotion is scam. I was a Brotzu believer myself. But you have to accept when it's over.


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You do

Histogen has had issue after issue for almost a decade now. It's always some new sh*t as to why it keeps getting pushed back. Gail is saying 2020 for Mexico release after she said 2018. Wouldn't be surprised in a year she says "2022 now guys, all we need is a few more million in funding!"

All I really have faith in is Sheisido which has started to fade since the 2017 Japanese Hair Congress.
I actually posted that as a joke lol.

Agreed. Shisheido has the funding, they’re comprehensive about where they are at trial-wise. I think it’s on par with tsuji as our potential cure.


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Lol, bunch of idiots in thread. Please accept that it's over guys. Please accept that this lotion is scam. I was a Brotzu believer myself. But you have to accept when it's over.
It's not over. They just did a really, really, really shitty and non credible presentation. I'll hang in there a few more months to see what happens.


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Well, I was told I have DUPA by Joe Tillman (Co host of baldtalk podcast) Telogen Effluvium + male pattern baldness by Derm via microscopic scalp examination, in a prolific institution Tempe, AZ. Also that I don't have DUPA by over 5 people on this site & that I may have retrograde alopecia once... Yep, I'm just gonna wait this one out. Thanks though dude lol
Dupa/retrograde/Telogen Effluvium are annoyingly similar. Key is hormonal imbalance and where your miniturisation is. Mine all fits the bill of Androgenetic Alopecia and estrogen insufficiency.


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While I don't believe the results are deceptive in any way, I feel they might've selected images just to convey their methodology behind the lotion. I just don't think 30mins is a duration of time to announce a scientific breakthrough, or to sell anyone on purchasing for all that matter.

IMO their next conference or announcement will come from their own party & results will be promising for younger candidates.

See, I agree with that: I don't think there are an signs of perfidy in their process. The results they chose to use--their whole presentation and route to market, in fact--could have been done in a completely different way if money was the primary end to be achieved.

That being said, I don't think the photos that were used back up Brotzu's claims at all. Especially the comment in the day or two prior where Brotzu alluded to the significance of the penultimate slide (the one with the photos) and what he's said about how it works best on younger men. Even if you are just showing methodology, they completely disregarded 58 of their other test subjects and the use of a tricogram.

AND THE COMMENT ABOUT THE HAIR DIAMETER: SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT IN THE HELL THAT WAS ALL ABOUT. How do you present a product even tangentially related to androgenic alopecia, and go on to profess that there was no change in hair diameter. If if this statement was misconstrued, for God's sake, Brotzu, clear it up!


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She went from like 97% to 99% hair. How can people think this is "impressive" or anything. It does something at all, wowee.

You know, since things went south with this its like I don't even know you anymore. You've completely abandoned Our Lord. I miss your sermons. I miss your poesy. I miss us. :( Damn you, Brotzuuuuuuu.


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You know, since things went south with this its like I don't even know you anymore. You've completely abandoned Our Lord. I miss your sermons. I miss your poesy. I miss us. :( Damn you, Brotzuuuuuuu.
We have entered the dark ages.


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As it goes with every pointless time-sucker on the internet: Here's a picture of my cats. As you can see, they love one another because they're full-heads.

EDIT: @Georgie, this could be us, but we're balding.
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