Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Wait i've also got a cat. We all have f*****g cats ??? Don't you see the commonality here ? We need to get rid of our cats. Cats make you bald.

I'm just waiting, trying to fatten them up so I can skin them so I can use their fur to make fancy and unique hats.


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The ghost of our hopes and dreams will animate this zombie thread to shamble along until it collapses at 1000 pages


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So is it safe to assume that many here are people who had poor experiences with finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral in some terms of sides or effectiveness? What drew so many people to this particular lotion compared to topicals like Polichem, Breezula when those have big pharma backing and clinical trials going on?

Though it would make sense if oral finasteride didn't do much for you then you wouldn't be very hyped for a topical version. I've personally had to put off finasteride for a bit due to a big exam coming up for me in the summer and some signs of brain fog that concerned me. If a less systemic anti-adrogen were released, I would like to at least try it out.


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I think it's safe to say that forgetting this presentation was today until this evening saved me a whole lot of already fragile hairs. The results look promising, and despite the (expected) negativity in this thread, I'll be curious to see what future updates look like.
On a related note, as a biochemist and scientifically-minded individual, I'd reason to say that it's small steps like this that will culminate into large discoveries in the near future. We are dealing with an ensemble science, after all... so have faith my friends!


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What drew so many people to this particular lotion compared to topicals like Polichem, Breezula when those have big pharma backing and clinical trials going on?


But finasteride sucks and minoxidil's weak


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For all of you maintaining and sustaining the optimism: Please attempt to answer to the discrepancies that this presentation conjured up in its wake. I'd like to follow along with you if I could, but I'm unable until I can think through it without lying to myself.


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Yeah, I just don't like the idea of inhibiting the strongest androgen in the male body for hair. Even if there is scientific data that insist nothing adverse will occur. Also note, these pessimistic bird brains didn't even factor in alternative methods of application.
For the last time... it does not inhibit the formation of DHT. I’m so tired of explaining this concept.


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Welp. Looks like I’m still injecting this stuff into my head:


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For all of you maintaining and sustaining the optimism: Please attempt to answer to the discrepancies that this presentation conjured up in its wake. I'd like to follow along with you if I could, but I'm unable until I can think through it without lying to myself.
I'm being realistic about the lotion, I'm not a negative dick about it nor a blind fanatic on it.

My gripe is that he only showed one result for a man. A man that seems like he is in his 50's and had late stage hairloss. At that age and stage of hair loss I wouldn't expect any man to have really good results on Propecia or minoxidil to rave about. I can't pass complete judgment until I see a young guy who's had hair loss recently and has been on the lotion for more than six months. That's the type of situation I feel most treatments would tend to have their best results.

Also all trial participants only applied 1ml of lotion a day. That seems very difficult to apply evenly on an entire balding scalp. I'm wondering if maybe applying around 5ml would offer better results since it would be a higher dose and easily cover more surface area.


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There's still time.

I just like to say it. If I’m lucky enough to live into my 80s, there will be times when the sentence “Italian hair loss lotion to hit the market in 2016” will come in to my mind and I will just start chuckling and shaking my head.


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When you consider how much fake crap is in a typical drug store for hair loss, I don't see why this can't come out and let people see for themselves if it works.


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Seems like people are waiting for thread to reach 1000 pages, before collective demand to close it is raised.
It was nearly a scam, alright, but you can't doubt the sheer entertainmentthis thread provided us in the last two years.
Long live brotzu thread.