Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Probably. Right now I have Morr-F, which is min + finasteride topical.
I will then try estriol cream, and order what IdealForehead has, the racemic equol that should replace the latter.

okay tell me if you find a legit provider !


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If it does come out in october and can actually maintain, people must calm down and realize that this is still great.
Once you actually maintained your hair, you can start experimenting hair-growth products and actually SEE results,
you can try higher % minoxidil/oils/stemoxydine/combining stuff together without the fear of further loss, why complain all the time? and who know, maybe we'll find out that the product can achieve regrowth. the only thing that we know right now is that we don't know anything. These "results" (as in the pictures they showed) have always been very individual.
Stay positive, and don't let the haters bring you down.


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Definitely waiting for ideals equol results before trying
Yeah... I'm thinking Morr-F wont kill me if I only use it a few months, then I can use Brotion. It is the evil we know.
Plus @IdealForehead posted this study about topical being 10x serum effect (in cypro)
After 3 months of therapy with topical cyproterone acetate, the decrease of mean facial acne grade from 1.57 to 0.67 was significantly better (P<.05) compared with placebo (which showed a change from 1.57 to 1.25), but not compared with oral medication (1.56 to 0.75) (P>.05). Lesion counts also decreased from 35.9 to 9.1 in the topical cyproterone acetate group compared with oral medication (45.4 to 15.5) (P>.05) and placebo (38.2 to 23.1) (P<.05). After topical cyproterone acetate treatment, serum cyproterone acetate concentrations were 10 times lower than those found after oral cyproterone acetate intake.

The therapeutic effect of topically applied cyproterone acetate for acne treatment was clearly demonstrated. Topically applied sexual steroids in combination with liposomes are as effective as oral antiandrogen medication in acne treatment, while reducing the risk of adverse effects and avoiding high serum cyproterone acetate concentrations.
So in principle it would work. Appears to be equal effect with 10x lower serum levels.
I'm hungover so I'm too tired to REALLY back this up or make decisions


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So, browsing through the last 10-20 pages, I don't understand what is the conclusion concerning Brotzu lotion? The comparison pictures (of a male and a female) didn't seem to indicate much (or any) growth for the male. Assuming that this was their best candidate, there is no objective reason to believe that this lotion will have any or significant impacts on male pattern baldness, especially knowing that the frontal areas (temples, etc.) are the toughest ones to grow back.

Why is everyone talking about going to Italy?

I feel very confused about the lotion. There is no progress to be noted in the old male who got used as an example, the woman seems to have had some progress.

Additionally there are pictures i have seen of other guys who used a replica and Wuwei and all of them got impressive results that would go along with what Brotzu has been saying.

There are also the araeta victims who had great progress.

Either fidia is just retarded, or the effiiciancy of the lotion created by fidia is simply not as good as promoted.


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So, browsing through the last 10-20 pages, I don't understand what is the conclusion concerning Brotzu lotion? The comparison pictures (of a male and a female) didn't seem to indicate much (or any) growth for the male. Assuming that this was their best candidate, there is no objective reason to believe that this lotion will have any or significant impacts on male pattern baldness, especially knowing that the frontal areas (temples, etc.) are the toughest ones to grow back.

Why is everyone talking about going to Italy?



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I feel very confused about the lotion. There is no progress to be noted in the old male who got used as an example, the woman seems to have had some progress.

Additionally there are pictures i have seen of other guys who used a replica and Wuwei and all of them got impressive results that would go along with what Brotzu has been saying.

There are also the araeta victims who had great progress.

Either fidia is just retarded, or the effiiciancy of the lotion created by fidia is simply not as good as promoted.
Maybe they used unremarkable data in the Sitri presenation to reduce the surge of phonecalls like @yulley said. I think someone said that an outside team made that powerpoint tho. That man was NOT at all what we should be expecting


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Yeah the results of the male subject weren't exactly outstanding, but there was some definite regrowth. now the female subject on the other hand... I can't believe people aren't impressed by it. She doesn't even look like she has any type of hair loss anymore. What's also interesting is that Brotzu said it works on males and females... still crazy though how they picked that pic out of 60 subjects..


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Maybe they used unremarkable data in the Sitri presenation to reduce the surge of phonecalls like @yulley said. I think someone said that an outside team made that powerpoint tho. That man was NOT at all what we should be expecting

the power point is an extreme f*** up, they made mistakes all over


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Yeah the results of the male subject weren't exactly outstanding, but there was some definite regrowth. now the female subject on the other hand... I can't believe people aren't impressed by it. She doesn't even look like she has any type of hair loss anymore. What's also interesting is that Brotzu said it works on males and females... still crazy though how they picked that pic out of 60 subjects..

Cuz it was the best pic.


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I am still disappointed but I haven't lost my hope entirely. At least I am glad our expectations were lowered, even if it was pretty clear from the beginning that this lotion was not a cure or even a miracle treatment capable of turning you into a NW2 from NW5. That was just wishful thinking.
I admit I really don't understand the pictures used, seems just weird. Part of me is scared they did this study like in many cosmetic products were they say "Dermatologically tested" even if it doesn't mean sh*t regarding results.

Now let's see if Fidia publish something this week about it on their website, it is fairly likely imo.

P.S. If someone is interested I am pretty sure I can get my hands in the second most interesting presentation titled "Prostaglandins, histamine and antihistamines in common baldness"


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'I'm still thinking that 11% (of new terminal hair? Or only diameter) is not gonna do anything for regrowth. And if people are gonna buy this for maintenance I think Shiseido is far better deal. We know the treated had maintenance after 2 years (there are implications it holds for 5 as well) and the regrowth was maybe a bit smaller but we are talking about one injection.

So I might try Brotzu if it is side effect free. But I'm holding my hope for Shiseido on a once per year multiple injections treatment plan until Tsuji comes along...
One thing people don’t know about shiseido and tsuji is even if they come out when they said they’ll come out, the Japanese government will limits number of patients. We all can’t get them until they pass Phase III.


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One thing people don’t know about shiseido and tsuji is even if they come out when they said they’ll come out, the Japanese government will limits number of patients. We all can’t get them until they pass Phase III.

Yeah i think people are being way too optimistic about Shiseido . I think it'll be further into the 20's (f*** doesnt that sound weird saying the 20's and not refering to the 1920's ?) than we think


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Also I just listened to the Q&A again and while the dermatologists were aggressive and made some interesting points, not all of them were accurate. Like one of them kept saying "yeah, but men can have Telogen Effluvium too so shedding is not a good indicator" and Brotzu said "yeah that's true but we checked and in all of them there was a drastic decrease in shedding from month 0 to month 6". Not sure which one makes more sense here because:
1) Yes, shedding is not usually a good indicator for male pattern baldness.
2) At the same time Telogen Effluvium is very rare in men and if all had a decrease in shedding it means it was doing something.

Also another doctor asked why they don't have more pics or why no microscope pics and Brotzu said they had done those but Fidia gave just one pics. So who knows.


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Also I just listened to the Q&A again and while the dermatologists were aggressive and made some interesting points, not all of them were accurate. Like one of them kept saying "yeah, but men can have Telogen Effluvium too so shedding is not a good indicator" and Brotzu said "yeah that's true but we checked and in all of them there was a drastic decrease in shedding from month 0 to month 6". Not sure which one makes more sense here because:
1) Yes, shedding is not usually a good indicator for male pattern baldness.
2) At the same time Telogen Effluvium is very rare in men and if all had a decrease in shedding it means it was doing something.

Also another doctor asked why they don't have more pics or why no microscope pics and Brotzu said they had done those but Fidia gave just one pics. So who knows.
When are we finally getting a translation of the speech? Is there any way you could do that for us? :)


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When are we finally getting a translation of the speech? Is there any way you could do that for us? :)
I could but really it isn't that interesting. Brotzu is mostly repeating what you can read in the slides. There is nothing "new". But I will listen to it again soon and see if I find something new.

Superman H_M

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Well I just looked at the italian forum (bellicapelli) and found some interview of a user with Brotzu's son which was made after the sitri conference:

Questa è la traduzione del testo in inglese che se non ho mal capito è un intervista fatta da un utente americano al dottor Brotzu, con domande relative alla sua presentazione al Sitri. L'inglese utilizzato è primitivo e ci sono molti errori grammaticali..questo mi crea sinceramente dei sospetti sulla veridicità.

G. Brotzu says that the statistics has been missunderstood. The hairgrow for the testers after 6 months is 11% (I don't know if that's a good or bad number, because I have no idea who the testers are and their backgrounds or if it's the testers that we saw yeasterday... but he said that the results are the same for male and female).

Il Dr.G.Brotzu sostiene che i dati mostrati siano stati mal interpretati. Il tasso ricrescita nei soggetti su cui è stato testato il prodotto per 6 mesi è dell'11% (non ho idea se questo sia un dato positivo o negativo, perchè non so chi siano le persone su cui è stato testato il prodotto e la loro storia personale e non so nemmeno se siano coloro di cui sono state mostrate le immagini dottore mi ha detto che i risultati sono gli stessi per gli uomini e le donne)

There will not come any new/updated data with results from testers who has been using the lotion for longer then six months. (I said that something people want to see). The respond was: "For us all this tests are enough."

Non ci saranno altri aggiornamenti relativi ai risultati raggiunti da possibili utilizzatori che abbiano usato la lozione per più di 6 mesi (ho riferito al dottore che questo era qualcosa a cui le persone erano molto interessate). La risposta del dottore è stata "i risultati dei test che abbiamo sono sufficienti per noi"

I responded: "How come? People are reffering to the five years claim and want to see something like that." The answer I got was: "The people who use minoxidil and finisteride gives hart desise and hormonal problems" (That made me think: was this test more to examine any possible side effect according to the amount of the lotion that was used?"). He then said: "The five years of claims are me and two of my friends. Obviously is not possible use this data. All of us have restore only a few years of hair bald. Actually we do not lose hair. This is the perfect product for younger baldness, and to help the transplant to create a good vascular base."

Ho risposto: "Come è possibile? Le persone ricordano quanto lei aveva affermato in passato ovvero che si sarebbero potuti recuperare i capelli persi negli ultimi 5 anni, e si aspettano di vedere testimonianze di quanto da lei sostenuto"

La risposta del Dr.Brotzu è stata: " Le persone che utilizzano Minoxidil e Finasteride possono soffrire di problemi cardiaci e disordini ormonali". Il dottore ha aggiunto: " Quando parlavo di recupero dei capelli persi negli ultimi 5 anni mi riferivo alla mia personale esperienza e a quella di due miei amici. Ovviamente non è possibile utilizzare questi dati. Tutti noi abbiamo avuto un recupero, ritornando ad una situazione simile a quella che avevamo qualche anno prima. Al momento nessuno di noi perde più capelli. Il prodotto è perfetto per soggetti giovani ad uno stadio non avanzato di calvizie e per aiutare a creare una rete vascolare per i possibili capelli trapiantati"

I responded: "A few years, is it like 1,2...5?" The answer I was given was: "Near five".

La mia domanda è stata "siete ritornati a livello di capelli alla situazione di quanti anni fa ? 1,2..5?" La risposta che mi ha dato il Dr.Brotzu è stata "Circa 5 anni fa"

My latest question was about maintenance. The answer: "Perfect. Is better use for two months the lotion daily, after is enough to use the lotion 2/3 days a week. We have 5 years of experience. During this period, we have not seen any sides or decrease in effectiveness."

La mia ultima domanda riguardava il mantenimento. La risposta che mi è stata data dal dottore: " Perfetto, è meglio usare la lozione tutti i giorni per 2 mesi successivamente è sufficiente utilizzare la lozione 2 o 3 volte a settimana. Abbiamo un'esperienza di 5 anni e non abbiamo sperimentato nessun effetto collaterale ne una diminuzione in termini di efficacia"

Me: "People want evidence. More pictures!" The answer: "I suppose that Fidia will use the pictures during the marketing period." He couldn't tell me when that periods will begin because "We developed the lotion. We do not make marketing decsions".

Ho chiesto infine: " La gente vuole prove, un maggior numero di fotografie". La risposta del dottore è stata: " Credo che Fidia mostrerà le fotografie durante il periodo di lancio del prodotto". Il dottore non è stato in grado di dirmi quando la lozione sarà commercializzata perchè: "Noi abbiamo sviluppato la lozione ma non siamo coinvolti nella commercializzazione e nelle decisioni di marketing"

It has many grammar issues because it is apparently Brotzu's Son (beps63 I guess?) so whoever has the energy to make it look better should do it.

Dude, actually this interview was made by Clockwise who is from our topic !

He posted it today here few hours ago.