Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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WTF happened more than 70 pages since yesterday, last posts I read tell me it was a flop, give me the tl;dr


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Well, it probably sucks as a standalone treatment, especcialy as an AA.
But, perhaps, it could deliver with Fina/Duta and minoxidil, since it has somewhat different mechanism of action...
Am sceptical though


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WTF happened more than 70 pages since yesterday, last posts I read tell me it was a flop, give me the tl;dr

We dont even know . It was one result on a dude in his 60's. Go like 3 pages back to see the presentation. It was only over 6 months... they used 1ml of solution a day to cover the area. He had ...dont even know


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Found the unedited version of the before and after I'm pleased


Superman H_M

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We dont even know . It was one result on a dude in his 60's. Go like 3 pages back to see the presentation. It was only over 6 months... they used 1ml of solution a day to cover the area. He had ...dont even know

I don't understand neither the choice of the quantity used !

I'll have to check what was number in the patent back then.


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In a few years people will claim the next hype train isn't the same as Brotzu because "only fools believed brotzu would work". Reminds me of the Follicept fiasco, where everyone was sure a startup linked to a University wouldn't use shady practices
Brotzu is the news Follicept ? I think No my friend ..


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Also Brotzu was trying pretty hard to defend the lotion when dermatologists were questioning him. He looked pretty confident.

Also he said that the trial was conduceted by another company, not Fidia. They simply paid them to do the trial.

Will you be translating for us? Or can you at least give us some of the questions and answers? Not many Italian-speaking friends on here, I'm afraid. As embarrassing as I think those photos are, I'd really like to know what was said so I could pair the two and criticize the whole of it.


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The pics of the man are indeed slightly shifted, you can obviously see it if you look at the very back of his head, but even with that there is a little difference, still don't understand it and if this is best case scenario then whatever


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welp, that does it, shaving my hair in the summer and will just embrace my baldness, at least I won't worry about comb-overs now

Think I'm on-board with this, too. Just gotta wait for the sun and the tan to set in.


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Reading this thread is just funny... you guys thought this would be a full reversal? It was always mainfence + slight Norwood reversal, maybe 1-2 Norwood’s. Let’s all jump the gun and assume that the pictures from the man in his 60’s is standard.... lol your expectations should have been tapered from the beginning


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Is there any evidence that the brotion tackles the DHT issue? In other words, could it be a good maintainance option?


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Personal opinion: this treatment can reverse 1-2 Norwood’s (depending on how quickly your scalp fibrosis / calicification developed). It seems like you all assumed it would be a full reversal... you should’ve known better. In my eyes this is still an effective treatment. I’m going to try it regardless. Taper your expectations, as they should have been in the first place

Superman H_M

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There is something missing I think !

How is it possible, even the mom of the AAerata girl present there said that they claimed again that the 60 persons got significant regrowth...

Reading this thread is just funny... you guys thought this would be a full reversal? It was always mainfence + slight Norwood reversal, maybe 1-2 Norwood’s. Let’s all jump the gun and assume that the pictures from the man in his 60’s is standard.... lol your expectations should have been tapered from the beginning

You're completely right about that point, I really hope it's just a bad choice among the 30 guys or a calculated one.


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but why? He is either the greatest troll or just.. I dunno, naive maybe. Or maybe he was talking about Femina results, then yes - they are impressive.


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