Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Probably because there are no ugly people in Norway !


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I swear to god i have noticed this in the billion + pornos i have seen

Guys in em are ALWAYS large framed and hairy and like something from 80s action film lol

LOL p**rn casts average men often to appeal to men at home watching the porns so they feel relatable to average men.

If cast by women and there are some porns directed by women--the men are very fit and good looking.


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What about you, Patrick? Do you see many ugly girls with hot guys in Norway?
No, but it's a totally different ball game altogether from ugly guy + hot girl.

To be an ugly girl you have to be seriously deformed, or fat. If a girl is fit, non deformed, and knows how to paint her face, she will not stand out as an ugly girl next to a hot guy. Maybe less hot than the guy, but never ugly.


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It already has become an issue, an issue for all the average/below average guys, who find themselves fucked beyond hope. And things are getting worse, as we saw with that chad and his ugly girl.

I would love to see a pic of what you consider an average man and an average woman.


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And yet several guys here are calling the girl in OP ugly? If she's ugly the standards are fairly high, no she's not super attractive but not ugly either.
The girl isn't ugly, but she doesn't come close to as pretty as the male model guy. Her eye area is bad, they are sunken and she almost looks cross eyed and to top it off major eye bags and asymmetry. Her facial thirds are way off, her mid face is huge which gives her the horseface look. The male equivalent of that girl would be INCEL, but she's likes a 6.
Yes, but if all men could have any girl they wanted, wouldn't they go for a hotter girl too?


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And yet several guys here are calling the girl in OP ugly? If she's ugly the standards are fairly high, no she's not super attractive but not ugly either.
We haven't seen her without her makeup on. If an ugly guy builds a body like baldhurts would he still be considered attractive? No he would be a bloated creep. A guy with similar characteristics as her would be happy if a fat slob would find him attractive


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It already has become an issue, an issue for all the average/below average guys, who find themselves fucked beyond hope. And things are getting worse, as we saw with that chad and his ugly girl.
Ever since man leaned how to communicate they have been uttering the words "things are getting worse."


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The girl isn't ugly, but she doesn't come close to as pretty as the male model guy. She has semi horse face, her eye area is bad, they are sunken and she almost looks cross eyed and to top it off major eye bags and asymmetry. Her facial thirds are way off, her mid face is huge which gives her the horseface look. The male equivelant of that girl would be INCEL, but she's likes a 6
Are you single?


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I don't know about other parts of the world but I've never seen a truly ugly girl with a hot guy here in Norway.

I think the red pill over blows this problem when it comes to relationships. It's rare I see it happen for relationships at all.

But for sex it's definitely true. Tinder is perfect example. Why would a below average girl even swipe right on a below average guy when they can meet average and above average guys? If they want a relationship it changes though. There are guys in my work whom are below average and have looksmatched below average gf's.

If you are really curious, create a pof profile with an ugly girl, set it as "looking for casual", and watch how many average guys and even above average guys will message her. Is def true here in Ireland.

By the way, I think it's very hard to blame anyone for this situation, it's just the way it is. I only blame girls who say "guys only want sex", because it's not normally true, it's just she needs to go for looksmatched guys.

Yes, but if all men could have any girl they wanted, wouldn't they go for a hotter girl too?

If she was genuinely attracted to me, yes. That's what makes the situation difficult, hard to blame either party. But no denying it's a sad situation for below average guys.


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I think the red pill over blows this problem when it comes to relationships. It's rare I see it happen for relationships at all.

But for sex it's definitely true. Tinder is perfect example. Why would a below average girl even swipe right on a below average guy when they can meet average and above average guys? If they want a relationship it changes though. There are guys in my work whom are below average and have looksmatched below average gf's.

If you are really curious, create a pof profile with an ugly girl, set it as "looking for casual", and watch how many average guys and even above average guys will message her. Is def true here in Ireland.

By the way, I think it's very hard to blame anyone for this situation, it's just the way it is. I only blame girls who say "guys only want sex", because it's not normally true, it's just she needs to go for looksmatched guys.

If she was genuinely attracted to me, yes. That's what makes the situation difficult, hard to blame either party. But no denying it's a sad situation for below average guys.

Yep. That's why being above average or average doesn't cut it anymore. When her chad is only a dating app swipe away.


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You could ask the same question to CopeForLife, Exodous or Fred, for that matter.

Anyway, "average" to me is simply 6/10. Being 5/10 today means being below average. We proved this countless times.

I know there standards they have often posted women.

Fred i think is most normal standards

CFL has very high standards of beauty for both men and women.

Exodus i think is also pretty reasonable about what is average.

I have no idea your standards visually.


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BUMP nobody answered this question, I really wanna know.
Not necessarily. I would go for the girl who shares my world view, for lack of a better description.
As long as I was physically attracted to her.

Besides, there will always be someone "hotter."
Finding someone "hot" is very personal and subject anyway.
Something a numbers rating system can't illustrate.