Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Yep. That's why being above average or average doesn't cut it anymore. When her chad is only a dating app swipe away.
As we said in the previous pages it's time to get the black pill the finasteride. pill for the libido and move on with your life without wasting your time.

Women on tinder are ridiculous.


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If she was genuinely attracted to me, yes. That's what makes the situation difficult, hard to blame either party. But no denying it's a sad situation for below average guys.

Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D


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I only go for average or below for relationships.
You should go for whoever you're attracted to.
As long as they are obviously attracted to you, of course.
It's all about chemistry, man!


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If you are really curious, create a pof profile with an ugly girl, set it as "looking for casual", and watch how many average guys and even above average guys will message her.
I might just do so, maybe I should use the picture of the ''ugly'' girl in OP? ;)


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Yes, but if all men could have any girl they wanted, wouldn't they go for a hotter girl too?

If I wasn't a manlet, I would probably be going for girls actually looksmatched with my face. Instead you can usually find me with girls a point or two below me facially


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You could ask the same question to CopeForLife, Exodous or Fred, for that matter.

Anyway, "average" to me is simply 6/10. Being 5/10 today means being below average. We proved this countless times.
Yep, this is now written in stone.
We have a new average.


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As we said in the previous pages it's time to get the black pill the finasteride. pill for the libido and move on with your life without wasting your time.

Women on tinder are ridiculous.

I don't need tinder. But if you do that's a shame. Castrate yourself immediately. Average height and looks with diffuse NW1.5 it's over for you Xander.


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Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D
In a different world there would be different problems superb thinking thanks for pointing out the obvious :) :) . It's easy to say "yea I know it must be hard" when you're not in that position and that goes for me as well.


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If I wasn't a manlet, I would probably be going for girls actually looksmatched with my face. Instead you can usually find me with girls a point or two below me facially
Even if you could have any girl you wanted? Interesting.


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Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D

I see hot women with unattractive men often...this is of course 9 out of 10 times because man is wealthy OR hard working guy who takes sh*t from a hotter woman.

Maybe its USA thing but i often will see really good looking snooty looking girls with less attractive guy she's ordering around.
."Babe...go get this...
"Babe go get that.'
"no babe not that one the other one.
"Babe i have to get this too.'


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In a different world there would be different problems superb thinking thanks for pointing out the obvious :) :) . It's easy to say "yea I know it must be hard" when you're not in that position and that goes for me as well.
That's why I said "must" be hard, because I don't know, but from what I'm told it is hard.


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Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D

I mentioned that twice :D

"By the way, I think it's very hard to blame anyone for this situation,"

As I like to say, people are shitty, but we're all we have.

On the other hand it's hard to blame below average guys for being bitter at women for the situation.

Average guys, like me, can still have success, it's just quite hard if you shoot for looksmatched girls. It's a big reason I think many of my average mates got gf's, they knew tinder/club scene is shitty for them.

I see hot women with unattractive men often...this is of course 9 out of 10 times because man is wealthy OR hard working guy who takes sh*t from a hotter woman.

Maybe its USA thing but i often will see really good looking snooty looking girls with less attractive guy she's ordering around.
."Babe...go get this...
"Babe go get that.'
"no babe not that one the other one.
"Babe i have to get this too.'

Girls have deflated view on what's average looking for a guy.


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Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D
I'm with ya, bit these drones can't see it, or don't wanna admit it.
"Women have unbelievably high standards" has a nicer ring to it.


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Being a below average male in 2017 must be hard yes, but I think it's a little stupid to put all blame on the females when the males would probably do the same if they could. At least that's my little theory :D
Yes, of course they would when you put it in that simple terms. A guy would want to have the hottest woman available to him. That's not rocket science.

Here's why it doesn't work that way though. A guy would rather have an average looking girl that's faithful and carries his children without divorce raping him or sleeping with Chad on the side.
Girls don't care about that, they would rather have the best looking male even if he has slept with hundreds of girls before, and likely cheats on the side.

The reason is very logical when you think about it. Girls want the best seed for their children (Chad). Guys want a faithful girl who can raise their children.
The problem rises today when girls can have the best of both worlds easily. Chad impregnates the girl then leaves her, now the girl finds a beta provider to raise Chads children. Win-win for everyone except average to unattractive guys.


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Yes, of course they would when you put it in that simple terms. A guy would want to have the hottest woman available to him. That's not rocket science.

Here's why it doesn't work that way though. A guy would rather have an average looking girl that's faithful and carries his children without divorce raping him or sleeping with Chad on the side.
Girls don't care about that, they would rather have the best looking male even if he has slept with hundreds of girls before, and likely cheats on the side.

The reason is very logical when you think about it. Girls want the best seed for their children (Chad). Guys want a faithful girl who can raise their children.
The problem rises today when girls can have the best of both worlds easily. Chad impregnates the girl then leaves her, now the girl finds a beta provider to raise Chads children. Win-win for everyone except average to unattractive guys.

Pretty much this.


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Girls have deflated view on what's average looking for a guy.

I don't.... i think i have proved that on this forum many times.

Also i used the word unattractive and less attractive i did not use work 'average;


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Yes, of course they would when you put it in that simple terms. A guy would want to have the hottest woman available to him. That's not rocket science.

Here's why it doesn't work that way though. A guy would rather have an average looking girl that's faithful and carries his children without divorce raping him or sleeping with Chad on the side.
Girls don't care about that, they would rather have the best looking male even if he has slept with hundreds of girls before, and likely cheats on the side.

The reason is very logical when you think about it. Girls want the best seed for their children (Chad). Guys want a faithful girl who can raise their children.
The problem rises today when girls can have the best of both worlds easily. Chad impregnates the girl then leaves her, now the girl finds a beta provider to raise Chads children. Win-win for everyone except average to unattractive guys.

It's easy to see why from an evolutionary perspective, (I love looking at things from this perspective).

A guy will best spread his genes if he fucks as many girls as possible, there is little commitment. (Historically speaking).

A girl will best spread her genes by picking a top mate, because she has to commit at least 9 months before she can go again. Waste of 9 months to f*** some genetically inferior dude.


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Yes, of course they would when you put it in that simple terms. A guy would want to have the hottest woman available to him. That's not rocket science.

Here's why it doesn't work that way though. A guy would rather have an average looking girl that's faithful and carries his children without divorce raping him or sleeping with Chad on the side.
Girls don't care about that, they would rather have the best looking male even if he has slept with hundreds of girls before, and likely cheats on the side.

The reason is very logical when you think about it. Girls want the best seed for their children (Chad). Guys want a faithful girl who can raise their children.
The problem rises today when girls can have the best of both worlds easily. Chad impregnates the girl then leaves her, now the girl finds a beta provider to raise Chads children. Win-win for everyone except average to unattractive guys.

This was a good post, and I understand where you're coming from.


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Yes, of course they would when you put it in that simple terms. A guy would want to have the hottest woman available to him. That's not rocket science.

Here's why it doesn't work that way though. A guy would rather have an average looking girl that's faithful and carries his children without divorce raping him or sleeping with Chad on the side.
Girls don't care about that, they would rather have the best looking male even if he has slept with hundreds of girls before, and likely cheats on the side.

The reason is very logical when you think about it. Girls want the best seed for their children (Chad). Guys want a faithful girl who can raise their children.
The problem rises today when girls can have the best of both worlds easily. Chad impregnates the girl then leaves her, now the girl finds a beta provider to raise Chads children. Win-win for everyone except average to unattractive guys.
Time for me to lock myself in the basement.