Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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I never mentioned virginity.

Guys put value in their girl not being the town wh***. Guys don't want to be one of many, whereas for girls it's not important and they might even prefer guys who have slept with alot of girls.

Yeah, if only we could go back to the good ol days where we could rape women. f*** off.

The rule of 3, however many girls a guy says he's had should be divided by 3, however many a girl says should be multiplied by 3 :p

So dating is economics.

Supply and demand sets the market?

To quote @DBW (who seems to be gone)

"Love", "Individuality" -- all that nonsense is exactly that. We are all just commodities; competing in a great sexual market. No feelings, just romantic capital. Products en route to the highest bidder. -- DBW


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It's so funny to me and everywhere I look that everything these days is all about what women think and it's all about getting laid and validation. There is so much more to life than getting validated by women and f*****g.

This life has so many beautiful things to see and do. Get some hobbies, travel, and do your best before your 6 feet under because it's coming sooner than you think.


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Yes, increased population density and availability to travel, combined with Tinder and the internet, has definitely being a strong reason that this has all gotten worse for guys. (better for top guys though).
I don't believe in this "the top guys are taking all the women" narrative.
It's simply not what I see around me.

It's amazing how we as humans love to believe in scary fairytales to keep us grounded.


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I don't believe in this "the top guys are taking all the women" narrative.
It's simply not what I see around me.

It's amazing how we as humans love to believe in scary fairytales to keep us grounded.

Lol this is so true. I see it everyday too around me. A little 5'5" shrimp dating a hot *** 5'10" b**ch. Ugly guys, average, etc are all getting some around me in Calgary.


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It's so funny to me and everywhere I look that everything these days is all about what women think and it's all about getting laid and validation. There is so much more to life than getting validated by women and f*****g.

This life has so many beautiful things to see and do. Get some hobbies, travel, and do your best before your 6 feet under because it's coming sooner than you think.
Easy to say when you have all that anyway (validated by women and f*****g)


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I don't believe in this "the top guys are taking all the women" narrative.
It's simply not what I see around me.

It's amazing how we as humans love to believe in scary fairytales to keep us grounded.

In terms of relationships, I agree completely. But, in my ignorant opinion, for casual sex I think it's almost an exponential curve for guys. Top 1% has much more than top 10% who have much more than top 50% who have much more than bottom 50%.

I know a guy who would nearly f*** a different girl every night on holidays. I know guys who would f*** may be one a week, there's me who had sex once on the holidays, and then some guys who had none. But nowadays most of my friends are in relationships so it's different.


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Weather its a virgin or a woman who was with 3 men before you...its still the fact you dont like the idea of her 'used'...where is that number?

I dont know many women who f*** a whole town of men.

If so they cant be that picky can they?

Im not being a wise *** i dont really get this idea that women are too picky--yet they fucked too many men.
Women can be picky AND f*** alot of different men. In this day and age it's extremely simple to do. Just make a dating account or go to the club, and choose whoever you like, "all" of them will be willing to sleep with the average or above girl. And as I have mentioned earlier it's easy for women to fit in that category and most do.

Yes, I don't like the fact that a woman is used, I don't care if I'm just sleeping with her. But I would never LTR a sl*t. The cutoff point here is difficult to say as it increases for every year a woman lives, and most girls aren't willing to admit their lay count either. If I really liked a girl I wouldn't want to know tbh, so I guess I'm contributing to the issue myself.


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Seriously, this is butter face to you? This forum never ceases to amaze me
I am talking about the photo of the call me.maybe guy and that horse mouth chick


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I love what zircon said awhile ago. It was along the lines of relationships are transaction of resources. For men it's her pussy, and for a woman it's the mans status and money. The sooner people realize this the better off they will be.


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I love what zircon said awhile ago. It was along the lines of relationships are transaction of resources. For men it's her pussy, and for a woman it's the mans status and money. The sooner people realize this the better off they will be.
Except the woman can always f*** around with the chads as well as having the sugar daddy.


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I think shes hot, all aside I cant read all of them because of the language barrier but did any of them actually say they thought she was ugly or they just didnt like her?