Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Lol are you trying to be politically correct? Teenage girls are top f*****g tier. 16-22 is prime age

Reminds me of that study where men rated girls highly until they found out they were underage lolz

I don't like 15 year-old girls. I'm 33.

That may make no sense to you but you will understand soon.

Bear in mind that you no longer like 12 year-old girls, but you loved them when you were 12.


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I don't like 15 year-old girls. I'm 33.

That may make no sense to you but you will understand soon.

Bear in mind that you no longer like 12 year-old girls, but you loved them when you were 12.
yea i see what you are saying. im just also saying the politically correct thing could be influencing you :p. i mean obviously late teen girls are prime just as far as looks. also as a bald man i like to imagine being their "daddies" :D


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Women can be picky AND f*** alot of different men. In this day and age it's extremely simple to do. Just make a dating account or go to the club, and choose whoever you like, "all" of them will be willing to sleep with the average or above girl. And as I have mentioned earlier it's easy for women to fit in that category and most do.

Yes, I don't like the fact that a woman is used, I don't care if I'm just sleeping with her. But I would never LTR a sl*t. The cutoff point here is difficult to say as it increases for every year a woman lives, and most girls aren't willing to admit their lay count either. If I really liked a girl I wouldn't want to know tbh, so I guess I'm contributing to the issue myself.

Okay women being able to pick up men for just sex is not a new concept.

I think what you dont understand is because you are now 'seeing it' with Tinder that this has not be going on for many years

BUT i do think you over estimate the amount of women who are going out and f*****g randomly weekly the way a man who is a "Chad' is likely to do if he can.

Its not a moral thing--its just the sexual needs and emotional needs of women are not the same as men...most of the time at least...I have known a few women who really fucked a large amount of men similar to the kind of random sex drive of most men...These women were using sex to compensate for something else missing from life.

If you watch Sex In The city for example...the "Samantha' Character who is this highly sexual woman who gets bored of a new partner very quickly--somewhat like a good looking single male would be....In reality very few women have this kind of random sexual appetite. Im not saying they dont exist its just not many.

For women sex is not actually that great the first time with a stranger.


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I love what zircon said awhile ago. It was along the lines of relationships are transaction of resources. For men it's her pussy, and for a woman it's the mans status and money. The sooner people realize this the better off they will be.

I dont think its just for pussy...I think men desire a woman who compliments his life in various ways..pussy is very important as are sexual allure/attractiveness...but i think men also like the counter balance of female energy that women can provide. Thats why men dont like women who are super aggressive or angry etc (generally speaking)

Captain Rex

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THE IRONY.........so sad

just saw this ad pop up here in this forum and it made me feel so bad.


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I dont think its just for pussy...I think men desire a woman who compliments his life in various ways..pussy is very important as are sexual allure/attractiveness...but i think men also like the counter balance of female energy that women can provide. Thats why men dont like women who are super aggressive or angry etc (generally speaking)

Who knows. Most men are pussies who don't know how to be alone and just enjoy things life has to offer outside of needing a relationship. It's extremely pathetic. I'm so happy I don't NEED to have that in my life in order to be happy. My hobbies, training, boxing, lifting weights bring me happiness. I don't feel the need to constantly have my dick inside a hole with some hair around it to enjoy my life.


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Gay cruises, Single Muslims and Over 55's dating. Its like its looking into my soul.

Im getting muslim women and filipino women...So wtf is going on in my history?