Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Who knows. Most men are pussies who don't know how to be alone and just enjoy things life has to offer outside of needing a relationship. It's extremely pathetic. I'm so happy I don't NEED to have that in my life in order to be happy. My hobbies, training, boxing, lifting weights bring me happiness. I don't feel the need to constantly have my dick inside a hole with some hair around it to enjoy my life.
I agree but imagine never doing it.


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yea i see what you are saying. I'm just also saying the politically correct thing could be influencing you :p. i mean obviously late teen girls are prime just as far as looks. also as a bald man i like to imagine being their "daddies" :D

I understand what you are saying

You are not saying you 'would' for moral reasons and legal reason date an underage girl

You just mean they look good--some that girl for example to me can easily be 18-21.
No one is carding her at the club.


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Who knows. Most men are pussies who don't know how to be alone and just enjoy things life has to offer outside of needing a relationship. It's extremely pathetic. I'm so happy I don't NEED to have that in my life in order to be happy. My hobbies, training, boxing, lifting weights bring me happiness. I don't feel the need to constantly have my dick inside a hole with some hair around it to enjoy my life.

Uhm i should hope she shaves or waxes that snatch.


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Again. Your self loathing is not going to get you anywhere. According to evil locks and other female members you are above average in face, height etc. You are the only one holding yourself back.

Bring on the dislikes.
Above average doesn't mean sh*t. Only pas said she would date and that makes 33% success rate in a forum with women with self esteem and self image issues (No offense to the females here you are all great :) ). Which means in real life (10% success) were women are unforgiving assholes I would have to ask out 10 women get rejected by 9 in order to get a date and then hope it works out and with my social interaction issues (basicly acting immature or not bothering at all) it's gonna turn to sh*t anyway.


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Above average doesn't mean sh*t. Only pas said she would date and that makes 33% success rate in a forum with women with self esteem and self image issues (No offense to the females here you are all great :) ). Which means in real life (10% success) were women are unforgiving assholes I would have to ask out 10 women get rejected by 9 in order to get a date and then hope it works out and with my social interaction issues (basicly acting immature or not bothering at all) it's gonna turn to sh*t anyway.

I never saw you.


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Above average doesn't mean sh*t. Only pas said she would date and that makes 33% success rate in a forum with women with self esteem and self image issues (No offense to the females here you are all great :) ). Which means in real life (10% success) were women are unforgiving assholes I would have to ask out 10 women get rejected by 9 in order to get a date and then hope it works out and with my social interaction issues (basicly acting immature or not bothering at all) it's gonna turn to sh*t anyway.

bitter virgin cope game

these women deserve nothing short of the best, they have been through so much :D


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For some reason I can only dislike a post every couple of days I guess im dislike banned damn.

No, they changed the dislike function.

There were a few on here who would do chain-disliking, where they would just dislike 15 or 20 of a person's posts in a day. One time I logged on and I saw that psycho Nadia had randomly disliked ~13 of my posts. She was mad because I was enthusiastic about Brotzu's lotion.

The moderators had to adjust the privilege, to make it child-proof. Last I checked, it's one dislike every 24 hours.

Personally I consider the use of the dislike function to be an indicator of weakness. It is better, stronger, and more impressive to quote a person's post and to coherently and convincingly explain your disagreement.


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I've always been right. There's no escape from Hairlosstalk, as there's no real escape from the aesthetic and psychological damage of baldness. You may leave. But you will always come back.

In your heart of hearts, you know this.


It's all about personality and confidence mate.


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Well... Going through life can mean many hardships, not only related to hair loss or dating. I know this all too well, and I know you do too.

Only the genetically inferior have troubles with dating and having a healthy sex life. I, for one consider myself genetically inferior due to balding. Although women show interest being a baldcel is a hard pill to swallow. It still feels wrong being a bald man and passing down inferior genetics to offspring.