Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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If I didn't have my real life experiences and just formed my opinion about dating by reading these exaggerated and unrealistic claims on the internet, I would be f*****g depressed.


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0% success on a hair loss forum or on Tinder doesn't mean 0% success in real life. I have 0% success on Tinder but have dated some drop dead gorgeous women in the past. You need to get out more. Turn your computer off man. What you read online is not the representative of reality.
typical aspies lol

All they talk about is tinder field reports.

Not realizing that average, and below men should steer clear if they want to learn how to get laid, and oppen themselves to the opportunity of the real playing field.

Most importantly learning how to talk to women is only done when you are face to face. Not exchanging emojiis, and awkward texts through pre-determined selection


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Dunno dude it's looking worse every day for me Im getting old and grumpier.

The girls said you are good looking i don't understand what your problem is.

send your pic to @shookwun I can tell you from experience he will respect your privacy.


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When you're ugly and balding, such things as age are inconsequential. It doesn't matter whether you're young or not, you're fucked.
It's time to take frequent trips within East Asia.

Why suffer? it could be life changing, and for the better.

Meet a women who actually cares about your credentials, and you as a person.


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When you're ugly and balding, such things as age are inconsequential. It doesn't matter whether you're young or not, you're fucked.
You will soon be 40 and bitter, Dante. Don't waste your best years jerking off.


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what i came to realise through life is that there is no replacement on the effects of being a handsome man in 2017.

it's unreal the halo effect, and the cocaine high that goes along with it.

can you imagine how I must feel?

When I wear a hat that is :D

feel like a peasant without one. Spend more time looking at the ground then I do talking to people. Kicking through mental anguish, and a battle of my own psych.


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what i came to realise through life is that there is no replacement on the effects of being a handsome man in 2017.

it's unreal the halo effect, and the cocaine high that goes along with it.

can you imagine how I must feel?

When I wear a hat that is :D

feel like a peasant without one. Spend more time looking at the ground then I do talking to people. Kicking through mental anguish, and a battle of my own psych.

im curious why you space your posts out so much?


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Yep, this is now written in stone.
We have a new average.

Thank god I'm tall, because I'm very ugly.

But, I've learned to live with my face (can't live without it! LOL).

My hair is growing back.

My plan is to grow it long enough, for shock value.

Figure I might as well LOOK like a rock star. And I'm not too old to be one.


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Below average guys can only give up, especially if you're balding, luckily finasteride can help you out.

Look, we all know that's you in your avatar.

Stop COMPLAINING. It's not that bad. Grow up, PETRIFIED wood is NOT that bad.
In fact, many girls probably go for a guy with a natural hard on!

Look at my picture! NOW who do you think is uglier?

Please don't put me on your ignore list, the @stoned person from a divided country near England,
might not read my posts.


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Don't surf anymore. Too many predators in the water.
Soon I will be 30.

The only thing I do now is work, drink and talk to Dante on HairLossTalk.com.

is surfing that risky in aus though?

how dangerous is it?