Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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is surfing that risky in aus though?

how dangerous is it?
Well they say that 1 in 30 surfers will have an encounter with a predator at some point.
Be it a shark, stingray or a blue bottle.... even a box jellyfish will ruin your Christmas.


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Hope this works out. Going out with models must get boring after a while.

Already gave my reasoning for this. It was only a date. I conluded in a post a few days ago that although she was a very sweet girl she was to immature for me. Also, she travels a lot for work and meets a lot of people. It would only be a matter of time before some 9/10 chad came along and I would have been history.


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Already gave my reasoning for this. It was only a date. I conluded in a post a few days ago that although she was a very sweet girl she was to immature for me. Also, she travels a lot for work and meets a lot of people. It would only be a matter of time before some 9/10 chad came along and I would have been history.

These shallow models from Tinder only sleep with me they do not want any serious!!!!!!!


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LOL I'd like to, but finasteride disagrees. And I need it, I don't care about permanent side effects, I will not go bald, no matter the cost.
Are you sure it is the finasteride and not the depression. Only casual relationship they have found is reduced sperm count aka ej pleasure (I feel that too). But everything else I think has to do with the depression


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Already gave my reasoning for this. It was only a date. I conluded in a post a few days ago that although she was a very sweet girl she was to immature for me.

Young, immature, model.....guess you have no choice but to date below average women.