Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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yea i used to buzz it but its kinda iffy. that guy is manly and like i said i look cancerish with too short hair. buzz is probably alright but meh f*** it. long hair is f*****g *me*. i absolutely f*****g hate short hair lol. depending on just how ugly grown out horseshoe makes me i'm keeping it

i could never have f*****g imagined i'd have to cut my hair short just for social acceptance lol. i remember saying i would kill myself even if i just had to cut it short

its funny not so long ago guys COULDNT shave their heads because of social pressure. they were forced to rock a horseshoe look or youd look like a thug.

funny how times change


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so what happened with the finasteride man? get some bad sides with it?

I lost my libido completely. I also had aches in my balls that became a touch painful. I almost wish I would have stayed on with knowing what I know now. When my girlfriend left me for another man, at least I would still have no libido. I am 24 and have a high sex drive, but at 5'6" and NW7 will I ever find a woman who loves me for me?


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I lost my libido completely. I also had aches in my balls that became a touch painful. I almost wish I would have stayed on with knowing what I know now. When my girlfriend left me for another man, at least I would still have no libido. I am 24 and have a high sex drive, but at 5'6" and NW7 will I ever find a woman who loves me for me?

i got bad sides myself with finasteride.

i feel for u man, and i know what your saying. but your not just messing with your libdio, is your overall health. i wouldnt touch the stuff again if you paid me

are you good looking? good shape? would you wear a wig? at least until better treatments come out?

you got dealt a shitty hand for sure man

our favourite hairlosstalk member @Dante92 has lost his libdio with finasteride and actually likes it because he doesnt have to think about women anymore. but i dont think its a good idea honestly


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i got bad sides myself with finasteride.

i feel for u man, and i know what your saying. but your not just messing with your libdio, is your overall health. i wouldnt touch the stuff again if you paid me

are you good looking? good shape? would you wear a wig? at least until better treatments come out?

you got dealt a shitty hand for sure man

our favourite hairlosstalk member @Dante92 has lost his libdio with finasteride and actually likes it because he doesnt have to think about women anymore. but i dont think its a good idea honestly

I don't know what I should do. I would say I'm average at best. Pale skin, very skinny.


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I don't know what I should do. I would say I'm average at best. Pale skin, very skinny.

i would say get in shape for sure. get some color on your skin

your young, so you may still respond to treatment if you lost your hair recently? there are other options besides finasteride. maybe regrow a few norwoods if your lucky.


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What do you mean?

Bald hurts (who is gone now) was accused of being a chad by some other members.

Bald hurts was very good looking , he posted pics. but he had some 'minimal' hair loss that effected him emotionally.


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i would say get in shape for sure. get some color on your skin

your young, so you may still respond to treatment if you lost your hair recently? there are other options besides finasteride. maybe regrow a few norwoods if your lucky.

I saw a forum here also for hair replacement systems, I may look at this as well. I am not really depressed about the fact I'm slick bald, just the issue of not being attractive to a female ever again.
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I saw a forum here also for hair replacement systems, I may look at this as well. I am not really depressed about this to be honest. Like I read in another topic post, people are so busy with their lives that nobody cares about what you look like.

well yes people in general dont give a sh*t

but thats not why were here. we here because were sad about how we look and losing our attraction to the opposite sex

but if your not that depressed, more power to you man.


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I saw a forum here also for hair replacement systems, I may look at this as well. I am not really depressed about the fact I'm slick bald, just the issue of not being attractive to a female ever again.

I wouldn't be depressed about having no money, it's just the little issue of not being able to purchase commodities and that.