Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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About the whole men v women intelligence thing.

Men are more genetically diverse than women, meaning there are more outliers in both directions.There are many studies showing this.

It's why there are more men in special education, and more male chessmasters or top-of-the-class males.

On average there probably isn't much of a difference between intellectual ability, but it's arguable that women have less incentive to be intelligent and thus are on average not as intelligent. Not sure about this as more women now go to college than men, but on the other hand STEM subjects are male dominated. Anecdotal, but many girls I talk to here do something like event management, or child care, or even fashion studies. Which I deem to be less mentally stimulating as engineering (my class was 15 to 1 male to female).

This brings me to my last point, intelligence is somewhat subjective. Most people seem to define it by something that they are personally good at. So I have an engineering mind and consider problem solving to be of utmost importance when it comes to intelligence. But I'm shitty with people skills, people with good people skills will probably argue that they are more intelligent as people skills are more important. Etc.

This is why it can be hard to have the men v women argument. Women will define intelligence based more on what women are good at, men will define intelligence more on what men are good at. So we could actually both be right, just with different definitions of intelligence.


im to dumb to read this graph. Guess I know which way I fall on the scale :D


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So there's a (small) difference,that persists, likely due to continuing social conventions, but it's certainly not large enough for Xander or anyone else here to argue that they have no peers among women.

Although there are definitely differences in how a female brain works compared to a male brain. (I mean, this is a scientific fact).

Even intelligent women I know are not the same type of intelligence as the intelligent males I know (normally, there are always outliers).

My sister, for example, is without a doubt more intelligent than me. Having read about a book a week since she was 8. (I read about a book every two months at best). She also did a phd in maths. No doubt she'd score better IQ test as well. Yet I don't have the same type of intellectual respect for her as my engineering colleagues. Maybe this is just my own personal experience, and it's definitely my own bias, but I've often found this to be the case for me.

Also it's not arguable that men are more genetically diverse and thus, even with exactly equal environmental conditions, men would dominate things such as chess and best iq results. But as I said this says nothing about the averages.


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In other news, since this thread is supposed to be about looks,

I now have 3 pictures that are "ranked" on rankmyphotos.com, they're at the 33rd, 21st, and 62nd percentile. The other three photos don't yet have enough votes to be ranked.

What's encouraging is that the Gaussian seems to be quite narrow, so a small difference in appearance might translate to a large difference in ranking, and thus outcome. Climbing from a 5 to a 6 in that system, which is probably not a huge jump in any system, really rocks you up the ratings.


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Best part is when women fall for assholes merely because of their good looks and tell you it's because of their personality. :D
And tell me... How many times have you actually seen this happened in real life?
One time, perhaps?

Forget the dark fairlytails you read online.


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Best part is when women fall for assholes merely because of their good looks and tell you it's because of their personality. :D Looks are everything. I tried to believe my personality and intelligence mattered, not with women of course, but at least in social situations. I was wrong. Most people care about looks and appearance way more than substance.

I think what people in general do is when someone fits a criteria they like (this is in all areas not just dating or with opposite sex) for whatever purpose 'on paper' or in a photo--we look for reasons to find them suitable or reinforce our already positive opinion.

Same can happen for some who have a negative stereotype--the seek out the negative.

I think its all areas and with attractiveness its about the 'looks' of course.

What happens with life experience (if you are adaptable course) is you learn how to see past these things.

BUT it never fully goes away you just have to be self aware of it.

For example I just started talking to a guy I am supposed to meet up with him next week...on 'paper' so to speak and in photos he's like a 'dream guy' for me...age, looks, profession, education, finances etc.

So OF COURSE..my brain is biologically going to be looking for the things I like over the things I may not like as opposed to a less impressive male for various reasons.

It's not 'fair' or right but just how it is and you have to be conscious that it's happening, which just comes with experience so you DONT end up with a bad person.

I would say for the young 20s something male or female who dates an 'a**h**' because of looks--it's a biological draw and they are totally unaware of it happening...but if they are still doing it in 30s and 40s etc then it's a problem of stupidity.

Not everyone is self analytical to see 'what did I do in this situation'....so they get stuck in repetitive patterns.


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Although there are definitely differences in how a female brain works compared to a male brain. (I mean, this is a scientific fact).

Even intelligent women I know are not the same type of intelligence as the intelligent males I know (normally, there are always outliers).

My sister, for example, is without a doubt more intelligent than me. Having read about a book a week since she was 8. (I read about a book every two months at best). She also did a phd in maths. No doubt she'd score better IQ test as well. Yet I don't have the same type of intellectual respect for her as my engineering colleagues. Maybe this is just my own personal experience, and it's definitely my own bias, but I've often found this to be the case for me.

Also it's not arguable that men are more genetically diverse and thus, even with exactly equal environmental conditions, men would dominate things such as chess and best iq results. But as I said this says nothing about the averages.

This may be true factually and via studies....but this is where my beef with studies comes in when people site them.

There is this and then there is my life experience and what I see in my professional life.

Most of the jobs and hobbies i have done in my life and most of my skill sets are and have been stereotypical 'male'.

Many of the people i have seen that are well accomplished and skilled in these area have been women.

So I understand the 'studies' but it's not what i actually see.

And these studies can be justified (or used an excuse from bitter men) in a manner to hold women back from trying things they may actually excel in when children or teenagers. This happened in this country at least when i was still in HS and even when i was first semester at college.


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So OF COURSE..my brain is biologically going to be looking for the things I like over the things I may not like as opposed to a less impressive male for various reasons.

I would underline "of course" even more :)
Our brain is wired with bias and we cannot do anything about it. Understanding oneself (Gnothi seautón, the Greeks said) is an important step to interpret such bias and make it work in your favor rather than against you.

PS: an example: when I was young and an attactive woman was an a**h** when it came to me, I used to think there was something wrong with me. Now I just recognize attractive women can be true and absolute assholes like everyone else, even if parts of my brain see can't see it.


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This may be true factually and via studies....but this is where my beef with studies comes in when people site them.

There is this and then there is my life experience and what I see in my professional life.

Most of the jobs and hobbies i have done in my life and most of my skill sets are and have been stereotypical 'male'.

Many of the people i have seen that are well accomplished and skilled in these area have been women.

So I understand the 'studies' but it's not what i actually see.

And these studies can be justified (or used an excuse from bitter men) in a manner to hold women back from trying things they may actually excel in when children or teenagers. This happened in this country at least when i was still in HS and even when i was first semester at college.

I believe you but it's funny because all my life experiences have backed up the opposite. I work in an electrical engineering small business. 30 electrical engineers, not one female. And the CEO is female and without a doubt tries desperately to hire females, but there just isn't any.

Same goes for my computer engineering in college. Serious efforts were put in place to encourage female's to pursue this course, 32 in the class, 2 women.

Whereas nursing was the opposite ratio, on nights out we'd go out with the nurses for this reason (still didn't help my luck :p).

Hobbies that I have like football, rugby, gaa, video games - all male dominated here despite huge encouragement for females since I was a kid.

A lot of this could be cultural norms, but there wasn't any "holding women back" during my life in these areas. Even my sister has finally admitted this to me.


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I believe you but it's funny because all my life experiences have backed up the opposite. I work in an electrical engineering small business. 30 electrical engineers, not one female. And the CEO is female and without a doubt tries desperately to hire females, but there just isn't any.

Same goes for my computer engineering in college. Serious efforts were put in place to encourage female's to pursue this course, 32 in the class, 2 women.

Whereas nursing was the opposite ratio, on nights out we'd go out with the nurses for this reason (still didn't help my luck :p).

Hobbies that I have like football, rugby, gaa, video games - all male dominated here despite huge encouragement for females since I was a kid.

A lot of this could be cultural norms, but there wasn't any "holding women back" during my life in these areas. Even my sister has finally admitted this to me.

I think engineering is boring to most women to be honest. Most women want a profession that is meaningful to them versus men who mostly want a profession that is financially or lifestyle beneficial. Generally speaking. You are confusing interest with ability.

Its like take architecture this is something I can speak to...it's a male dominated field and male stereotype of a profession right? And interior designer is a female dominated field and a female stereotype of a profession.
They learn the same basic skill set.
They both learn drafting, perspective drawing 2 point and 3 point, they learn codes---what 'skill' does an architect learn that an interior designer does not? its applied differently I am not suggesting an interior designer knows all the building requirements of enviorment or structure--but these are things that are researchable not the actual skill set of 'math' and spatial design.

Nursing attracts nurturing people...Nurturers tend to be women over men...Doctors tend to be more detached from patients especially specialists which is also where real $$ comes into play...this is also why a lot of women who do become Doctors become general practitioners, ER doctors or pediatricians.


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I think engineering is boring to most women to be honest. Most women want a profession that is meaningful to them versus men who mostly want a profession that is financially or lifestyle beneficial. Generally speaking. You are confusing interest with ability.

Its like take architecture this is something I can speak to...it's a male dominated field and male stereotype of a profession right? And interior designer is a female dominated field and a female stereotype of a profession.
They learn the same basic skill set.
They both learn drafting, perspective drawing 2 point and 3 point, they learn codes---what 'skill' does an architect learn that an interior designer does not? its applied differently I am not suggesting an interior designer knows all the building requirements of enviorment or structure--but these are things that are researchable not the actual skill set of 'math' and spatial design.

Nursing attracts nurturing people...Nurturers tend to be women over men...Doctors tend to be more detached from patients especially specialists which is also where real $$ comes into play...this is also why a lot of women who do become Doctors become general practitioners, ER doctors or pediatricians.
I get what you're trying to say.

But, saying that architect and interior designers have the same skill set?? Do they even go to school to be a interior designer? Don't think you need to have a phd to match colors?


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I think engineering is boring to most women to be honest. Most women want a profession that is meaningful to them versus men who mostly want a profession that is financially or lifestyle beneficial. Generally speaking. You are confusing interest with ability.

Its like take architecture this is something I can speak to...it's a male dominated field and male stereotype of a profession right? And interior designer is a female dominated field and a female stereotype of a profession.
They learn the same basic skill set.
They both learn drafting, perspective drawing 2 point and 3 point, they learn codes---what 'skill' does an architect learn that an interior designer does not? its applied differently I am not suggesting an interior designer knows all the building requirements of enviorment or structure--but these are things that are researchable not the actual skill set of 'math' and spatial design.

Nursing attracts nurturing people...Nurturers tend to be women over men...Doctors tend to be more detached from patients especially specialists which is also where real $$ comes into play...this is also why a lot of women who do become Doctors become general practitioners, ER doctors or pediatricians.

Oh yes you are completely right here. I wasn't confusing it, I don't think that women have less ability at these things. It's completely down to the difference in choices each gender makes. These choices obviously lead to a difference in abilities though, but the potential was likely still there.

Anyone who tells their daughter not to do engineering because they will be worse at it is in the wrong. On the other hand males on average are better at engineering because we choose to do it more often.

The only thing I mentioned about potential ability (genetic ability), is that males are more diverse genetically, the best of the best will be male, and the worst of the worst will be male (in general, presuming a balanced environment). The speaks nothing of the averages.

The differences that I notice in intelligence between males and females could completely be explained by a difference in choices made by each gender.


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I get what you're trying to say.

But, saying that architect and interior designers have the same skill set?? Do they even go to school to be a interior designer? Don't think you need to have a phd to match colors?

yes in NY you have to be licensed to be an interior designer.
You are thinking interior decorator.
HUGe difference.


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I get what you're trying to say.

But, saying that architect and interior designers have the same skill set?? Do they even go to school to be a interior designer? Don't think you need to have a phd to match colors?

LOL but see, he is factually wrong but had a knee jerk instinctual reaction... ;)