Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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I thought interior designers went to architecture schools but did not do the same amount of years studying...
I think engeneering must be interesting. Women are not more inclined to nurtur people... it is mostly a cultural built.

I know in NY decorator vs a designer...the designer has to meet a certain level of skill to pass a licensing test. I don't think a masters degree in mandatory but a lot do get masters here...I thought about going for masters in design because i have a bachelors in business and it's a way to by pass going back for another bachelors and to still be eligible for financial aid because we can get some aid if we are getting a Masters vs going for a second bachelors...BUT I could do same exact thing with architecture if I wished.

I dated an architect and its more appealing from outside looking in my opinion...He personally did really well financially and he traveled a lot..but he was in a top position in one of the top 10 international firms and he runs the whole continent of South America for his firm. ironically he does not actually do any designing himself he just 'sells' to the clients. Which it think is a little depressing. Im sure he does not care because he is making an extremely great living...(this is male vs female maybe)

I'm not comparing an architect like him to an interior designer..he actually is one of few archs who is an architect in both USA and South America. He worked on building legislation for government both here and in SA. He taught at an ivy league school here (one of the top 3 schools here) his knowledge is mind-blowing he goes all over the world when structures are hit by earth quakes to consult and advice rebuilds..BUT most architects are NOT at that level, very few are.

I am just talking abut the math and spatial ability you need for either profession is same.

A decorator anyone can call themselves a decorator here..You don't need schooling at all. You just need a good eye.
Some decorators call themselves 'designer' but are not actually designers and are not supposed to do so it's misleading.
In USA every state has different rules about decorators vs designers.


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. Women are not more inclined to nurtur people... it is mostly a cultural built.

I will say when my mother had open heart surgery she had to be in hospital for a while...and she had so many different nurses you get to know.

The best most caring nurses were actually (i believe to be straight) men.

Some of the women were really shitty. And one was kind of spiteful...long story but nurses can be heartless just like everyone else.


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Oh yes you are completely right here. I wasn't confusing it, I don't think that women have less ability at these things. It's completely down to the difference in choices each gender makes. These choices obviously lead to a difference in abilities though, but the potential was likely still there.

Anyone who tells their daughter not to do engineering because they will be worse at it is in the wrong. On the other hand males on average are better at engineering because we choose to do it more often.

The only thing I mentioned about potential ability (genetic ability), is that males are more diverse genetically, the best of the best will be male, and the worst of the worst will be male (in general, presuming a balanced environment). The speaks nothing of the averages.

The differences that I notice in intelligence between males and females could completely be explained by a difference in choices made by each gender.

Is it illegal to have couches that doesn't match in NY?

I thought interior designers went to architecture schools but did not do the same amount of years studying...
I think engeneering must be interesting. Women are not more inclined to nurtur people... it is mostly a cultural built.

Im not really great at math like algebra or geometry when it comes to text books or problems that are not 'actual' or real or applied to something I am doing hands on.

But i like math I have workbooks that every once in a blue moon i break out and practice on them. Because i think its good for brain like puzzles.


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@pjhair, @SmoothSailing

Back in the 1970s, men were ~13x more likely to score 700+ on the Math SAT than women. In the 2000s, the ratio was ~2.5x, or less.


Any ratio that changes by that much in a single generation, in this case mathematical aptitude as interpreted by socially-constructed standardized tests, is not a reliable indicator of genetic potential.

The California Institute of Technology is arguably the most demanding undergraduate institution to get into. They only care about your academic potential, not your extracurricular activities, whether or not you aren't Asian, etc. The median SAT score there last I checked is an impressive 1580/1600. Their freshman class is ... 44% female.

So there's a (small) difference,that persists, likely due to continuing social conventions, but it's certainly not large enough for Xander or anyone else here to argue that they have no peers among women.

The tendency of women to not choose STEM fields(75% males) may not necessarily be due to lack of genetic potential. My argument is that there may be biological reasons apart from cultural reasons that makes women more likely to choose other fields. Men and Women are very different in how they think and what they like. These differences may also impact the career choices they make.


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I think people are debating two different issues here:

(1) Are men genetically better at science/mathematics than women?

(2) Do the biological differences between men and women makes them more likely to choose some careers over the other?


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I thought interior designers went to architecture schools but did not do the same amount of years studying...
I think engeneering must be interesting. Women are not more inclined to nurtur people... it is mostly a cultural built.

Females of various mammals are genetically more likely to nurture the offspring. No cultural influence there. Whether that applies to humans can be debated.


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@pjhair, @SmoothSailing

Back in the 1970s, men were ~13x more likely to score 700+ on the Math SAT than women. In the 2000s, the ratio was ~2.5x, or less.


Any ratio that changes by that much in a single generation, in this case mathematical aptitude as interpreted by socially-constructed standardized tests, is not a reliable indicator of genetic potential.

The California Institute of Technology is arguably the most demanding undergraduate institution to get into. They only care about your academic potential, not your extracurricular activities, whether or not you aren't Asian, etc. The median SAT score there last I checked is an impressive 1580/1600. Their freshman class is ... 44% female.

So there's a (small) difference,that persists, likely due to continuing social conventions, but it's certainly not large enough for Xander or anyone else here to argue that they have no peers among women.
california is super liberal plus college is obsessed with gender equality in STEM. i wouldn't put much stock into that percentage

and 2.5x boys for every girl is still a very high ratio . . . i see that graph here https://qz.com/441905/men-are-both-dumber-and-smarter-than-women/

NYU psychologist agrees and talks about the higher number of men in extremes of IQ and not just SAT scores

"Among the top 2% AFQT scores, there were almost twice as many males as females."

some modern distributions still show much more men.
"For example, in the top 4% (Lohman & Lakin, 2009; Strand et al., 2006) and top 1% (Hyde et al., 2008) in mathematical ability for population level right tail data, the male–female ratio typically found is about 2 to 1"

And I have smart women in my family too like smoothsailing said, but theyre not that smart, and the men in my family trump them . My family is artistic. the 2 male artists in my family are successful performers while the women just go to a good school. and my grandma is a psychologist but she lacks in logical reasoning. thats something i noticed with many smart women, theyre eloquent but not the most rational. not to mention theres just way more smart men than women in my experience. believe it or not i went to school and didnt spend my entire life on facebook

goddamn isn't it enough that women have their looks? lol theyre worth it by default you dont have to insist theyre amazing gods in every single way lol. i dont look down on women i just recognize their limitations


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lol i'm currently racking my brain for women i know that i consider intelligent. i'd say this one asian girl (of course lmao), this other girl i know (who is transgender and identifies as a man lol), and thats about all.

haha even if you use the facebook argument against me david facebook is mostly female.

anyways i liked that transgender girl and i would have seriously dated her if she wasnt halfway across the world. and luckily she was like a 5-6 at best so no inferior feelings :D

the asian girl was cool too. strong gf material. basket case :D. but she is out of my league so *slaps dick until its soft*. she was a major in electrical engineering

pasbrilliante seems fairly intelligent from what she has posted so far but i mean this is a hair loss forum so we dont have many chances to show it off haha


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So there's a (small) difference,that persists, likely due to continuing social conventions, but it's certainly not large enough for Xander or anyone else here to argue that they have no peers among women.

Is his perceived lack of intelligence in women is the reason @Xander94 refrains from dating? Then he needs to rethink what he wants in women. Beauty is the primary factor when it comes to dating. @Xander94 when you masturbate to a women, do you think about her college grades or her vagina?


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Is his perceived lack of intelligence in women is the reason @Xander94 refrains from dating? Then he needs to rethink what he wants in women. Beauty is the primary factor when it comes to dating. @Xander94 when you masturbate to a women, do you think about her college grades or her vagina?
Never said that I just said we have no common interests. And all the women I have met are interested in shallow activities even though they try to hide it under the guise of liking "interesting people". In the end all that matters is FACE > HEIGHT > FRAME > STATUS.

And the actual bright women are very independent and intimidating


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Never said that I just said we have no common interests. And all the women I have met are interested in shallow activities even though they try to hide it under the guise of liking "interesting people". In the end all that matters is FACE > HEIGHT > FRAME > STATUS.

And the actual bright women are very independent and intimidating

Even common interest is not so important. When you hang out with a really hot women, you will find that even the activities that you always found boring, suddenly become enjoyable. It's the company that matters.


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Never said that I just said we have no common interests. And all the women I have met are interested in shallow activities even though they try to hide it under the guise of liking "interesting people". In the end all that matters is FACE > HEIGHT > FRAME > STATUS.

And the actual bright women are very independent and intimidating
you dont worship women therefore you are sexist. :D

anyways i was thinking more and i do love some extremely notable artworks by women, and its always like "nice!" (seriously). i just watched the tom hanks film "big" the other day. beautiful nostalgic childhood classic. i had no idea it was directed by a woman. its very sensitive so i could see that. lost in translation was good, by sofia copolla.

that is all besides obvious stuff like harry potter lol


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Even common interest is not so important. When you hang out with a really hot women, you will find that even the activities that you always found boring, suddenly become enjoyable. It's the company that matters.
The problem is not that they are not interesting.

Problem A : they are not attracted to me.

Problem B : I don't worship and go after them.

Problem C : I am invisible because of that fact.

Problem D : Even if we do talk there's nothing I can say without the woman taking offense and if it doesn't there's not much to talk about.


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What are you interested in?
Right now? Nothing. Dragging myself out of bed every day and trying to cope.

I lost my interests slowly over the last 3-4 years to the point I am now completely depressed and it takes me significant effort to get by and function on a daily basis.


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Right now? Nothing. Dragging myself out of bed every day and trying to cope.
I lost my interests slowly over the last 3-4 years to the point I am now completely depressed and it takes me significant effort to get by and function on a daily basis.

If that's true, you should seek professional help for depression. Your concerns about your looks are least of your problems. Unlike someone like Dante, you have been rated above average in looks.


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If that's true, you should seek professional help for depression. Your concerns about your looks are least of your problems. Unlike someone like Dante, you have been rated above average in looks.
It sucks. i still have times every now and then where i feel like that. theres other ugly people out there. try some solidarity. that helps a lot

also just realizing you will die anyways, in a rational sense theres no point in worrying about looks. they dont physically keep you from enjoying things

idk do anything. distract yourself.

this place needs to focus more on the down and dirty of being bald and not being able to fix it lol. most people here are just balding and have enough donor and money to get better.


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It sucks. i still have times every now and then where i feel like that. theres other ugly people out there. try some solidarity. that helps a lot

also just realizing you will die anyways, in a rational sense theres no point in worrying about looks. they dont physically keep you from enjoying things

idk do anything. distract yourself.

this place needs to focus more on the down and dirty of being bald and not being able to fix it lol. most people here are just balding and have enough donor and money to get better.

Well said. When I see someone like @Xander94 complain about their looks, I often wonder, what are they really complaining about? They are good looking enough to get a nice women and live a happy life. I don't think they are complaining about that. What they are really sad about is that they are not living life like God mode Chads who f*** different women every week. They don't realize that as long as they have one good life partner, they can live pretty happy and satisfied life. In a way, their misery is result of their own unrealistic ambitions.